Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Through the corner of her eye, she could see a woman and Morrowseer. She was sitting on a chair, her hands tied to her back. Her wrists hurt.

Her friends were nowhere to be seen. Morrowseer was inviting the guests front of her, like he wanted to annoy her even further.

And he was succeeding. She was annoyed out of her mind.

"Scarlet," he said, bowing mockingly. The woman covered in red jewels didn't notice. Her clothes made her think about Glory's old life, where she got to wear sparkling clothes and party. It almost made her laugh. It seemed such a long time ago.

"Why, your friend is also here. You had friends?" Morrowseer bowed again. "Hello, Burn."

"Your daughter is getting married? What a surprise," Scarlet replied thinly, ignoring Morrowseer's comment. "Who in their right mind would marry her?"

No one. It's called a forced marriage. It's literally forced, Glory wanted to explain. Scarlet had that kind or a vibe. She just seemed so stupid, it made her want to explain things to her.

Morrowseer sneered. "How many times did you divorce again, my lady?"

Wow, these people are savages, Glory thought. She snickered, ignoring Morrowseer's glare. Today was a crazy day. She didn't feel right, and rightfully so. If she was going to die today, why not enjoy it?

She wasn't scared anymore. Right?

Scarlet glared at Morrowseer and turned, letting out a little gasp as she saw Glory. She stared at her like an animal in a zoo, and Glory stared back, scowling.

Then Scarlet scrunched her nose like Glory was smelly (which she probably was) and stared at her in distaste, like she had something disgusting on her face (which probably was also true). "What's that?"

"It's a girl, Scarlet. Have you seen one before?" Morrowseer rolled his eyes. "She will be killed today. My wedding gift, you could say."

Scarlet's eyes lightened up in sudden interest. "You should put it in the front row, next to me. And then the bride can do the honors and kill it. Or the groom can kill it for her. Much better than a wedding vow."

Morrowseer seemed to consider the idea. "Not bad. It will be bloody. Are you ready for it?"

Glory glared daggers at him, but he ignored her. The woman beside him shrugged. She had beautiful red hair and sparkling yellowish-amber eyes. Glory stared, surprised. Did she do a surgery to change her eye color?

"It's been a while, but it'll be okay." She narrowed her eyes. She had long, thin eyebrows, and she raised them perfectly. "Are you challenging me?"

Morrowseer motioned with his hands, like Scarlet was a little insect bothering him. "I will grant it to you, then. Seeing that you are one of, ah, the most powerful people here." Morrowseer bowed again, mockingly.

Scarlet seemed smug. "Have someone carry her."

Glory felt people grabbing her, but she didn't try to struggle. She could feel the small bottle of something pressing against her in her pants pocket. She had stared at it after Morrowseer had talked to her. She didn't know what it was. It was a black liquid.

She locked eyes with Morrowseer. He was staring at her, but with something different in his eyes. Pity? Sympathy? Something had changed, in that slightest moment. His face softened. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words ever came out.

Looking at him for three seconds, she could identify something. Emotions. It was regret. Sadness.

She felt disgust.

I am going to die in the hands of my bitterest enemy.


When Greatness entered, Glory cringed. Despite all her faults, Greatness was beautiful. She seemed like a goddess- or perhaps an angel- as she walked to Deathbringer with Morrowseer's arm linked to hers.

She had flowing black hair, and her white dress wrapped around her like a flower. Her face was pale and the flowers she held was mixed with black colors. Morrowseer seemed bored, as always.

And the worst thing- Greatness seemed happy. Her eyes shone, and it seemed real. "Witch," Glory whispered.

There was someone beside Greatness- her mother, perhaps? Scarlet answered her question. "Tsk tsk, that girl's mom is fat as always," Scarlet muttered. "What was her name again, Burn? Battle crusher or something?"

Her friend beside her seemed annoyed, but answered anyway. "Battlewinner, idiot."

