Chapter 17

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August 23rd, 1949 - California

Peggy and Scarlet walked into Dr. Reinstein's building, "Ready for this?" Peggy asked.

"Well I'm ready to eat... so yeah." Scarlet said with a laugh as they walked into Dr. Reinstein's personal lab and looked around."

Phillips chuckled from his spot on a stool next to the chair, "Sorry Barnes, unless this is a success we are keeping this one low key. The American people would be slightly worried if we were creating Super Soldiers when we were not in an active war."

Scarlet looked at Dr. Reinstein. "How do you want me Doc?"

"Take your shirt off and lie on this table." Dr. Reinstein told her, "And just relax."

Scarlet climbed onto the table and handed her shirt to one of his assistants so that she was lying on the table in just her bra and a pair of shorts, "Peggy come here please."

Peggy walked over and Scarlet took off her wedding rings. "Watch them for me."

"Colonel Phillips, Agent Carter and Mr. Stark, please follow me. I will show you to the reception room and we have some light refreshments set up." One of his assistants told them.

Scarlet watched them as they walked away, "It's hot in here or is it just me?" She asked Dr. Reinstein.

"Slightly, air is on the fritz. This is what we are going to do Scarlet; I want to protect your eyes and your muscles in your throat. Steve screamed and with the electrical currents, I just want to be proactive. So I have this spray with a chemical that is safe but will numb any pain in those areas." Dr. Reinstein told her.

Scarlet nodded as he got a bottle out.

"I couldn't flavor it, so it probably tastes really horrid." Dr. Reinstein told her, "Say Ah."

Scarlet opened her mouth and he sprayed it coating her throat. She gagged and coughed. "God that was horrid." She said as her voice trailed off.

"Good means it got to the vocal cords." Dr. Reinstein told her. "Look straight up."

Scarlet looked at the ceiling and tried not to blink as he sprayed both of her eyes.

"Okay close your eyes." He told her.

Scarlet closed her eyes.

"You may experience some vision issues; essentially I would love if you were temporarily blind if that means it reaches your retinas." Dr. Reinstein told her as she heard him walking around and messing with things. "Try opening your eyes. Any difference?"

"Everything is blurry." Scarlet told him.

"Don't squint, I'm going to spray each eye one more time." Dr. Reinstein told her, "I want the muscles relaxed as much as possible with the procedure."

Scarlet closed her eyes again after he sprayed them then opened them to see nothing when he told her to, "I see nothing."

"Not shapes or light?" He asked fiddling with something, "I am going to shine a light in your eye... tell me if you see anything."

"No, I felt a slight pinch maybe..." Scarlet told him.

"Your eyes are trying to fight the numbing agent." Dr. Reinstein told her, "It will be fine. Hopefully you will have the enhanced metabolism like Steve and your body will fight off the numbing agent as soon as it spreads through your body. Open wide once more." He said as he sprayed her throat again.

"We are ready sir." Someone said on her right.

"Agent Carter, Colonel Phillips and Mr. Stark, just in time. There will be no radiation but I still advise you all to stand back. We are going to attach the electrodes now." Dr. Reinstein told her.

Scarlet felt hands pushing things onto her arms, legs and torso. They turned her over and applied some onto her back as well.

"Alright Scarlet, we are going to start the process" Dr. Reinstein told her, "Go ahead Peter."

Scarlet heard something power up then wrap around her arms legs and belly.

"Serum administration in 5...4...3...2...1"

Scarlet's eyes squeezed shut as suddenly fire coursed through her veins in a slow burn. The weights came off her body and Dr. Reinstein told them to turn on the power.

The next thing Scarlet felt was light zapping. Until Dr. Reinstein said to turn it up to 50% then it felt as if thousands of needles were hitting her body at the same time. She gritted her teeth and if she was able to scream she would have at 80%. At 100%, a scream tore from her throat and all at the same time, every piece of glass exploded as the lights went out in the lab.

"Scarlet!" Peggy yelled, "Is she on fire!?"

Scarlet's eyes shot open and she at first saw bright light on her body.

In her hands were bright yellowish orange orbs, as if she were holding two light bulbs powered by her hands.

Looking past her hands, she could see the outline of three people against the wall. One was holding the other smaller one as it tried to get to her.

"Scarlet," Dr. Reinstein said and she looked at him with sparkling eyes, "Scarlet, the serum must have given you some kind of powers. Try to will the light away from your hands... is it hurting?"

Scarlet cleared her throat and a foreign voice came out of her mouth, "It's warm."

"Close your eyes and focus the energy away from your body."

Scarlet closed her eyes and pushed the energy coursing through her body away from her.

"Good." Dr. Reinstein said, "Just try to relax and breathe."

Suddenly the lights burned brighter as the electricity spiked and Scarlet passed out.

When Scarlet reopened her eyes, she realized that she was still in the lab. Howard was on one side of her and Peggy holding her hand, which had her wedding rings back on it, on the other.

"Scarlet, you are awake." Peggy said squeezing her hand, "How are you feeling?"

"Actually amazing. My body doesn't hurt for the first time in ages. I wonder if I have Steve's healing now." Scarlet told her as she took a breath and inventoried her body. "My back doesn't hurt anymore."

"Scarlet, do you remember what happened?" Howard asked walking closer to her.

"Oh the light...oh...the light." Scarlet said staring at her hands as if the energy was still there.

"When you tried to... return the light... it essentially drained your own energy." Howard told her as he sat next to her. "You've been asleep for over a day."

"Shit!" Scarlet said as she looked around and everything was suddenly much clearer, "I think it improved my vision too. Everything is... weirdly clear. I mean I can see... everything. It's almost overwhelming."

"What else do you notice?" Peggy asked.

"It's like my brain is... sped up." Scarlet told her, "I'm remembering things I forgot and...what happened to my voice?"

"Dr. Reinstein is hoping that goes back to normal but... Scarlet when you screamed... all the glass in this room shattered." Peggy told her.

Scarlet gripped the table and felt it move beneath her as if her hand were going through butter, "Did Steve have all these?"

Peggy shook her head, "No. He had enhanced senses, stamina, speed, healing and strength but... he couldn't manipulate light or shatter things with his scream."

"We are going to have to train you up." Howard said, "We will go to my property and test out what you have."

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