Thirty-Six- Chills

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I shivered from the cold night-time breeze, wrapping myself with the only thin blanket I had in my possession. I rolled onto my side, unable to get comfortable on the tiny cot. After a minute or two I rolled back onto my back with a loud, irritated sigh.

"Hey Kook-ah?" Namjoon's voice whispered from around the corner.

I hummed in acknowledgement, too tired and annoyed to want to actually open my mouth and respond.

I heard Namjoon sigh. "D-Do you think this is how Yoongi felt for all of those months?"

I swallowed harshly and nodded before I remembered that Namjoon can't see me. "For sure. Except... he got it worse. We're not being beaten like he was. No wonder why he acted the way he did when he was locked up."

Namjoon hummed. "It's pretty easy to go crazy in a place like this. No windows. The only way to tell time is by the meals, which I'm sure they refused to feed Yoongi properly. It makes it hard to know what time of day it is, much less what day it is in itself."

Silence filled the air as we both pondered on what it must've been like for him for all of those months.

Footsteps bounced off the walls, making both Namjoon and I jump out of our cots. Based on our calculations, it would be around two or three in the morning. The guards aren't changing shifts yet, and visiting hours are over.

We poked our heads through the gates as the light from a lantern began to be visible along the cement walls.

After another moment, a tall silhouette appeared, making it's way over to me. I sighed as I recognized my handsome boyfriend. I pecked his lips with a smile before turning serious. "What the hell are you doing here?"

Taehyung cleared his throat and then he had on a wicked smile while he held up the ring of keys. "I'm here to get you bitches out of here."


"Are you sure you're warm enough?" I asked as I gently stroked his cheek.

He gave me a large smile and nodded. "As long as you don't leave me, I will be."

I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Then I will never leave you again."

I watched as he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his small waist and pulled him against my body. "Hoseok?"


I sighed before kissing the top of his head. "I-I'm so sorry for the pain I caused you. I never wanted any of this to happen. I tried to drive a wedge between us but the magnetic connection we have was too strong, is too strong. If... If you hadn't continuously given me a chance, I would be dead. Nobody would'vencared about me being gone. So for this, I sincerely thank you."

I heard a quiet sniffle, making me pull back to wipe a few tears off his face.

"You're such a sap, Yoongs." He chuckled breathlessly.

I laughed before putting my head back in the crook of his neck.

"Since we're being sappy..." He began with a sigh. "Thank you for letting me fall in love with you." He kissed my ear softly.

I took a minute to process his words, trying to put my next statement into words. Only, by the time I went to respond, I heard soft snores, which made me chuckle. I kissed his neck and curled up with him in my arms for the first full night we would spend together.


I wrote this at like 4:30 AM so if it's terrible, oh well.

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