Chapter 20: Epilogue

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23rd September 1955 (A Week before the accident)

Scarlet put her key into the lock and turned it, listening out for the click. She opened the front door, removing her keys from the lock and stepped over the threshold, leading into the hallway. She knelt down in the hallway to remove her shoes, not noticing that someone was in her home until she entered the kitchen to hang up her keys and she nearly jumped out of her skin when she saw James Dean sat at her kitchen table staring directly at her. "Jesus Christ!" She gasped, putting a hand over her chest. "Jimmy, don't do that! You scared me."

James looked up with a grin. "Sorry, darling." He apologized.

Scarlet sighed. "It's okay." She replied, putting her keys on the hook.

The blonde got up from his chair and began making his way over towards her. He bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble. "If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When she still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple. He traced the line of her cheekbone. His lips were against hers. He kissed her gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness she wanted, not now, not after all this time, and she knotted her fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against her. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled her, gathering her against him.

His hands moved up and down the length of her back, the need to touch every part of her was all consuming, and Scarlet lost himself in the passion of the kiss. Scarlet wound her fingers through his hair, and her body seemed to mould against his as if she were liquid. His heart thrummed in his chest, and he felt his knees growing weak. With one swift movement, they went from the kitchen to the living room.

He lowered himself and Scarlet onto the three-seater sofa, their lips still locked together. He thought it would be entirely unmanly if he collapsed from the intensity of her kisses.

"James..." Scarlet moaned, her back was pressed against the cold leather of the seats.

James opened his eyes, pulling away briefly to remove his shirt and jacket leaving him in just his trousers. Scarlet on the other hand was still completely clothed.

The two eventually pulled away with James picking her up. She put her arms around his neck for support, resting her forehead against his as the two shared another kiss. It took several minutes for both of them to calm down and catch their breath.

"I don't think I've ever been kissed like that," Scarlet said, raising her head and looking dazed.

"Like what?" James asked, beginning to feel nervous.

" a woman," Scarlet said, averting her eyes. He could see a pretty blush staining her cheeks.

James's chest swelled with pride. "You should be kissed that way," he said. After a moment thinking about it, he frowned and clarified. "But only by me."

"Possessive now, are we?" She asked, grinning.

"Absolutely," James replied, beaming.


Later that night, James was in bed, reading in the low light shining from his bedside lamp. Scarlet was in the living room writing a letter to Grace, a friend she made several years ago back when she was in the war. It was getting late, so James closed his book, turned the light off, and laid down.

Scarlet came in just minutes later, dragging her feet tiredly as she changed into a pair of pajamas. She slid under the covers and turned on her side, her back facing his back. She shuffled around to get comfortable before falling right asleep. James, on the other hand, began to shed tears, wanting nothing more than to kiss her and cuddle with her.

The actor knew Scarlet was sensitive, she wasn't made for war so it made her very distant and off when she came back, so much so that he still had yet to simply hold hands with her. He understood, but it hurt. It hurt to sleep in the same bed at night but he had to keep his distance so as to not set her anxiety and claustrophobia off.

To clear his mind, James got out of bed.

"Jimmy, where are you going?" Scarlet asked, sitting up. He shushed her and made her lay back down, knowing how tired she was.

"I'm just gonna get a glass of water and some fresh air. I'll be back in a little while." She nodded and closed her eyes as he made his way outside to the back porch. Taking a seat on the swinging bench, James curled up and let all of his emotions out, not holding back anymore. He had stayed strong for too long to act like everything is okay.

A few minutes go by and James heard the door open and footsteps approached him.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Scarlet's sweet yet raspy voice rang out. James quickly wiped his tears and looked up at him, but it was no use. His cheeks are soaked to the bone with tears and his eyes are puffy and red. Scarlet took a seat next to him, keeping her hands to herself still.

"It's nothing Scarlet, I'm fine." James wiped his eyes, running a hand over the side of his neck.

"Please don't say you're fine when I just caught you sitting outside in the middle of the night with tears streaming down your face." James sighed quietly and kept his eyes down, too scared to look back at her.

"Hey, you know you can tell me anything,"

"I know, Scarlet. It's just, it's hard."

"What is?"

"I...I hate not being able to be with you," James quietly admitted. Scarlet was confused, as she was sitting right next to him...with him.

"I'm right here, darling. What's wrong, seriously?"

"Yeah, you're here, but really, you're not!" James didn't mean to yell and felt bad immediately when he saw her jump a little from the corner of his eye, taking a deep breath, he tried to tell her in the best way possible without upsetting her.

"I'm sorry. It's just, I lay in bed every night, wanting to cuddle with you but you still aren't adjusted to regular human contact yet, so I refrain from doing so. even the simplest of things like holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you, I can't do even though I want to so bad." Scarlet rubbed her hands through her hair, not knowing how to respond.

