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' red queen of blood'

Red sky at morning 
Season 3 episode 13
Part 1


After Luna turned down the offered that Clarke gave her, we all decided to stay and try to convince her to take the flame and become the new commander since Lexa chosen her.

We didn't know who to give it to, since she's the last of the night blood. We want to stop Alie and in order to do that we need the last night blood but Luna turned it down which left us no choice but to stay and try to convince her to take it and become the next commander to stop Alie.

I'm not really sure how that will work but I'm trusting Clarke on this and if we can't I don't know what other ideas they have. I don't know we will work this out and stop Alie. What if Clarke or I become a night blood. How? I have no clue. But I don't think that's an option since it could be dangerous but it could be the only choice. Raven and Monty stayed behind to try a way to Stop Alie, since Raven had Alie's journal.

"Everywhere I looked, there were fins. And teeth. And blood." A girl said from behind us.

"I knew if they saw me, I'd be next, so I just floated there, waiting, praying they'd swim on. But they didn't." She said to all of the people sitting around her,

"she's here. Maybe she changed her mind." I heard Bellamy say to us as Luna came out of the door revealing herself. I hope she does. Bellamy, Clarke and I all got up at the same time walking towards Luna.

"The boats return at nightfall. Then you leave." Luna just said, well she didn't have a change of heart.

"Forever," Luna said.

"Luna, let us explain." Clarke said trying to reason with her.

"I said no." Luna said.

"No, you need to hear this." Bellamy said to Luna, making the guys behind her ouch Bellamy away from Luna. I don't think we can convince her to became a commander.

"There's something out there what is going to destroy us all." Bellamy in formed her but she looked at us like she doesn't even care.

"Whatever it is, it can't reach us here." Luna said making me let out a scoff. She serious, Luna and her guy behind her looked at me.

"You have something to say?" Luna asked me making me scoff again.

"Yeah, actually." I said to her walking up to her making the guy stop me.

"You really think that nothing can reach you? There's a million ways to reach something that isn't unreachable. Which means whatever is happening out there can easily reach you one way or another." I said to her. I mean I'm right, people may think things aren't reachable but everything and everyone can have a weak spot. Luna didn't say anything to me she just gave us a last glance before she walked off.

"Well, that didn't work." I said to them letting out a sigh.

"It grazed me with its teeth." The girl kept saying making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry, is this a speech or something, because it really sucks." I yelled at her making her glare at me. As she continued on.

"So what are we going to do? Look Luna doesn't want to take the Flame." I said to them.

"I don't know." Clarke said with a shrug making me sigh.

"Okay, then. What should we do? Hand around here until night?" I asked making her nod,

"okay, then." I said to her as I looked around.

"You two do your little team work meanwhile im going to pretend I'm shooting myself in the head." I said to them rolling my eyes before I went to go sat down by a small fire place.

Just by being here makes me want to die. How are we going to save the world? Is it even up to us? We are just kids. Clarke and I were being hunted down. I had no idea that I would become so important to everyone just for them to get my head. It's like feeding every dog.

As much as I don't show it I hate the feeling that every time I'm alone someone is going to come after me and they end up dead, because I kill them. I get why my mom told me I've changed. The day that the village was attacked by Mount Weather every grounder looked up to me because of what I told them. It's like they wanted to follow me in every step. But my mom didn't have the same reaction. She-she looked at me different. I saw Bellamy sitting beside me making me smile.

"Jasper's actually smiling." Bellamy said making me look to where he was and he was talking to the girl who gave me a glare. Jasper is smiling after Maya.

"What's going on?" He asked me making me let out a huge breath.

"I don't know." I said with a simple shrug.

"I just-I just think that this wouldn't have happen in the first place." I said to him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"About everything," I said with a small scoff.

"Look where we are now." I said as I turned my head to Luna.

"Let it go." He told me making me shake my head.

"How, we can't leave here until Clarke tries to convince her to take the flame." I said to him.

"This wouldn't happen if Clarke and I came back. This wouldn't have happened if we didn't join the thirteen clan. Lincoln could have been alive." I said to him angrily. Maybe a part of me thinks that it was my fault that he's dead and now probably Dylan could be too and my mom.

"Don't blame yourself for his death." He told making me shake my head.

