Nine- Foreign Feelings

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Lmao y'all the past two weeks have been so crazy, hence the lack of updates.

Within the past week, I've been to two different concerts, Hillsong United (a Christian group from Australia), and NCT 127 (which was LIT). Plus my finals are next week, but I had a lot this week, and a lot of paperwork to finish for my client.

Here is an update for y'all, but the next one will probably take another few days to be released.

ALSO, a bitch is still #1 in require even after being almost inactive lmao y'all my bitchass has made it

Love y'all💜

Thanks for your patience😘



Just the shear mention of my name brought back many memories. I wish the prince, Hoseok, hadn't have delved into my past. That's my business. Now I can't shake this feeling of torment rushing down my spine and coursing through my veins.

The memories were too much for me. I couldn't sleep, much less eat when I was allowed to. I couldn't even smart off to my friend Baro, which was probably the most disappointing.

Min Yoongi.

The man who grew up in the perfect household, with a perfect family. I was happy, once upon a time.

My beautiful mother worked as a secretary at a law firm that her best friend owned. This meant she was always able to get the time off that she needed to care for her family.

My father, a stern but generous man, was a doctor, a surgeon. He worked in one of the top hospitals in the country. He was very successful.

Then everything went wrong.

I shook my head, trying to shake the thoughts away in the meantime. I didn't welcome them. I wanted them to leave me alone.

"Hey! Stop screaming in there, you dipshit!" Baro shouted from the other side of the gate, a crease between his eyebrow as he turned back around.

I cleared my throat, not even realizing that I was screaming. I leaned back against the cement wall as I stared at the blank wall across from me. The only color on the wall was some red from my most recent beating.

Prisoner 134340.

The man that nobody understands.

The man who is sentenced to death.

The man who isn't at fault, but took the blame anyway.

The man who loves his "perfect" family way too much.

I coughed, feeling the dryness of my throat. "Hey, Baro?"

The guard scoffed and turned around to face me. "What is it?"

"C-Could I have a glass of water?"

The guard's eyebrows scrunched together before he erupted into laughter. "You're in prison, not a five-star restaurant."

I licked my chapped lips. "P-Please. I'm so thirsty."

"Maybe you shouldn't have screamed if you are so thirsty."

What a fucking prick.

I sighed and curled up in a ball. I should've never shown up to that place.


Two days.

Two days since I last was allowed water or food. They were starving and dehydrating me. Killing me from the inside out.

I could barely move at this point. Every movement hurt my frail, broken body.

I haven't even opened my mouth to speak in the same amount of time. What's the point of talking if nobody cares to listen?

I heard the clicking of heels echo on the cement walls, making me sit up enough to see what was going on.

I could see the shadow of someone coming closer, making me even more curious.

Baro straightened up his posture and bent at the waist. "Ah, Prince Hoseok, it's lovely to see you."

Hoseok didn't look pleased. He stepped close to Baro, a stern look on his face. "Do you forget who is in charge here, Baro?"

The guard aggressively shook his head.

"Then why do you still treat my prisoner like a piece of garbage?"

Baro cleared his throat. "Sir, he's on the death penalty. He shouldn't be treated with respect."

"Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, Baro. Imagine if you were in his position."

The guard's posture slumped as he nodded.

"Let me in to see him."

Baro nodded and unlocked my gate, letting the prince inside.

"Hello Yoongi."

I made eye contact with him before nodding.

"Not wanting to speak today?" He sat down on the grimey floor across from me. It was an odd sight to see the prince sitting on the floor like the rest of us prisoners do.

"I-it h-h-hurts." My voice was barely audible. It was too dry to sound anything like a human voice. I sounded like a monster. The monster everyone things that I am.

"What the fuck? Baro!" Hoseok stood up, an angered expression on his face.

"Yes, Prince?"

"When was the last time he had water? And food? Look at him! He's practically a corpse."

Baro scoffed. "He had his usual meal this morning, which came with a glass of water."

Hoseok's eyebrow shot up before he turned to me. "Yoongi, is this true? Be honest. I want to help you."

I was about to say it was, not wanting to cause anymore problems than I already have, but decided to tell the truth, despite the truth being what got me locked up in this place. I shook my head.

Hoseok hummed angrily and faced the guard. "You get him water and food, at least a day's worth. And when you bring that, you're free to gather your stuff and leave. You're fired."

"You're going to trust some filthy prisoner over me?" Baro whined.

Hoseok chuckled, glancing at me before turning away. "He makes me feel exhilerated. You just make me feel like I need a shower. Go do your job."

I watched with careful eyes as Baro huffed, walking off to where the food supplies is stored.

"I'm sorry you're being treated so poorly, Yoongi. My father... he isn't as reasonable as I am. You don't deserve this."

"Maybe I want to die."

My words caused Hoseok's face to drop, his mouth hanging open slightly. Baro returned with my food and water, bowing farewell before exiting the prison.

"May I ask why?" He waited until I had consumed half of the food and was on my fourth glass of water.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to die?"

I froze, feeling all of the memories of the fists and belts flooding back. I shrugged.

"Yoongi, please. I-I don't want you to die."

I scoffed at his pleading tone. "You of all people should know not to care about me."

His face softened as he crawled on the floor so he was right in front of me. He reached a hand out, making me flinch until he hummed softly. "You're crying, Yoongi." I could feel him wiping away my tears before scooting even closer and wrapping his arms around me. I stiffened, not used to any kind of affection. It had been so long since I had been hugged, the feeling had become foreign.

I smiled before reaching my arms around the prince's frame, his head burying itself in my shoulder.

"I care about you, Yoongi. P-please don't die."

I swallowed harshly before clearing my throat. "I'm sentenced to die in a month. I have no choice but to accept my fate."


*jungkook's voice* it's been a while

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