Twenty-Six- Guillotine

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Hoseok POV

My clammy hands shook against my thighs as I sat in my chambers, waiting for me to be summoned to the town center.

The door creaked open, making me whip my head at my unexpected visitor, only to find Taehyung and Jungkook, both wearing grim looks on their faces.

I turned away from them again, feeling the tears threaten to fall, but I swallowed harshly to force them back in.

The bed sank next to me, and a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders.

"Hoseok, I know this has to be so painful for you." Taehyung spoke softly.

I shook my head, forcing his arms off of me. "I'm fine!"

Jungkook sighed as he knelt in front of me. "Hoseok, seriously. You're clearly hurting and we want to help you."

"No. Nobody here wants to help me. Nobody gives a rat's ass about me in this world. Why the hell do I even exist at this point?"

"Because we love you, and we want you here." Taehyung put a hand gently on Hoseok's. "There are so many of us who wish we could help you more than we can, Hobi. If I could take away even a small amount of your pain, I would."

"C-C-Could... Oh, nevermind."

Taehyung smiled softly. "No, please. What were you going to ask?"

I sighed. "Could you sing for me? That always helps a little."

Taehyung chuckled and nodded, wasting no time in singing one of his favorite songs.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

For reference😉

While he sang, I felt some of the tension leave my body. It was a nice feeling, the freedom that accompanies. Only now there was nothing protecting me and my emotions.

As he sang, the tears fell down my cheeks, and shouts began to escape from between my lips. A pair of arms pulled me against a hard chest, allowing me to release all of my sadness.

Taehyung rubbed my back as he finished singing, Jungkook rocking me back and forth slightly as he held me tightly in his arms.

"I-I-I love h-h-him." I gasped out, barely able to force any words out anymore.

Both males nodded. "We know you do."


Not too long after my breakdown, I found myself sitting in my designated chair in the town's square. A giant guillotine stood in the center, and crowds of people formed outside the barriers to watch the execution.

The idea of watching something as morbid as someone's head being chopped off is sickening and cruel.

The trumpets sounded, hushing the crowd as all eyes turned towards my direction. I cleared my throat, forcing my jelly-like legs to stand up and turn around to face the door behind me.

My father walked out, bowing to the people, and then nodding his head at me. We sat down, listening to the announcer speak.

"Attention citizens of Auralia! We are gathered here today to witness the execution of a vile man, Prisoner 134340. His real name is Min Yoongi. He is charged with first degree murder, with premeditation planned. He is also charged with arson. This man could be a danger to our people, and, therefore, he must be eliminated."

This is so wrong.

I need to stop this.

I'm going to be sick.

I felt hollow as I heard the next words.

"Bring out the prisoner!"

The crowd threw things at Yoongi as he stumbled in between the two guards that gripped his arms. He wore heavy chains around his ankles, wrists, and around his neck. Even from where I was sitting, I could see the freshly-formed black eye.

I watched at they unhooked the chain from around his throat, kicking his legs out from under him so he fell to the ground with a sharp cry.

They set him up in the wooden blocks, preventing him from moving. I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, all sounds around me being unheard.

My heart stopped beating as I watched the sight with my own two eyes. I wanted to stop watching. I wanted to end it, but I couldn't. It was too late.

Just as I stood up, wanting to shout at the guards to stop the whole thing, I saw the blade fall, and the blood splatter on the ground.


Lmao whoops

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