One- Insanity

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I was going to make y'all wait for the first chapter but people have been begging for it and I'm a people pleaser,

So welcome to Imprisoned!


I picked at my food, the fork colliding with the cheap material of the plate, making a high-pitched squeaking noise. The noise no longer fazed me, my body immune to such things. The uncooked broccoli rolled off of the plate, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. My blood boiled inside of me as I examined the tiny cell I resided in. The tiny cot shoved in the corner, a single pillow and a thin blanket, not nearly enough to keep a person warm in the winter. There was a toilet and sink combination in the other corner, and a tiny mirror above it, which no longer showed my hideous reflection, the shards of glass still remaining unswept on the floor.

My body took over, picking the plate up and throwing it against the cement wall, watching the cheap plastic snap in a few pieces, the remaining food staining the wall. I screamed, feeling the air seep out of my lungs. My fists clutched onto my hair, pulling a few strands out, but the pain wasn't registered in my mind.

I couldn't stand it anymore. The grey cement walls, the black bars blocking me in. I have had no social interaction outside of the guard on the otherside of my cell in close to six months, or that would be my best guess. I had no windows. I had no idea whether it was day or night. I just kept track of the meals. Two small meals a day. It was like they were trying to make me more malnourished than I was before I got caught, only so they can kill me.

"Hey! Do I have to put you in the shackles again?"

I scoffed, crossing my arms across my broad chest. "Why not? It's not like I have anything to use my hands for anyway!"

The guard pulled out his baton, tapping it on the palm of his hand to tempt me.

I was going insane. That must be what they want: to drive me so close to insanity that my death sentence doesn't seem so bad to the public. If I'm crazy, who the hell cares if I'm dead, right?

Too bad nobody would care even if I was sane.

"Don't worry, douchebag. These bars keep me from tearing your pretty little face off."

The guard took a step closer, reaching through the bars and gripping my throat out of anger. I smiled wickedly. I felt a rush of adrenaline bolt through my blood. My hand latched onto his arm, my long nails digging into his skin. I watched as his face twisted in pain before he yanked his arm away, shouting for more guards. Bloody scratches immediately started to form on his arm.

I couldn't care what they did to me at this point. I watched as more guards came rushing down the corridor. One tossed the keys to my guard so he could unlock it. He marched towards me, two guards tailing behind him. I stuck my ground, refusing to make them see any weakness.

Their eyes were filled with anger. They stared at me violently as they all tempted me with their batons until they were directly in front of me.

My usual guard looked at me the worst, but also with a sense of relief. He no longer had to restrain himself from beating me up. He was finally able to give me what he had wanted to give me since I arrived.

I was standing strong until the first baton collided with my frail body, hitting my ribs dead-on.


Welcome to the story that I've had listed as "Coming soon" since like August.

Sit comfortably and prepare yourself for the ride. 💕

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