The Creep's Still At It

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The Creep's Still At It

So do you guys like Cassie? She's animallove299's OC. First she starts off like that cutesy side character but in the next major event or so she is important. Also there is some slight Solangelo in this chapter.

"Yay! Where should we go to find the metal?" Cassie asked.

"We should have a metal detector," Lina decided,"Unless somebody has a metal detecting sense besides Hazel."

"I doubt it," Qibli said.

The group of 9 started walking from the woods and they came across a random store that might have a metal detector.

"Do we even have money?" Eri asked.

"I have some," Lina said.

"Me neither," Cassie said.

"I have 15$ and some drachmas," Annabeth said.

"No money," Ocotillo said.

"But didn't Cheshire give you 50 bucks for torching Rabbit's face?" Qibli asked her.

"Oh yeah. Five hundred Quin actually, which I'm guessing is the currency in Wonderland and the equivalent of fifty dollars," Ocotillo said.

Lina strolled into the store and asked the man at the counter,"Do you have any metal detectors by chance?"

"Unfortunately darling we don't have any metal detectors. We do have tea though," The clerk said.

"Screw tea. No money for you," Lina said, walking out of the store.

"Wait, do you have anything made of metal?" Eri asked the clerk.

"Actually yes we do. Metal pots, pans, teapots, teacups you name it sweet heart," He answered.

Lina ran back in,"BUY!"

"That'll cost you 1000 Quin for all of them," The clerk said.

"Ha! That's cheap!" Lina said. She snapped her fingers and 1000 Quin appeared before them. "Sold, I love my author powers!"

"Actually sweet heart, we don't accept magically appearing money. Look at the sign," He said and pointed at the sign.


"Though we CAN convert the money you already have to Quin since you all are obviously not from around here."

Ocotillo flinched and handed her five hundred Quin to the clerk.

Annabeth handed her fifteen dollars to him. Eri paid the same amount.

Lina handed ten dollars to him.

Leo stole 100 Quin from the cash register while the clerk wasn't looking and then passed it off as his own money and handed it to him.

Cassie saw what Leo did and grinned.

"Alright darlings. The metal is yours," The clerk said.

"Yes!" Cassie said and pumped her fists.

"What would you like to carry Cassie?" Eri asked.

Cassie grabbed a big armful of teacups, and said,"This."

"Okay everyone! Grab something!" Eri said and she grabbed as many pans as she could.

As the group walked back to Randomland Cassie asked,"Wait why did YOU guys pay for it? Shouldn't I have earned money to buy these? That is how it always worked in my old home!"

"Well, it's like if you were spinning a skein of yarn on a wheel. You need some yarn to start with to make some yarn. And unless we got you a job in Wonderland you wouldn't be able to make money without us having to give you some money first so just think of this as our first day treat to you," Eri said,"Either that or I'm overthinking this."


"Bored," Winter said.

"Should I wake Nico?" Will asked.

"Don't care," Winter said.

"Sure you can wake him," Turtle said.

Will walked over to Nico and poked him.

Nico groaned but didn't wake up.

"Hmmm let him sleep or..." Will dumped a random bucket of water on Nico and yelled,"HYDRATE!"

Winter started laughing which shocked everyone around him.

Moon gasped,"You laughed?!"

"I can't believe you laughed!" Turtle said.

Nico did not wake up.

Will sighed,"I will let him sleep."

"I have an idea on waking him up," Cheshire said.

"Unless.... DEATH BREATH WAKE UP!" Will said, grabbing Nico's shoulders and shaking them,"What? I'm desperate."

"Still not working. My idea was to dress him up as Alice and have Rabbit wake him up. The costume Eri has, included a wig so we can cover his hair with that." Cheshire suggested.

"You're a cop aren't you? So why are you encouraging sexual harassment?" Will asked.

"Because I can threaten to kill Rabbit before he gets weird," Cheshire said.

Will asked,"But isn't that attempted mur-"

"Shush child. My laws are different," Cheshire said.

"Okay. Anyway, your idea might work... OR I could hire my dad to say his awful poems!" Will said. He slipped the Alice costume over Nico's clothes and adjusted the wig over Nico's hair. Will called out to the sky,"Hey dad? Can you come down quick?"

"Hm? Oh sorry, got important godly stuff to do. The world may die if I don't," Apollo called down from Olympus then went to a party to meet some ladies.

Winter tried not to laugh.

"Dang it," Will said.

"Hey Rabbit! We've found Alice but she's in a sleeping spell, only true love's hug can save her!" Cheshire called out.

"What? Where?!" Rabbit asked.

Cheshire pointed to Nico and then Rabbit hugged Nico.

Nico started to say something,"Wil-" Then he opened up his eyes and saw Rabbit.

Will laughed, then frowned, then laughed again.

"What?! Get off me stupid hare!" Nico said and tried to push Rabbit off.

"Oh Alice don't be so shy, it's too cu- wait... Did you just call me a hare?!" Rabbit exclaimed.

"Wait why would he think I'm Alice?" Then Nico looked down at what he was wearing,"You guys dressed me as a girl?! Who's idea was this?"

"It was Cheshire! All Cheshire's idea!" Will said and walked over and pulled the wig off of Nico.

"I have been cuddling the son of death?!" Rabbit jumped away from Nico.

"Sorry," Cheshire apologized,"But it was pretty funny."

Will frowned then laughed a bit,"Yeah it was pretty funny."

"Maybe you can let your hair grow out we can dress YOU up as Alice, Will," Nico said, taking off the Alice costume.

"I'M FINE!" Will said, backing away from Nico.

Cheshire chuckled. Time with these people wouldn't be so bad. Whatever problems these people had, they probably wouldn't be as bad as last year...

Rabbit's hair is short if I never mentioned it. Because next chapter there is one thing you'll have to pay attention to, and it is HAIR.

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