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' red queen of blood'

Season 3 episode 11
Part 1


"Becca's journal is amazing." Raven said to us.

"At twenty-six, she found a pathway to access a human mind." Raven said to us as she flipped through the journal.

"That same year, she had to lock up Alie, because her answer for what was wrong with the world was 'too many people.' She was twenty-seven when it launched the bombs." Raven told us, making Clarke turn to face us.

"What did she write about the flame?" Clarke asked her.

"Alie 2.0. She saw it as a way to atone for her sins. She designed it to not just access a human mind. But to merge with one. It could never wipe us out, because it would be one of us. She would put it in herself first. Altered her genes so her body wouldn't reject the implant." Raven told us as Clarke spoke up to us.

"Bekka Pramheda, the first commander. The gene therapy made her blood black, didn't it?" Clarke asked Raven from the front seat.

"Yeah." Raven immediately replied back.

"How did you know that?" Octavia asked Clarke confused.

"Night blood. That's where it came from. Somehow it became hereditary. Luna has it. That's why we have to find her. If she can access Alie-2-," Clarke said before I cut her off by speaking finishing her sentence.

"She can tell us how to stop Alie-1." I said to them making Raven and Clarke shake their heads yes.

"Bekka Pramheda gets her second shot at atonement." Sinclair said.

"Get back to the mind pathway." Monty spoke up turning to us.

"If Alie uses it to upload our minds to the city of light, then there's a chance my mom's still alive." Monty said making Raven speak.

"That depends on your definition of alive." Raven told him making him to look down.

"Eyes sharp. Weapons hot. We're almost home." Bellamy said making a turn as he grabbed the radio.

"Miller, come in." But we didn't hear anything at all. Something was definitely off.

"Harper, you there?" Bellamy asked again.

"Your rides two minutes out." Bellamy told them but Harper or miller didn't say anything.

"Good start." Sinclair said to us as we got to Arkadia as they stopped the car.

"We left two days ago." Clarke said.

"Why haven't they fixed the gate?" I said getting out of the rover.

"Maybe because there's no one here to fix it." Jasper told us.

"It's like a ghost town." Raven said as she drove the rover inside Arkadia.

"Miller, where the hell are you? I don't like this?" Bellamy said through the radio trying to get a hold of them.

"Maybe they got chipped." Jasper said making me sigh. What happened if they did.

"If they got chipped, they'd have been waiting for us at the cave." Bellamy told Jasper while holding his gun.

"Maybe they saw the open gate and went for Lincoln's book." Jasper said making me think about what they did to Lincoln when we left Arkadia. Coming back it feels like I'm hearing the gunfire throughout my ears.

"Maybe you should stop saying maybe." Octavia said ignoring jaspers comment.

"If they are chipped, Alie already knows we're coming." Clarke said to us.

"Great, it's just great." I mumbled holding the gun in my hands. Raven stopped the Rover as we all stopped making me look down seeing blood on the floor making me turn to Octavia. This is where they executed Lincoln and his blood is still here. They didn't even bother to clean it up.

"Let's get his book and get the bell outta here." Octavia said, seeing I could tell she was on the urge to cry. But she held it back with anger in her voice.

"That's a plan I can support." Jasper said agreeing to Octavia.

"Lincoln." Bellamy told Clarke who didn't know what happened to him. Bellamy banged the Rover so they can move opening the garage as I followed behind,

"close it up, turn the Rover around. We may need to get outta here quickly." Bellamy ordered Monty, making the doors shut as we all split up going different ways into groups. We looked around and saw that they were stuff on the tables,

"it's like they just got up and walked away." Clarke said to us.

"We're in and out." Bellamy said to us.

"Pack as much gear as you can into the Rover." Bellamy ordered the others.

"I'll get the map." Octavia told Bellamy.

"I'll go with her. No one should be alone." Jasper said making me nod.

"Be careful you two." I said to them.

"Yeah, you too." Octavia said before leaving with Jasper to get the map.

"What's the rush?" Raven asked.

"They won't be coming back." Raven said to us.

"How do you know?" We asked Raven.

"Alie's mission is to chip everyone. It wouldn't make sense to return to a place she already took." Raven told us making Sinclair speak up.

"It might make sense if there was someone in that place, I.e., you, who could tell us stuff like that." Sinclair said giving us a good point.

