Chapter 19

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December 31st, 1949 - New York City

Scarlet pulled her coat in closer to her as she, Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and Peggy found a spot to watch the ball drop in Time Square from the top of the hotel they were on.

"You alright?" Peggy asked sitting next to her.

"Yeah, just... with all these lights... my body literally feels as if it were humming." Scarlet told her.

Peggy patted her hand as Howard handed out champagne flutes filled with champagne.

"We have... two minutes until midnight. Let's make a quick toast. Here is to a better 1950 and 50s in general. Has to be better than the 40s." Howard said, "Cheers."

Scarlet took a sip.

"Alcohol does nothing for you either?" Peggy inquired.

"Another Steve thing?" Scarlet asked as Peggy nodded and she sighed, "Nope... I think I drank a whole bottle with dinner... not even a buzz."

"Steve... after Bucky passed, he drank almost an entire bottle of Scotch." Peggy told her, "Just made him more depressed because he couldn't get drunk. Do you regret saying yes?"

"Right now, yes. When I get control and start helping people? I hope not." Scarlet told her as the ball on the top of the pole lit up and started dropping.

Scarlet sighed as she watched it. Everyone around her was joyful and ready to ring in the 1950s but she was dreading her future.

Suddenly her head felt as if it was going to explode and the lit ball flared and flickered.

Peggy screamed to Howard. "We need to get her off this roof!"

Scarlet fell to her knees grabbing her head, "My head!"

Millions of people gasped as the ball exploded and the lights of Time Square all went dark.

Howard looked at Peggy and helped Scarlet stand up.


January 1st, 1950 - New York City

Scarlet pulled her coat closer to her body as she walked down the road leading to her destination. It had been awhile since she had visited but she knew exactly how to find it as her footsteps led her to the exact place.

Dropping to her knees, her gloved hand dusted the snow from the stone.

James 'Bucky' Barnes

March 10th, 1917 - May 1st, 1945

Scarlet ran her fingers over the spot next to his name.

Scarlet Silverthorne-Barnes-Dean

6th April 1896 - 8th April 1918

Tears fell from her eyes. "Hey Buck."

She knew that his body was not lying under where she was kneeling but she felt his presence with her.

"Looks like I might be joining you sooner than either of us thought." Scarlet told him. "You'd be pissed but... I pulled a Steve... and it's not working. People got hurt Buck... I blew up the Time Square ball."

She sat down and leaned against the tombstone. "Is it bad of me to say... I hope that my body doesn't take the cold and I can join you? I want to be with you so bad. I am tired of my body hurting, of my heart hurting."

From her spot on the ground, she saw the flowers and other decorations that littered the tombstone on the right of Bucky's, "I miss you and Stevie." She said as she stared at the little Captain America bear that sat under Steve's stone. "The Three Musketeers aren't really a team without all three."

She sat there until her body could no longer take the cold then kissed the stone. "See you soon baby."

She got up and looked at Steve's stone, "Love you Steve."

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