"Maybe it's true. What if I didn't come back and everything would be fine. Pike wouldn't kill Lincoln if I was there. He would die if Kane and I plan to let them escape. Sinclair would've been alive if Carol wouldn't come back. My mom-I," I said letting out a sigh.

"I don't know if she's alive. Or Dylan is alive. I don't know if everyone is. After I escape Arkadia I don't know if my mom or Dylan are alive. I don't know if pike killed them all I know is that this." I said pointing to the floor and looking around and then my eyes landed on Luna.

"This has to work. Or else Lincoln, Sinclair and everyone that has died for no reason." I said to him as he sat closer to me making me lay my head in his shoulder, Bellamy wrapped one around my back and the other in front of me as I reached for his hand.

"We'll find a way to make Luna help us." Bellamy said to me as I shake my head. This really has to work, no matter what. It has to work. Our little moment was interrupted when Octavia and Clarke came sitting with us.

"Sorry to interrupt your moment but I have an idea." Clarke said to us making me pull my body away from Bellamy's.

"What are you talking about?" Bellamy asked her.

"I'm talking about putting this into her head without asking." Clarke said, I turned to look around making sure no one heard what just came out of her mouth but thank god they didn't.

"No way, Clarke. Are you out of your mind?" I whispered-yelled at her. That's the crazy idea I ever heard.

"You think I don't know that?" Clarke whispered back to me.

"Clarke, we don't have to do this." Bellamy told her.

"We can fight, we can go back to Arkadia. We arm up," Bellamy said to her.

"Fight who? It's an army of our people." Clarke said to Bellamy making place my hands on my face.

"I don't like this any more than you do. But if Raven's right, then the code on this thing could stop Alie." Clarke said before she stopped when Luna was walking around where we are.

"Give me a better idea." Clarke asked us. We don't not have any ideas then what Clarke has. Maybe it could work.

"Well stay here. It's the only way they'll leave you alone with her." Bellamy said to Clarke making me nod.

"Even Alie gives people a choice." Octavia said to us.

"We gave Luna a choice. She said no." Bellamy said making me nod.

"Yeah, it's like when we gave ourselves a choice to tell people some of the deepest secrets and yet they use that against you." I said to her, Clarke, Bellamy didn't know what I was talking about but Octavia knew damn well making her just look at me.

"I'm going to get some water." I said to them before I got up.

"Madison." Bellamy said but I simply walked away. Octavia hurt me with the words she told me.

And I hate to fight with my best friend but she hurt me and I never that she will do that but she did.


"Where's Jasper?" Bellamy said as we walked towards containers we were in.

"Saying goodbye to his new friend." Octavia said to Bellamy, the doors open revealing the men that attacked us.

"Sorry, cap, we gotta take him back." Luna told them as they got off.

"Your gear. You get your weapons once you land." Luna said before a man's grabbed us and pushed us in.

"The Flame?" I heard Clarke asks Luna.

"Remember, Clarke." Luna said to her.

"A path of violence is a choice." Luna said to Clarke as she held the flame.

"When the choice is fight it die, there is no choice." Clarke said to her before they attacked Clarke and pushed her inside with us leaving Luna alone and closing the door.

"They took the Flame." Clarke said to us.

"They're locking us in." Octavia said as she banged the door and so did Clarke.

"Hey! What is this?" Clarke yelled.

"Luna's people are attacking her." Bellamy said. What if Alie is here. What if she got to them before us.

"Alie knew we were coming." I said to Clarke.

"She knew." I said to her.

"She knew we were coming. How the hell did she get here first?" I asked, Octavia took a flashlight out as Bellamy banged on the door.

"Enough!" I said to him,

"these are made of metal, you can't break through it." I said,

"how did Alie find this place?" Octavia asked.

"There was a drone at Niylah's. She must have followed us, looking for the Flame, and now she has it." Bellamy said making me sit across from Clarke.

"She's gonna put the A.I. in Luna." Bellamy said.

"Isn't it obvious. She's already putting it in everyone's." I said to Bellamy annoyed.

"She's have to chip her first." Clarke said to Bellamy,

"If luna's chipped before she gets the A.I. Alie's gonna know everything." Clarke said getting up,

"we'll never be able to stop her. We can't let that happen." Clarke said to us.