"Good point. Let's load gear." Clarke said making me nod and walk towards whatever I can find to take with me. I grabbed some boxes of med kit and food. Along with a jacket to cover myself more. I grabbed a  bag full of supplies. I headed towards the halls looking for more stuff when I heard the radio I had turn on making me jump.

"Everyone finish what you're doing and meet me in the armory." I heard Bellamy say through the radio.

"Why? What's going on?" I asked him through the radio.

"You'll see when you get here." He said to the radio.

"We just got lucky." Bellamy said to us making me hear Clarke say.

"On our way." She said to him. I looked over my shoulder and saw a sword making me walk towards it and pick it up.

"God I missed it." I said holding the sword, I paused when I heard a lullaby playing give me chills.

"Someone is here." I said to myself walking towards the sound. If someone was here with me they would say it's a bad idea and it is. I kept waking towards it and it was a toy making me frown. I turned it upside down and saw a name.

"Aaron." I said before I heard a small click and see it was gas making me get up.

"I shouldn't come here alone." I said to myself as I saw a grounder making me cough. I had this stupid idea, a really stupid one. I pretended to pass out hearing footsteps coming towards me. I heard them stops i opened my eyes as saw that he took his mask making me feel like I recognize them.

"Miss me." I heard them say and immediately knew he was. I immediately kicked him as he fell to the ground giving me a chance to run off, I immediately ran as fast as I can trying to get out of here. I kept running coughing and being in pain because of my leg. I made it out with a pant seeing Bellamy.

"Bellamy!" I said making him turn to look at me.

"What is it? What's going on?" He asked me as all I did is hug him right.

"He's here. Carl he's here." I said to him panting, breathing heavily.

"What?" He asked me.

"He-he's here. I saw him. He attacked me." I said to him.

"He came back for me." I said to Bellamy as he pulled away from me.

"I'm not going to let anything happen to you." He told me.

"We need to get the others and leave." I said to him.

"Alright where's your gun?" He asked me.

"I-I think I left after he try to attack me." I said to Bellamy as he handed me another.

"Are you sure you want to go?" He asked me making me nod,

"I'm not leaving you with him." I said to Bellamy before he gave me a nod and we headed inside.

"Which way?" He asked me making me point towards the right of the hallway.

"What if he took all of them." I said to Bellamy as he grabbed his radio.

"Octavia, can you hear me? Come in." Bellamy said through the radio.

"Jasper went with her." I said to Bellamy.

"Jasper, are you there? Say something." Bellamy said with worried in his voice. All we heard the static of the radio going on and no reply.

"Why would he take them?" I asked myself.

"What if he came back for me and took everyone because of me. This is all my fault." I said to Bellamy looking down.

"It's not your fault." Bellamy said to me making me shake my head.

"You don't know that." I said to Bellamy, before we heard a response.

"Bellamy, what's wrong?" Raven asked him through the radio.

"Raven, are you okay? Where are you?" Bellamy asked Raven. It's my fault all my friends are gone.

"Still in engineering. We're fine." Raven said to Bellamy.

"Raven, listen to me. Carol us here. I'll tell you after but are the others with you?" I asked here.

"Negative." Raven said making me let out a groan in annoyance. He took them.

"Just Sinclair." Raven said through the radio.

"Okay, lock down the hanger bay, don't let anybody in but us." I told her.

"Um, alright let's go." I said to Bellamy as we walked towards the engineering before we heard the radio again.

"He's here! He's inside the hanger bay." Raven said making me pause as I heard Raven let out a groan.

"Raven!" I yelled at her through the radio before hearing the static. I looked up at Bellamy.

"He took her and Sinclair." I said to him before running towards the hanger bay.

"Raven!" I yelled as we banged the door.

"Raven!" Bellamy and I said as the same time banging the door trying to get it open hearing Raven scream.

"Run to the other door." I told Bellamy as we both ran as fast as we could to get the other door.

"Raven!" I Kept yelling, as much as I'm in pain I'm not letting that stop me from running to save my friends.

"Raven! Sinclair." I Bellamy said beating me towards the door.

"Are they in there?" I asked him.

"Stay behind me." Bellamy told me making me nod.

"Raven!" Bellamy whispered as he walking inside first.

"Oh my god." I said covering my mouth seeing Sinclair's body on the ground. He's dead. Carol killed him.

"Oh-," I said.

