It's Over, Isn't It? (Doc xreader)

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Your POV 

I walked over to the blacksmith shop as we had been brought to 1885 after the DeLorean was struck by lightning. We've been here since Friday and I'm starting to get a little worried. Lately, Doc has been getting sidetracked by a certain Clara Clayton. Marty noticed it too, We really don't know what to do. We want him to be happy since we're sure he hasn't had a girlfriend in his life, aside from Edna Strickland, but that was in the 30s and I don't think it was his best moment. 

I looked over at Marty as he was sitting in a chair with the newspaper in his hand. "Loverboy with Clara?" I asked and he looked over to me and nodded. "You know he is." he said as he folded the paper and put it on the table. Standing he sighed gently and looked at me before he stepped in front of me. He grabbed my hand gently and got me to look at him. "Stop worrying, (y/n)." he said and I rubbed my hands on my face a little. 

"How can I not? Doc has been running around with Clayton since we saved her. How are we supposed to get home with him lollygagging?" I asked and Marty shrugged. "I'm not the one that has all the answers to the universe. That's Doc" he said and I rolled my eyes. "You know what I mean."  

"Sounds to me that you're jealous of, Miss Clara." he said and I gave him a glare. "Jealous? Me? You're crazier than Doc." I said as I crossed my arms. He rose a brow to me as he looked at me. "Whatever you say." he said an I shook my head before I waved my hand at him. 

Before I could say anything Doc walked in and threw his coat to the side. He had a smile as big as the sun as he walked over to the model that sat on the table. I looked at Marty who only shrugged. "How'd it go?" he asked as Doc looked over to him happily. "Well, we were under the stars and using her telescope. She was telling me about the different constellations before she quoted Jules Verne. After I finished her sentence she" he stopped as he thought about it. "She what Doc?" Marty asked as I crossed my arms. Doc looked at us and smiled. "She kissed me." 

I looked at the dirt for a second before I sighed gently. I could feel my heart start to hurt as I stood there and thought about what he said. Something was different and I couldn't tell what. I looked at the two for a moment before I looked at the door. "There's something I need to take care of." And with that, I left the building and walked down the road. Dodging a horse and buggy I walked into the woods. I walked around a bit before a song came to mind. 

I was fine, with The Women 
who would come into his life, now and again
I was fine, cause I knew
that they didn't really matter until you

I was fine, when you came
and we fought like it was all some silly game
over Him, who he'd choose

I crossed my arms in front of me as if I was cold. Walking around deeper into the woods I continued to sing. The wind blew a little as I walked around, the sun beginning to set. 

after all those years, I never thought I'd loseIt's over... isn't it?isn't it?
Isn't it over?

Doc's POV 

I left shortly after (y/n) did. There's been something eating at her and even if she tried to hide it, I could see through it. I slipped my coat on as I walked down the road. I was trying to think of where she could have run off to. Marty stayed behind in case she came back. I saw the woods and smiled gently. In all the years I knew her, she would always run off into the woods. 

I walked over to the treeline slowly as the sun was setting, I needed to find her soon before it got too dark. I walked around for a bit before I could hear some singing. I was getting closer to finding her. I had heard her sing before, but never with such emotion. She was upset, although I didn't know why. 

Walking around and stepping over some old branches, I made my way over to where she was without alerting her of my presence. I had found her on a branch of a tree, how she climbed up there in that heavy dress, I won't know. I leaned against the tree as I listened and took my hat off.  

It's over, isn't it?
isn't it?
Isn't it over?
you won and he chose you and she loved you and she's gone
It's over, isn't it?
why can't I move on?

war and glory, reinvention
fusion, freedom
his attention
out in daylight, my potential
bold, precise, experimental
Who am I now in this world without him?!
petty and dull with the nerve to doubt him
what does it matter it's already done?!
now I've got to be there for his dog
it's... over, isn't it?

isn't it?
isn't it over?
it's over, isn't it?!
isn't it?!
isn't it over?!
you won and he chose you and he loved you and he's gone!
it's over, isn't it?
why can't I move on?
it's over, isn't it?
why can't I move on?

I felt my heart pound as the song was over and her voice settled. I understood what was wrong, and I caused it. Never in my life have I been so blind. I was able to tell when Marty had met Jennifer. I would never forget how happy and awestruck he looked. But why didn't I see it this time? Was it because I couldn't believe it? 

She had jumped down and then turned to see me. I stood up straight and looked at her. "There's nothing you should hide from me, dear." I said as she looked down and brought her arms close to her. "It doesn't matter how I feel, Emmett. You know that" she said as she started to walk away. I grabbed her wrist gently and pulled her back over. "It matters to me. I want you to be happy, and that goes to Marty as well. I couldn't live my life happily, knowing you weren't" I said as I looked at her. She looked around for a second before she nodded. 

I pulled her over as I hugged her. I kissed her head gently as I held her close. After we let go I looked at her before she linked her arm with mine and we made our way back into town. "You have some explaining to do young lady, and don't run off on me again." I said and she smiled gently. 

"Now why did you run off?" I asked as I wanted to make sure that my calculations were correct. She shrugged. "I don't know. I just felt, different. It doesn't make any sense that after all the work we've been doing to get home, has stopped on a dime because of, Clara." she said as she looked at the dirt. 

I stopped before I looked at her. "Even if I am still here with Clara. I'll always be with you. It may not be physically, but you do have my house and all of my inventions." I said. She shook her head. "I don't care about your inventions. I want to be with you, and Einey. In Hill Valley in our timeline. Not here in 1885" she said as she dropped her arm from mine. I looked at her as she shook her head. "There's nothing in the world that can take me from you, I love you and Marty. You two are my closest and only friends. Do you really think that I would do something blindly without your consent?" I said and she looked at me for a second. "We should get back to the shop, I'm sure Marty is waiting." I said as we walked back. 

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