Short Teaser

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I stared at the man in front of me. He wore expensive clothing and was clearly an important person. He was quite attractive, with sharp cheekbones and jaw. His lips looked like a heart. He definitely had some muscle hidden underneath his clothes. I quirked an eyebrow, a smirk toying on my lips.

"Well well, who do we have here?"

The man cleared his throat, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the wall. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

"Clearly not, considering I just asked who you are."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "My name is Jung Hoseok. Does that help you at all?"

I shrugged. Of course I knew who he was. I could tell just by what he was wearing and how he spoke to the guards. "Nope. Doesn't ring a bell, sorry."

He took a step closer, leaning forward to make me feel intimidated. "I'm the Prince of Auralia, the future King. You see... I'm here because I received a report of brutality." His eyes traced my battered and bruised body. "You definitely seem to be beaten up." He leaned back, the look of intimidation disappearing. "Are you in any pain? I could bring you some pain medicine."

I shook my head. "It's nothing I'm not used to."


The first chapter will probably be released sometime in the next few days. Maybe today! Who knows? 🤷🏼‍♀️


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