"Keep going Madison." Bellamy told me as he pushed me behind him.

"We're too late." Bellamy said making me shake my head.

"No-," I told him.

"He hasn't killed Raven." I said to him.

"He would've left her body." I said to him.

"He took them somewhere." I said to Bellamy.

"If you're right, Octavia and the others are there, too." Bellamy said making me nod.

"Where would he be taking them?" I asked.

"They could be anywhere. How does he even know his way around?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"Remember he used to live at the ark before being floated." I said to Bellamy. He probably was sent down here by Jaha too.

"The airlock." I said to him.

"He could be there. He used to work by the airlock." I said to Bellamy with a shrug, I grabbed the radio from Bellamy's bicep.

"Carol." I said through the radio.

"I know you can hear this." I said to him.

"It's me-Madison." I said to him waiting for him to respond.

"We need to talk." I told him through the radio again.

"It's you." He said feeling that he was giving me a smirk.

"I should've killed when I had the chance." Carol told me making me look down biting my lips.

"So what, you're here to kill me, is that it?" I asked him hearing him laugh.

"Eh, something like that." He told me making me turn to Bellamy.

"Fine, then let my friends go. Do that and you can have me, again." I said through the radio.

"You're one hell of a brave girl, Madison." He told me through the radio making me turn around not facing Bellamy anymore.

"Madison." I heard Bellamy said making him stop.

"I'll give you that." Carol told me.

"I know what I'm doing." I said to Bellamy. He has to trust me on this.

"They're lucky to have a friend like you." Carol told me.

"Come to the airlock. No weapons. You and I can have some alone time." Carol said to me making me swallow thickly. I'm doing this to save my friends. I wish there's another way but there isn't.

"Right now." Carol said to me before he turned off the radio making me turn around and give the radio back to Bellamy and walking away when Bellamy immediately stopped me by grabbing my hand.

"What the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked me making me sigh.

"Saving them." I said to Bellamy as I went to walk again but he stopped me again.

"When, this is over, you take the others to Luna." I instructed Bellamy.

"Promise me you will." I said to him.

"No." He immediately said making me sigh rubbing my face with my hand.

"You're outta your mind if you think I'm letting you do this alone." He told me making me scoff.

"No, Bellamy. This is my fight not yours." I said to him as he put his gun down and came closer to me.

"Bellamy, this is my fault. He came for me. And instead he took our friends." I told him but he didn't listen.

"I'm not letting anyone else die for my mistakes, okay?" I said to him as my eyes began to water.

"Are you through?" He asked me.

"I don't know the whole story between you and Carol back at the Ark. but I do know that letting him kill you here today is a stupid plan." Bellamy said to me making me look down.

"What if it's the only choice." I said to him.

"I told you that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you again and that's a promise." He told me.

"You got a better one?" I asked him.

"You distract him, I shoot him." He told me making me nod.

"What if it doesn't work?" I asked him.

"It's going to work." He said to me before he walked away.

"Bellamy." I said as he stopped.

"Thank you for not Letting me hand myself over." I told him.

"I told you that I won't let anyone lay a hand on you and I mean it." He said to me making me smile before walking towards him.

I didn't think twice to what I was doing. I've been meaning to do it. And I did. I kissed him. I kissed him, and I hate myself that I fell back into him but I didn't care all I wanted to do is kiss him. He had his hands on my waist as I kissed him for more the one second.

"What's that for?" He asked me making me smile.

"It's for me and you." I said to him giving him one last kiss.

"I'll see you soon." I said to him before I felt his hands move away from my waist as I watched him leave first. I let out a sigh as I dropped my gun to the floor leaving everything.

"He's going to die today. I won't see him ever again." I said to myself as I walked out and began to head towards the airlock where Carol wanted me to meet him. Let this be over. I don't need him here anymore.

"You'll be okay." Bellamy said from behind making me nod, I walked further down the airlock raising my hands up in the air. Bellamy was further back so he wouldn't be seen. Please, let them be alive. I walked towards the airlock to see Carol in the middle as the others were tied up.

"I held up my part of the deal. Your turn." I said to Carol.

"Let my friends go." I said to him.

"Look at you," he said to me as he gave me a look I never forget.

"You turned out to become more beautiful." He said to me making me gag at his words.

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first." He said to me, i immediately shook my head.

"I don't know what you're talking-," I said to him before he hit Octavia making her scream and Bellamy revealed himself.

