Chapter Fifteen: Glory

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Glory arrived fifteen minutes late.

Not that she cared, much. Was this the broken heart crap? Where was the part where she was supposed to eat ice cream and bawl her eyes out and live her life watching soap opera? All this was actually starting to make her feel a little depressed. She lost her entire appetite and stopped caring about anything.

That was frightening. She usually was in full control of herself. Usually, she cared about everything.

The annoying part was, every time she closed her eyes she thought of Deathbringer. His messy black hair and wild, wolfish grin. The way his lips pressed against hers. His arms holding her tight and safe, his whispers, it'll be okay...she had never felt so safe, so secured, like when she in his arms-

Ugh. This definitely wasn't normal at all. Glory felt like she was sick with some sort of disease, and that her soul had been stabbed and hacked into little pieces. Her mind was a maze, and she was trapped inside it; There was no exit, No cure.

Except one.

She sighed. She felt like those annoying, bratty girls from romance books that turned into a zombie when her boyfriend dumped her.

She felt something open inside her that she had never experienced before- she wasn't caring at all. Not in control? Oh, well. Looking like a zombie? Too bad. Loving Deathbringer? Who cares?

Was she crazy? She probably was. She was in love with an assassin that tried to kill her. Literally. He tried to shoot her with a gun. A freaking gun.

That didn't make sense- but nothing made sense.

Now that she had time to think, she was going to drive herself mad.

Despite herself, she felt angry. Deep anger within her, uncontrollable and raging and spreading like a fire.

She had given up everything for him, and only him, told him everything, made herself open to vulnerability, and still he didn't get it.

She told him how she felt, and he didn't feel the same way.

He's stupid. I'm stupid. AHHH. EVERYONE IS STUPID.

She didn't think it was possibly to be this heartbroken. Ugh. She wanted to stay single forever. This brokenhearted thing was really getting in her nerves.

No, wait. She was back with Kyle. She could barely remember his name, and, although she felt guilty for using him for her dumb purposes, something told her it would worth it.

She sat down and calmly ordered a coffee. The woman who was taking her order eyed her warily like she was a wanted criminal.

"Is your name Glory?" She asked, keeping safe distance.

She pushed her sunglasses a little higher in her nose. "Yes?"

The woman stiffly handed her a note. "It was left here for you." The woman hurried away, her arms crossed over her chest like she was ready to defend herself.

"Thanks?" She called after her.

Glory opened the note, her eyes skipping through it lazily. Probably some sort of fan letter, she thought.

Then her mind started to wake up, her wires began to turn, and her heart hammered in her chest.

She read it, over and over and over.

Her blood ran cold. No. No. No. It can't be.

Suddenly, every breath was struggle for life, every movement painful and every word piercing a hole in her soul.

The note dropped out of her trembling hands to the cold, hard floor, taking her world with it.


Dear Glory-

I have your friend. Although she is quite charming and beautiful, I do not wish to keep her. Meet me at your apartment, and I will give you what you most desire. I have everything you will ever want and need.

I have him.

In fact, dear, dear Glory- I have all of them. Every single one of your cronies kneel on their knees and are in my control. They are waiting for you, their hero, to save their lives, again, which I find quite amusing. I repeat- I do not wish to keep them- any of them.

Meet me, or they will die.

Do not try to avoid me, Glory. This is your last chance of confronting me in peace. Avoid me, and I will kill your friends by sunset.

And I will kill you too.


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