Tension (Biff x reader)

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( 827 words)

Your POV

Leaning my chair back while sitting in the library, a couple of my friends sitting around me, listening to them talk. We're sort of a rival gang to Biff's Buttheads. Being in our senior year of high school, things haven't gotten any quieter.

"(Y/n), did you hear what she said?"

Blinking i look up and shake my head. "No, why would I listen to what you two talk about?"

Smirking as I watch the girl's face turn into a frown before she smiles, smacking my arm as I put the legs of the chair down.

"What did you say, Mary?"

Looking to the other girl she shook her head slightly.

"It's stupid, you won't like it."

"Spit it out already."

Releasing a long dramatic sigh she looks around the room before turning to us, a little huddle forming at the table.

"I was just thinking, what if the gangs merged, but you and Biff end up together and we do the same with his boys."

Blinking in surprise at the sentence that left her mouth. "Why would you be thinking like that? You know Biff and I don't get along."

"I know, I know, it was just a what if, could you imagine?"

"(Y/n) and Biff Tannen causing mayhem all over Hill Valley High."

Pushing her a little in her chair as she giggles I shake my head. "Not in a million years "

Hearing thr doors open for the library I glance over. Seeing Biff and his two goons following him in. Doing my best to ignore them, looking at the table in front of me.

"What do we have here? A little studying?"

"What else do you do in a library, biff?"

He chuckles, the sound of it getting my attention as I turn to look at him. The tall teen towers over me as I'm still seated, not that standing makes more of a difference.

"I could think of a couple things to do besides study."

He laughs and gets high fives from the two that were always on his heels. They laugh with his joke as if it'll get them points for something, but it usually only gets them from getting beat like the others.

"What do you want, Biff? You're not the studying type."

His smile falls. "I study all the time."

Raising a brow I look up at him with a smirk. "Is that why you have McFly do your homework, so you can barely pass your classes?"

"What's it to you?"

"Oh nothing, just wouldn't want your little gang to fall apart when you're flunked out of school."

Standing as I collect my books I walk out of the library, finding Mary as she laughs to herself. The librarian trying to get Biff to stop his yelling from my comment.

"I can't believe you said that.'

"Some people just can't handle the truth." I shrug.

Getting to my next class I sit in my assigned seat and sigh gently. School couldn't get over any faster and I was getting quite bored.

Watching Biff walk in I roll my eyes slightly as he B lines straight for me. Sitting in the seat in front of me, leaning over my desk at me.

"You think you're so funny with that remark? That you'll prove something to me? When you're nothing like the rest of the girls always swooning over me."

Turning to look at him I furrow my brows. "what?'

He smirks. "You heard me, you want nothing more than me."

Shaking my head I lean towards him, inches from my face. "Tannen you wouldn't know attraction if it but you in the ass. The only ones who want you like that are 3D and Skinhead."

He frowns. "Angelica and Mary seem to have the hots for them, why don't you have them for me and we can merge the gang?"

"What's in it for me? I don't fancy having to keep your meat for brains out of trouble."

He sighs gently before he leans into me again, kissing me. Pulling back after a second I furrow my brows. Turning a deep shade of red.

"You did not just do that!"

Laughing he gets up and leaves the class. Following him down the hall I grab his arm, pusbing him into a small alcove. He chuckles as my hands dig into his buttoned shirt.

"Well well, chasing me already?"

"I should kick your ass for what you just did to me, I can't believe the audacity."

He leans down again. "Looks to me like you enjoyed it."

Sneering at him he only smirks, staring into his blue eyes for a moment before our lips crash together again, his hands pulling me close to him by my waist as he smiles gently into the kiss. Pulling away he looks down at me. My face still red as I glance away.

"Looks like the gangs have merged."

"Shut it, Tannen."

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