"No!" Bellamy said as Carol pulled Octavia holding a knife against her throat.

"Good." Carol said to him.

"Now. Take out the clip, throw it down the hall, put the gun on the ground and get inside." Carol ordered him making me shake my head.

"What?" I immediately said to Carol.

"Carol, don't do this. I'm here. Leave them alone." I said to Carol.

"I'm here, you can have me." I said to Carol who gave me an evil smile.

"Don't worry I will." He said to me. He lied to me. He did this so he could get me to be here.

"I'll get inside once you let them go." I told him, but he ignored me.

"I was talking to Bellamy." Carol said to me, before he began to cut Octavia.

"Okay, okay. Just-just stop." Bellamy said to him making me turn to him.

"No." I said to him but he took clip from the gun and he slowly tossed it to the ground.

"Bellamy, no." I said in a slight whimper as he walked.

"Bellamy." I said in tears as he made eye contact with me as he walked inside. How am I supposed to kill his myself.

"Those are yours." Carol said referring to the handcuffs that were on the wall. Bellamy walked up to it and hand cuffed himself. As Carol let Octavia go. Carol took out a gun out and point it at me.

"Get on your knees, Madison." He told me making me shake my head.

"Let my friends go." I said to him as he moved the gun to the other side and shooting making me jump closing my eyes.

"Put your hands behind your head." He told me making me shake my head.

"Carol, let's talk about this please. You have me. Let them go. I'll go with you. I'll do whatever the hell you want but don't do anything stupid." I said to him but he laughed at me.

"Stupid, huh? You're the only stupid here." He told me.

"Do as I say." He said and I did I placed my hands behind my head and knelt down. That's when he walked out and pressed the button to close.

"Carol, stop. You can do anything you want but let them go." I begged him.

"My sweet little girl. Still the same fragile girl." Carol told me.

"Carol, please." I said to him as he grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up.

"I've missed you." He said to me as he began to smell me and I let out a small whimper.

He pushed me forward hitting my face against the airlock doors and wrapping his hands around my neck.

"You're the reason why I'm here. You got me here. If it weren't for your big mouth I would still be at the Ark." Carol said to me as he gane to choke me.

"You deserved every bad thing that has happened." He told me making gasp for air.

"You-," I said out of breath.

"You-you raped me!" I yelled out in one breath as he pulled me back.

"You were asking for it." He said to me angrily.

"You drugged me!" I said to him. Carol pulled the small box as he pressed the red button making me try to push him away.

"Airlock five." I heard the PA voice say.

"No." I said throughout my breath.

"Oxygen venting." It said as Carol went back and saw all of them with panic.

"Sh, you'll be with me." He said as he gave me a kiss on my head as I cried. I watched Bellamy look at me through his eyes. I didn't know what to do. I had a plan with Bellamy but that all blew up. I saw all of them to gasp for air making me scream.

"Carol, please." I begged him as he pushed more force against my throat.

"Beg me to stop it!" He yelled at me as i cried.

"I told you to beg!" He said making me grunt.

"C-Carol. Stop-please." I said feeling my face turn red.

"Carol, please!" I yelled at him as I watched them run out of air.

"More louder!" He yelled before I let out a grunt and used my elbow to punch him in the stomach making me cough as I reached for air and went towards the machine but Carol pulls me by my hair pushing me away.

He began to attack me, he was above me, and I was in the ground trying to push him off, I began to gasp for air as he began to choke me. I couldn't move, my body couldn't move as he choked me.

"Get up!" He said as he pulled me by the hair again and he pushed me again the door watching my friends die. I saw them not move.

"Bellamy!" I yelled but he was not moving or the other.

"Huh, oops." He just said as I cried while he choked me.

"Do you have any last words for your friend?" He asked me as I watched my friends.

"Remember always keep a small knife up your sleeve." I remember my father's words making me shake my hand softly as I held the knife.

"Yeah.." I said to him.

"Rot in hell." I said before I stabbed him deep into his artery with the knife, he let go of me and I immediately opened the door to them and entered.

"Come on, wake up!" I yelled as I watched Monty began to breathe.

As they all began to bfeath again making me walk out and grab the keys to the cuffs and immediately take the cuffs from Bellamy and Octavia as they fell before I got pushed against the wall.