Glory had worked up a plan. She knew it was her only way. She knew that she had to do something. But two things: her hands were tied. And she was too far away from Greatness and Deathbringer.

Deathbringer. She hadn't looked at him. She couldn't. If she did, she knew she would break down. She knew she would become afraid again. And she couldn't have that. Anything but the fear that had trapped her for so long.

Scarlet was talking to someone beside her. "Yes! And I had him stuffed. And now, I can look at him everyday. It was such a shame, except he doesn't whine anymore."

Think, Glory, think.

She couldn't. All she could do was stare helplessly as Greatness made her way to Deathbringer. She looked around desperately, and to her surprise, she saw Kinkajou next to a girl that looked exactly like Greatness.

She felt betrayed and exhausted. Her friends. Deathbringer. And now, even Kinkajou. They were all slowly becoming one of Morrowseer's toys. It felt like the past was replaying itself. And that was when she knew.

It was over.

Greatness took Deathbringer's hand in hers. And then she stared at him, like she was daring him to snatch it away.

He didn't.

And that was what hurt the most.

The priest stared at both of them, sweating nervously. Glory felt like her world was spinning.

"Do you, Deathbringer Black, take Greatness Absher as your wife?" The priest said timidly.

Deathbringer glanced at Greatness. There. Now you have done it, Glory scolded herself. You've seen him.

"I do," Deathbringer said, without hesitation. And it pierced her heart.

Greatness grinned. Something passed between them, something like, I win.

"An do you, Greatness Absher, take Deathbringer Black as-"

"I do," Greatness snapped. Then she stared at the ring and placed it on Deathbringer's finger.

"I announce you as husband and wife!" The priest said. Everyone clapped.

Greatness pulled Deathbringer close and kissed him, and to Glory's disappointment, he kissed back.

Scarlet seemed disgusted. "This is not thrilling at all. When are we going to see blood and like, gore?"

Glory sighed. It really was over. Nobody was going to rescue them. She didn't have a plan. Well, she did, but it would never work.

She was alone.

Greatness smiled at the crowd, her cheeks flushing. "And now," she yelled. "The blood you were promised!" People cheered, although Morrowseer seemed a little uncomfortable.

Glory felt her heart thumping. This was it. She was going to die. She knew it as soon as Greatnesss looked at her and smirked.

"I promise you," Greatness said. Her voice was was quiet, like she was sharing a secret, or maybe a joke, but everyone heard it. Her words rang inside Glory's brain, like an echo.

Greatness looked right at Glory. And Glory could feel the fear. The hate. It swallowed her. She was trembling with emotion.

Greatness gripped Deathbringer's hand. And he seemed empty. Like he had loved her all this time. Like the time he had spent with Glory, as short as it was, was nothing. And it shattered her heart into a million pieces. Greatness was looking at her, daring to interfere. She couldn't.

"I promise you the blood of Clay Mud," She yelled, and that was when the gates opened, and Clay came in.

Except it wasn't Clay.

Clay was a kind, loving soul. Her friend. Her brother. She could remember the kindness in his eyes as he gave her his bread even though he was starving, how excited he was for her when she left, how warm his hugs were.

This wasn't Clay.

Clay had a clumsiness to him. His brown eyes were warm. His brown hair was always a little ruffled, like he had rolled out from bed. And he had a smile for everyone.

Glory felt tears sting her eyes. And they came like a leaking sink. She hadn't felt this for a long time. And now, her mistakes, her sins, everything was coming back to haunt her.

Clay was innocent. He was loving. He was selfless. He was kind. He was happy. He was...Clay. That was how he was.

Glory felt herself reaching out to him, to do anything, but then someone was holding her back. She screamed. Guards came to her and gripped her arm, but it didn't stop her. She hated them. She kicked and wailed and screamed.

Clay loved her. She loved Clay. Clay was a part of her life.

This wasn't Clay.

It was a monster.

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