Chapter 16

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It was late in the evening, a few days after the whirlwind of events, when Peggy showed up at her hotel, her eyes bright with unshed tears and the vial of Steve's blood clasped in her hands.


"I think we need to let him go," she said softly, not meeting Scarlet's gaze. "I can't be the one to decide what to do with this. I loved him, but it's not my place."

Scarlet reached out and took the vial, her fingers trembling as she held it. She didn't want to think about giving up the last piece of Steve, but in her heart, she knew that Peggy was probably right. There was only one way to truly protect Steve now, and that was making sure that his blood didn't fall into the wrong hands.

"I think I know what we should do."

The sun was setting by the time the two of them reached Brooklyn Bridge. The city behind them seemed to have gone on mute to show respect for the task that they were facing.

"Are you sure about this?" Peggy asked.

Scarlet nodded and handed the vial to her. She couldn't be the one to do what she had in mind. "We have to let him go, right? And this is the best way to protect him."

Peggy nodded and slowly held the vial away from the railing, and over the river below them.

"Goodbye, my darling," she removed the stopper and tipped the vial over, dumping the blood into the river.

Scarlet reached out and grabbed the railing, willing herself to not fall apart. She had shed enough tears, in the last 3 years, to last her a lifetime. "I'll see you over the rainbow," she murmured.

Peggy placed her hand over Scarlet's, and they stood in silence, watching the sun sink lower and lower below the horizon.

"Howard is allowing me and a friend to live in one of his estates," Peggy said after a few minutes. "There's plenty of room, and I think you should come live with us. You shouldn't live alone, anyway."

Scarlet smiled gratefully, "that's nice of Howard to give up one of houses like that."

"Well, given that it was his fault that I can't live at my old residence, it's the least he can do. Will you come live with us? You'll love my roommate, and we're welcome to stay there for as long as we want. Please say yes, Scarlet. Come live with me."

"You won't accept no for an answer, will you?"

"Absolutely not."

Scarlet nodded, "well it seems as though I don't have a choice." She squeezed Peggy's hand. "I'd be happy to come live with you."


One more visitor showed up that night.

Scarlet was getting ready for bed, when someone knocked on her door. "Who could possibly be knocking at this hour?"

She rebuttoned her shirt, made sure her pistol was loaded, and opened the door. "Agent Thompson," she stared in shock at the man in her doorway. "I wasn't expecting you."

He smiled sheepishly, "I know. I know it's late. I'm sorry to bother you. I just, um, I wanted to properly thank you."

"And what is it you're thanking me for?"

"Oh, I don't know, helping me in Europe, and then again after Dooley died. Getting Sousa off me. And then for everything you did to help wrap up the case." He held up a bouquet of daisies, "I,"

She smiled and accepted the flowers. "Thank you. That's very sweet of you."

"I was going to get roses, but Peggy told me that those were what your...husband gave you."

"Peggy told you about him?" Scarlet asked, slightly startled that Peggy would do something like that.

"Not everything. I mean, I noticed the ring and asked her what that was about, so she told me a bit. I'm...sorry that he died."

"Thank you," Scarlet looked down at the daisies. "These are very beautiful, and the gesture is appreciated."

"You're welcome," he nodded and looked down for a moment. "Um...would it be...would you mind if asked you..." he shook his head. "Sorry, this isn't going how I thought it would."

Scarlet smiled, realizing that the man in front of her wasn't used to being nervous. "Can I save you the trouble? I appreciate these, and I appreciate you, but I can't open my heart to anything or anyone at the moment. I wrapped myself in what I had with," she faltered and took a deep breath, "with my husband. And I'm not ready to move on. Not yet, at least."

He nodded and dug his hands into his pockets. "Completely understandable. I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize. Please. I really do appreciate the gesture and your efforts. And I welcome your friendship."

He chuckled and looked down. "I guess that will have to do." He took a breath and looked at her, "I'll let you get some sleep. Have a good night."

"You too, Jack. I'll see you Monday morning."

He smiled and tipped his hat, before walking away.

Scarlet sighed and leaned against the doorway. Part of her wished that she could give Jack what he wanted, but she knew in her heart, that no man would ever live up to Bucky.

She closed the door and leaned her back against it, sliding down until she was on the ground and able to wrap her arms around her legs. She set the flowers on the floor next to her, and put her face in her hands.

Scarlet leaned her head against the door, and twisted her ring around her finger. She hated the memories that assaulted her mind, out of the blue. She hated the feelings of longing that always followed. "I wish I could talk to you," she murmured. "This isn't at all how I imagined coming home. I always thought that we'd come home together." She shook her head and pulled out his ring from underneath her shirt. "Peggy said goodbye to Steve today. She was brave and let him go. I should probably do the same for you, shouldn't I. I should let you go and move on with my life. I should open my heart and give love another chance. But I can't, Bucky. I can't let you go. I can't let our dreams go, and I don't know what to do with myself." She put her face back in her hands, pressing her palms into her eyes. "I just wish I could see you again."

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