Upset (Doc x Reader)

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This is for @EREN_sexy_JAEGER, I have a lot to catch up on for these requests. 

(1033 words)

Your POV 

It's always been me and my books, well that was until I met Marty and Doc, speaking of which. 

"Hey, (y/n)- What is it?" 

Moving past Marty I get into the room that was mine to use at Doc's when I needed it. He told me it was to be a hideaway of sorts for me. Falling on the bed as I get into the room, closing the door rather hard. It didn't take long until there was a soft knock at the door. 

"(y/n) honey, what happened?" 


Pulling myself out of the bed I get up to unlock the door. Going back to lay on the bed as he steps in and closes it behind him before coming over to lay on the bed next to me. 

"Marty told me you were in a bit of a rush when he saw you, what's going on?" 

"A stupid boy." 

I could practically hear the surprise as his eyebrows rose behind me. Sighing gently as I half roll over. 

"I don't even know what I saw in him, why am I so dumb?" 

"You're not dumb, the boy is. What did he do?" 

"I tried to ask him to the dance that's next weekend, but he shares the density of lead so he didn't understand it." 

He gives a small chuckle. "Maybe he'll realize what you said and surprise you." 

With a slight pause he sighs gently before patting my leg. "Tomorrow we can go get a dress and you can go to the dance, stupid boys or not." 

Smiling at him he gives me one back as I turn to him. Leaning down he puts a small kiss on my forehead before rubbing my cheek. "Thanks, Doc." 

"Always, honey." 

He gets up from the bed and walks to the door before looking at me again. 

"I'll order pizza, hopefully that'll help you feel better too. For now I'll have Einey come hang out." 

Nodding he opens the door and lets Einey into the room, who jumps onto the bed with me and lays down. Rubbing his ears I smile to myself as I sigh. 

"What would we do without him?"  

Einey tilts his head as he looks at me before laying down again. It's been like this for as long as I've known these two. When I would normally end up being ignored for most things that bugged me, now these two come check on me and make sure I'm okay. I couldn't ask for more. Laying in bed with Einey, holding him as he snores slightly next to me, looking around the room I see the pictures of our travels. 

The trip to 1885 has always been my favorite. Doc was never shot by Mad Dog Tannen and never met Clara. She did stop by the blacksmith shop when him and Marty were getting things ready for the train one day, something about a mirror being out of alignment in her telescope. Something I was easily able to correct on my own and give it back to her. 

Smiling as I rub Einey's head and get out of the bed, him following me after stretching. Being practically carried down the stairs by the smell of pizza I turn the corner and smile. Doc and Marty getting everything ready for us to eat, Einey going to his own food bowl as he joins me at the bottom of the stairs. 

"Welcome out of the cave." 

Nudging Marty he laughs gently as Doc looks at me. He smiles at me before handing me a plate. It didn't take long for us to be stuffed with pizza it was time for bed. Going back up the stairs I got into bed and passed out. 

The next morning I awoke to the sun coming in from the curtains, rubbing the annoying light from my eyes I get up and get ready for the day. Coming down the steps I find Doc at the kitchen counter drinking some coffee. He turns to me and smiles as he looks at me. 


"That smells amazing." 

He motions for me to join him and I do, pouring my own cup of the liquid gold and smiling to myself as I sip it. 

"Are you ready to go dress shopping today?" 

"I don't know, I want to but I'm not sure if I should since I don't have a date." 

"Who needs a date?" 

Looking at Doc he gives me a toothy grin. "Everyone who wants to dance with someone does." 

"You can dance with plenty of people, you don't need a date, there might even be someone  there that went without a date too." 

Looking into the cup of coffee I smile gently, sighing and giving a small nod. "Okay, you might be right." 

"Aren't I always?" 

Shaking my head we get ready to go to the boutique in town, I smile to myself as I look around the dresses. 

"Any specific colors you're looking for?" 

Thinking for a moment I hum to myself. "Maybe a navy blue, with a little bit of gems." 

He nods as he goes back to look into the racks for something. Stopping as I find a navy dress with a sweetheart neckline and straps. There was a slit that went up to just above my knee, a dark dress with a sprinkling of gems to make it glitter. Turning as I get Doc's attention he stops in his tracks. 

"That one?" 

Nodding I go to put it on as he follows me towards the fitting rooms. Getting into the dress I step out after a little bit as he takes his hat off and looks at me. 


"What? Do you not like it?" 

"It's beautiful, you'll have everyone lining up to dance with you." 

Smiling wide as I hug him he hugs me tightly. 

"Ready to get going?" 

I nod gently and we check out of the boutique. Going home and hanging the dress up in the room to keep it from being wrinkled. Maybe the dance will go better than I thought. 

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