Fifty-Five- Revelations

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"Hyuna! You're a tough lady to track down," I chuckled, bending down and kissing her hand gently, as Kings are supposed to do.

She shrugged my words off. "It helps so people don't always try to bother me. I-I heard about the past few months for you. I hope you're doing well, given everything."

I gave a small smile. "I just take it one day at a time. I... I called you hear in regards to our last conversation."

She nodded slowly, as if she was recalling the conversation about the true loves of our lives. "Yes. I remember...." She sighed. "Why was it so important for me to visit about it today?"

I motioned for her to sit down, following her actions and sitting in a chair in the sitting area. "Well, I managed to get with the love of my life. I wanted to see if you've made any progress towards yours?"

She frowned, sitting in silence for a few moments before answering. "Unfortunately, no. I have been unable to find him. I-I miss him dearly, but I can't help but ponder the fact that either he's dead, or... maybe he just has moved on."

The door to the room opened, Namjoon walking in. "Sorry, Hoseok. Um, there is a slight situation."

"What is it, Joon? I'm in a meeting."

The male sighed, closing his eyes for a second before speaking. "It seems that Jimin has made a gigantic mess in the kitchen. Taehyung too."

"Of course, I thought I told them to stay out of the ki-"

"Did you say Jimin?" Hyuna questioned, face pale.

Namjoon nodded. "Yes, ma'am. Park Jimin."

Her eyes grew wide as her head slowly swiveled to meet my eyes. "Y-You found him. H-H-How?"

My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion before I realized what she was referring to. "Well, he attacked me on our journey. And we kept him as our own personal prisoner, until we realized that we all get along quite well together. Now he lives with us."

Hyuna was silent. Her mouth was slightly opened, and her hands were relaxed in her lap. She sighed, looking at me with pure desperation in her eyes. "Can you please take me to see him?"


"Jiminie! What have I told you about being banned from the kitchen?" I whined as I observed the flour and dough that was everywhere.

Jimin frowned. "It was Tae's idea!" He pointed at the red-head next to him.

Taehyung shrugged. "It's my honeymoon. He was helping me make some food for my hubby."

I sighed, pressing two fingers against the skin between my eyebrows. "We'll deal with this later." I met Jimin's eyes, seeing the cheerfulness glistening in them. The pink haired male was covered in ingredients. You'd think him and Taehyung were trying to bake a Jimin to eat. I would eat the SHIT out of Jimin... i mean, what??

"Jimin, someone wants to see you." I said, watching his eyes flicker with a hint of curiosity.

"Now? I-I don't look presentable to meet anyone..."

I opened the door anyway, letting the surprise visitor enter the filthy kitchen. Hyuna brushed her bangs out of her eyes with her long red talons for nails.

"H-H-Hyuna? Baby? Is that you?" Jimin asked, squinting, and even blinking rapidly to make sure he was seeing correctly.

After some silence, I glanced at Hyuna, only to see her beautiful face glistening with tears.

Jimin dropped the spatula in his hand before taking a step forward. "I-Oh my God. I thought you would have moved on!"

Hyuna meerly shook her head. "Oh, Jiminie. I could never move on from you, cricket. You're the love of my life. You have been since we were fifteen, and you will be until we're one hundred and fifty."

Jimin's eyes grew teary as he movdd a hand through his pink locks. "I-I can't believe I found you. You look so beautiful."

Hyuna sniffled before running the few short steps it took, despite the mess ruining her high heels. She engulfed Jimin in a hug, clumps of flour flying through the air, in which Taehyung was jumping in an attempt to blow it away.

"Oh, Tae, what did you do now?" Jungkook's voice echoed, slight humor in his tone.

Taehyung gave a nervous boxy smile before opening his arms. "Well, I wanted to bake for you. Jiminie was helping until his fiancè showed up out of nowhere. Anyway, um, instead of eating a dessert, you can just have me as your dessert!" Taehyung giggled.

Jungkook smirked. "Well, then I don't see much difference. If you're the dessert, I can still eat the dessert."

Hyuna gagged, making everyone in the room laugh.

"Damn. Hoseok, I'm glad I came to visit you today." Hyuna chuckled.

I laughed along with her. "I'm glad you came too."


"Surprise my children!"

We all jumped at the sound of another woman's voice, only to find Aunt May. All of us went to hug her, only for her to hold up a hand stopping us.

"H-Hyuna? What are you doing here?"

Hyuna's eyes grew wide. I noticed Jimin's arm pulling her closer to his body.

"Mother? What are you doing here?"


Heheehh. Remember when I said I was done with the plot twists?

Mayhaps I lied whoops

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