"Yeah, well we can't even leave here, clarke." I said to her banging my head.

"Hey!" Clarke said but we didn't hear anyone.

"Clarke they probably aren't even there." I said to her.

"We just have to wait to see if someone will open." I said to her.

"We can't just wait!" Clarke said.

"Yeah, well you don't see anything that will help us, can you? All we have to do is wait." I said to her.

"You don't get it do you?" Clarke said making me scoff.

"Clarke trust me I get it but right now we are stuck here and we can't leave this shit. And there's nothing the all mighty wanheda or the Red haiplana can do," I told her angrily, I heard let out a scoff.

"What are you going to do Clarke?" I asked her getting up.

"Are you gonna punch through the wall. Last time I check you don't have super powers." I told her.

"All I'm trying to do is save all of us. There's nothing you're doing." She said making me laugh,

"what do you expect me to do?" I asked her.

"Run off." She said to me.

"I'm not the only one running off." I said to her.

"I did but I said goodbye you didn't. Come on, Madison just tells the truth that you have no idea what you're doing." She said.

"The truth? We are in this mess because you and Lexa decided out of no where to partner up, I told you i didn't wanted to bow. I didn't want to follow her rules. But I did it for them. Not for you or Lexa. But what's the point of it. If people died in the process." I said to her angrily.

"Trusting grounders has gotten people we care to die. So what's next? My mom, Dylan, my dad. Your mom? Who? Bellamy, Jasper, Octavia? Tell me Clarke, I beg you." I said before I let out a small chuckle.

"Out of all of us. Wr are the killers. We've made bad decisions and that cost us our friends. This is on us. And now, we're getting more people here. Alie, followed us all the way here and we don't know if Jasper is even alive or the others here. This is all are fault. And you and I both know that no one else does. We are the ones that the ice nation hunt us down and want us dead. They think that we could be something more. And maybe they're right. People are afraid of us." I said to her shaking my head letting out a sigh.

"So, instead of fighting with each other, we should both decide what we should do next. We can stop this me and you. And the others. Getting out of here, getting the Flame and trying to stop Alie." I said with a smile. I didn't want to fight with her. We can't fight this war with us in a fight. We should fight together.

"Yumi together na frag op ali. Wanheda en  red haiplana."

'Me and you together can kill Alie. The commander of death and the red queen.' I told her with a smile taking my hand in front of me as she shook it.

"Wanheda en red haiplana together."

'The commander of death and the red queen together.' Clarke said making me smirk. We heard a clanking in the door as the door opened making us walk towards it slowly.

We heard a small whimper and saw someone fall to the ground. Clarke immediately ran towards them, it was the girl Jasper was with. "Oh my god." Octavia asked as Clarke checked her helping her.

"A machine." She let out with blood coming out of her mouth.

"P level." She said before she slowly died.

"Let's go." Clarke said as we all ran away leaving her. We need something to fight. We ran towards the P level Octavia in front of us. I hope Jasper is okay. I hope everyone is, I don't need more innocent blood on my hands.

"O, be careful," I heard Bellamy said before I heard a door being pushed open, Octavia, Bellamy, Clarke stopped to see Luna stabbed one of her people. And the others were dead as Jasper was hung up.

"Jasper!" I said running up to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he said to me as I looked around to look for something sharp, I saw a knife beside a dead body and immediately picked it up and immediately cut the rope off his hands. I heard a loud whaling noise coming from Luna as she cried on my man. She care about him.

"I'm fine. They couldn't break me." Jasper said to me as I grabbed his hand.

"Shay?" He asked me. The girl who got us out. I didn't know what to say to him. He made a friend and lost one because of Alie. Because she followed us.

"Im sorry," I told him. It's true. I am sorry.

"It's what we do." Jasper said to us making me turn to Luna.

She kept letting out strong sobs crying. He died because of Alie.

We did this.

Innocent people died because of us.

Alie has to be stopped.

One way or another.


A/n; welp, she keeps blaming everything on her like girl stop, it isn't your fault. You're trying to save the world. You want to protect everyone.AND AGAIN happy Mother's Day from everyone! Comment if we all love our mothers. Enjoy!!
Xoxo, your fav 🥰


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