Twenty-Seven- Hollow

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I decided to be nice and help with the suffering of the previous chapter but updating this one now.


I was hollow. Lifeless.

I watched as they dragged his lifeless, headless, body across the circle, tossing it into the back of a truck like he was a piece of trash.

But he wasn't a piece of trash.

He was Min Yoongi. Prisoner 134340. The man who was wronged of so many things. The man who was treated poorly. The man that I fell in love with, only within the time span of a few weeks.

"How could you?" I whispered, feeling overwhelmed by all of my emotions.

My father chuckled as he watched them toss the head into the bed of the truck. "Wow. This was a larger crowd than we had for the last prisoner. I guess everyone wanted that bastard dead."

"DAD." I shouted, almost screaming it at the top of my lungs.

Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my own, dragging me off of the balcony, and through the building.

I was tossed against a wall, making me wince before I saw the face of the person who took me away.

"T-T-Tae, I-"

"Shh.... I know, Hoseok. I know." He reached his arms out for me to bury myself in them. I gripped his shirt with every ounce of strength in my body.

"H-He's fucking d-d-dead. How could t-this fucking h-happen?"

Taehyung pulled back with a small smile. He moved my hair out of my face and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "How about I take you home, yeah? Jungkook pulled a car around for you."

I sighed and nodded, sniffling.


I once again felt hollow.

Even with my thick comforter weighing me down, it didn't help warm me up.

The soup Jisoo made for me sat untouched on my nightstand.

The silence that had engulfed my room for hours made me feel like I could go insane at any moment.

That's what I had become. Someone who should belong in an institution.

I had wished it was me over him. I wish I had sacrificed my own life to save his. He didn't deserve this.

Nobody does, but especially not him.

My eyes began to feel heavy from the abundance of crying I had done on Taehyung's shoulder earlier in the day.

I snuggled up to my favorite pillow, pulling it close to my body. I closed my eyes, wishing that I would wake up and everything was a dream, even though I knew that this wasn't going to be the case.

I had pinched myself way more than I'd care to admit, all hoping that seeing his lifeless body was a dream.


"You look so cute like this," I heard in the distance, making me listen closer. The voice repeated the same statement many times.

I hummed in acknowledgement, not quite sure what was going on.

"I missed you, my love."

I stirred under my covers. I was confused. This was unlike any dream I had ever had.


I wanted to open my eyes, but my body wouldn't let me.


I opened one of my eyes a crack, only to see a figure standing by my window, the moonlight outlining the silhouette.


I squinted my eyes to see better in the dark. Nobody calls me that except... well, nobody called me that except for... him.

After giving up on my nonexistant night vision, I leaned over to flick on the lamp, feeling the blood rush out of my body.



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