"I should be sorry, I-"

"No, you shouldn't, Scarlet. I'm not mad at you and I'm not upset with you. It's the fucking war that messed you up, which was pointless."

"I really am sorry though. I'm trying hard to get back to the way I was, but it doesn't seem possible."

"I know, honey. and that's okay, take all the time you need. I don't want to rush you and force you to be ready when you're not." She nodded and reached for his metal hand a little, but pulled it away as quick as she could. The blond tried to keep his tears in, but it was no use, silent tears fell down his cheeks once again as Scarlet stood shakily.

"I'm gonna head back inside, uh, are you gonna be up soon?" She shyly asked. James nodded and gazed up at her, noticing now that she was crying as well. His heart broke even more upon seeing her tear-stained face.

"Yeah, I will. Get some rest now, yeah?" She turned and slowly walked back inside, leaving James alone once more.

"What the Hell," James mumbled, not having planned that at all. Now he felt even worse for Scarlet, knowing that his words most likely affected her deeply.

The actor spent another fifteen minutes or so outside, wanting Scarlet to hopefully be asleep by the time he got upstairs to avoid the awkwardness. He stood and stretched, taking in the beautiful backyard illuminated by the moonlight.

Before heading upstairs, he poured a glass of water for himself. He then made his way to and up the stairs, wishing that Scarlet was asleep. and in fact, as he stepped into the room, she was passed out on her side of the bed, breathing softly.

The actor crawled into bed, staying as far on his side as possible. As he finally closed his eyes, feeling exhaustion take over him, the bed started to shake.

Turning over, James noticed Scarlet thrashing around a bit. She was moaning and groaning, mumbling something as she turned over to face him; she was still fast asleep.

"My love?" James whispered, hoping that would be enough to wake her but no, nothing happened. She continued to thrash a little, her arms beginning to flail above the covers. He thought of waking her, but he didn't think that would end well.

James's head snapped towards the window upon hearing a tapping on the window and then it became a pitter-patter as the clouds spat out their beads of water. Puddles began plinking as the rainfall became heavier.

This was the main problem, James wanted nothing more than to break Scarlet from this nightmare and hold her in his arms, but she was not used to that sort of attention yet. But, he decided to test the waters anyway.

James reached over and touched her shoulder, which made her jump, but still remain asleep. finally, he nudged her shoulder a bit harder, and that woke her up. She sat up in bed, breathing heavily, dripping with sweat at this point.

"My love?" James whispered, staying put in case she needed space, as usual but, before he could add anything else, Scarlet was falling into his arms, crying loudly.

James was shocked and had no idea how to respond, so he just wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She sobbed into his neck, wiping her face against his soft sleep-shirt.

"Shh, it's okay pumpkin," James whispered, threading his fingers through her hair. He was so happy she was allowing him to do so, but he still weren't sure if she was fully okay with it. "I've got you. You're safe. You're safe."

"That was awful," She mumbled once she's calm enough, James continued playing with her hair, rubbing her back with his other hand.

"I know, but you're okay now. I've got you."

"I don't want to go back to sleep yet," She whispered, cuddling closer to him, this made the actor smile, loving how Scarlet being in his arms felt again.

"That's fine. Do you want me to read to you?" When Scarlet returned home, she missed him so much that she wanted to hear his voice basically twenty-four-seven. She never wanted James to shut up because she missed him so much, all she wanted to listen to was him. So, the two started a little tradition or routine of James reading to her whenever she needed to calm down.

"Yeah, are you still reading that one you showed me when I got home?"

"No, actually. I finished that last week but I have a new one." James grabbed his book and turned his bedside light on, sitting up against the headboard. After he was situated, Scarlet cuddled back up against him.

"Um, darling, you don't have to cuddle with me, you know," James quietly told her, not knowing if she was okay with it.

"I do want to. I'm sorry for being so distant and isolated, but I forgot how nice it is, being in your arms and close to you," she replied, looking up at him. A huge smile appeared on his lips as she settled against him.

"You don't have to apologize, doll."

"I know but I still feel bad." She shocked James even more by leaning up and kissing his cheek. She stayed there for a moment, her gaze darting down to his lips. She leaned in a little to let him know that it was okay, so she finally closed in the space and pressed her lips to his own. It was a soft yet sweet kiss, one that showed the blond, Scarlet still cared for him.

"I love you," she whispered after pulling away. James leaned his forehead against her own and closed his eyes in content. "Thank you for being patient with me."

"I'd do anything for you, Love. I love you so much. Whenever you're ready to let me in again." She nodded and gave him one more kiss.

"I'm ready now. I forgot how much I missed your lips." James chuckled and went back to playing with her hair. Scarlet helped him hold open his book as he began to read quietly to her, holding her close for the first time in months and finally feeling happy again.

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