"You're dead!" Carol said to me as he banged my head against the wall and held my neck as I tried to pull the knife out and then back in but I couldn't.

I felt like I was about to faint any second. I saw someone punch Carol making him fall to the ground as he immediately fell to the ground. I began to cough out breathing heavily as Carol's dead body was in front of me.

"Hey," I heard Bellamy said, I just looked up at him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank god you guys are okay." I said looking at the others as Octavia was slowly taking the hand cuffs from the others.

"You saved us." Monty let out making me laugh as I let out a small sob.

"He's gone." Bellamy said rubbing my back.

"I know. I'm just happy I got you guys in time." I said to Bellamy.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked pulling away from Bellamy.

"Yes," Clarke said to me.

"Let's just get out of here." Jasper said to us making me nod as I slowly got up.

"You need help?" Bellamy asked me.

"No, I'm okay." I said to him with a smile as I helped the others get up. I killed Carol. He's gone, he's not longer going to hurt me or anyone. We are okay. I'm okay.

After what happened inside we gathered everything and we tossed everything to the Rover packing everything.

"You guys are okay?" I asked Octavia, Harper, Monty, and miller.

"Yeah, we should be asking you that." Harper said making me laugh before we turned around and see Bellamy carrying a dead body.

And I'm guessing it was Lincoln since Octavia knelt down uncovering his face. It was him, his dead body. It was Lincoln. I wasn't so close with Lincoln but he had a spot in my heart like anyone else. I saw her cried as she touched his face, she cried seeing him. I wanted to comfort her but I didn't she needed some space and she does.

"Um, I know we don't have a tradition but I think we should do something to give Lincoln and Sinclair peace." I said to her as she looked up at me.

"What?" She said making me nod.

"Um, come." I said to her as she followed me and Bellamy picking Lincoln's body and following me. Raven was already there she's the one who helped me doing this while the others were packing. Bellamy placed Lincoln on top of the bonfire beside Sinclair as we stood around it.

"May we meet again." Raven said to Sinclair as she stepped off the bonfire.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." Octavia said holding the torch and setting fire to it.

"Yu gonplei ste odon." We all repeated after her as we watched them fire up.

'Your fight is over.'

They deserve peace, they deserve to be at peace. This war killed them and now they can be in a better place. "Let's get going. I'll get the map." Octavia said walking away from us.

Before we all went to the rover together.

"Thanks for saving us." Clarke said to me making me smile.

"He was my problem and I had to deal with him but he's gone now." I said grabbing my bag and throwing inside the rover.

"I'm sorry for not telling you about him." Clarke said making me sigh.

"It's okay. I'm over it now." I said to her with a smile.

"Hey, we're leaving. Why aren't you ready?" Bellamy asked Monty and Raven.

"We're not going with you." Raven said to us.


"Raven." Clarke said after me.

"I can barely walk and my shoulder is killing me. But my brain's all kinds of awesome." Raven said with a smile to us.

"She remembered that Alie downloaded herself into the Ark mainframe. If the code is still there, we might be able to find a back door." Monty said to us.

"I'm guessing once you connect Alie-2 to Luna, we'll need to access Alie-1 to take her down." Raven said making us nod.

"Miller." Bellamy said to him.

"We'll keep 'em safe." Miller said to Bellamy.

"I'll keep them safe." Harper said after miller.

"How about you? It's gonna be dangerous." Bellamy told Jasper making him turn to face him.

"You know me well. I'm in." Jasper said to him.

"What about you?" Bellamy asked me making me laugh.

"I was born for dangerous." I said to him with a smile.

"Plus, I'll have this." I said moving the back and taking out my sword.

"Okay." Bellamy said with a smile as he looked at me.

"We'll see you when we head back." I said to them giving each and one of them a hug.

"Take care of each other." I said to Monty as he hugged me.

"The same goes for you too." Monty said as I gave him a nod.

"Have fun." Raven said to me.

"Not too much." She said making me laugh before Bellamy helped me up with my limping leg as I went sat in the back with Jasper and Octavia while Bellamy is in the driver seat and Clarke beside him.

"Bye." I said waving off the others before Raven closed the door before the rover began to move as we head out.

It was time to finish Alie once in for all this time.


A/n: I've been dying to write this and now I did and I'm so close in finishing this. Bellamy and Madison had their tiny moment. Yeah, we killed Carol. Enjoy!!

Xoxo, your fav 🥰


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