Thirty-Seven- Abandon

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I stirred in my slumber, no longer feeling that warmth next to me. I frowned, reaching a hand out to find my lover, only for my hand to come in contact with the small mattress. My eyes slowly opened, and I wiped the sleep from my eyes.

The room was still dark, a good indication that the sun has yet to rise. My eyes squinted until they landed on two figures in the corner of the room. I could make out Yoongi's silhouette, along with what appeared to be Namjoon. They were whispering, althought I couldn't hear what it was about.

I sat up and stretched, my body stiff from the lack of pillows.

"W-W-What's going on?" I asked softly, the dark and ominous vibe of the room making me feel like I was intruding.

Yoongi sighed, making his way over to me. He squatted in front of me, an obvious sense of frustration radiating off of him. "We have to leave."

I furrowed my eyebrows at his statement. "What do you mean?"

He cleared his throat and turned to face Namjoon before turning back to me. "Namjoon and Jungkook were caught and locked up when they helped me get to you. Tae broke them out but they're now wanted, on top of you. For their sake and ours, we need to leave Auralia."

The rest of it happened in a whirlwind. What little things we had with us were thrown haphazardly into a small bag Taehyung took from the castle, along with a few snacks and a bottle of water.

Next thing I knew, we were on a small path cutting through a forest on our way to the next town over, which is approximately twelve miles away. We had already covered about a mile and a half, which still seems like hardly anything in comparison to the long distance we still had to travel.

Yoongi squeezed my hand, making me glance at him with a soft smile. The whole group walked a little bit further until Namjoon slowed to a stop. He looked upwards to the sky, frowning at the bright afternoon sun. "How about we rest here for a bit? Maybe thirty minutes, catch our breath and rest our legs."

"Not here." Yoongi snapped, making the group look at him, including myself.

"And why not?" Taehyung groaned. "I don't know about you, but I'm fucking exhausted and we still have a long distance to go."

"And if we don't stop now, we won't make it as far as planned before night fall," Jungkook agreed.

Yoongi gave my hand another squeeze, but this time it was accompanied with a shaky breath. "The guards will look here first."

"And how the hell could you possibly know that?" Jungkook snarkily asked.

"Because this is where they found me, dumbass."

The entire forest turned silent as we all processed Yoongi's words. His eyes cautiously met mine before he sighed heavily. "Look, there is an awning overlooking the town in about half a mile. If we can make it there, it'll be a good place to stay the night."

We communicated silently through our eyes, all deciding to trust Yoongi.

Taehyung chuckled suddenly. "Damn, who would've though five of us would be following someone who was on Death Row."

Yoongi glared at him before snickering. He shrugged casually, pulling me forward so we could lead the group to where Yoongi described.


Y'all I'm struggling to not make myself throw up my dinner so I chose to take a bath with a nice rose bath bomb and write this instead.

Stay strong frens

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