Chapter Twenty-Six

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Luck was stupid.

She had attempted breaking in. She had attempted breaking out. And now her friends laid by her side, unconscious, an inch away from death.

And Morrowseer was alive.


Ever since she was a little kid, she wanted to become a hero in a story. Fighting monsters and be looked up to (She had spent some time of her life fangirling over percabeth and such. Gods, this was embarrassing).

But she had never thought of the consequences- perhaps that was why she hated it now. She was in dangerous situations (aka being tricked by a cute assassin, or being threatened constantly, or being held hostage by an evil witch). She fought monsters (aka Morrowseer and Greatness). And it sucked.

"Glory?" Sunny murmured in her sleep. Her usual merry face was replaced by a pale, deathly version of Sunny. She was trembling in cold, which broke her heart.

I promised to keep them safe. Glory laughed at herself. Ha! Right. Like I kept my promises to them.

Clay- gone. With that evil little no-good rotten banana monster called Peril. Starlight- shot theough the eye. Had he survived? Was he okay?

The thing was, she hated worrying. She hated pressure. She hated everything. If Trouble, Pressure, Betrayal, and Luck were living beings, she would have turned into an octopus just to slap them twice.

And then she would have turned into herself again just to slap Greatness a hundred times.

Greatness. She hated her. She had taken everything away- her life, Deathbringer, her friends, her happiness, and Deathbringer.

She sighed. No use thinking about it. There was nothing she could do.

She stared at Tsunami and Sunny beside her. They were freezing in here. There was no sunlight. She would preferably sleep and never wake up, if she didn't have a strong urge to slap a lot of people. Like, a lot of people.

She tried to drag them close together. She had heard that body heat was an essential part of staying alive in this cold.

Her teeth chattered. So this was how she was going to die- in the darkness. Of hyperthermia. Awesome. Of course, everyone wanted to die in an old cage in the darkness.

Then she realized Kinkajou was nowhere to be seen. She didn't see Kinkajou anywhere, and felt a spark of fear- where was she?

Glory closed her eyes. Think, Glory, think.

She couldn't think.

Then the door opened, and a guard came in. Glory was blinded by the light for a few minutes, blinking furiously, when the guard started to drag her. She could hear her friends yelping. "Ahhhhh!" She tried to bite the guard, but she ended up biting nothingness, which just caused pain in her teeth.

"I thought she was supposed to be actually, like, pretty," the guard complained.

"Better than your mom," a different guard said.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" The guard growled, his fist clenched.

"Nothing, Your Highness," the other guard muttered. "Let's get them out of here."

"What's happening?" She croaked.

A third guard stood at the shadows. He was fairly short compared to the other guys. "Come on."

"Gladly," the biggest guard said, huffing. "Make sure you get this girl in line, Waters. Don't you all know I outrank you?"

"In haughtiness?" The guard laughed, and for a moment it seemed like a girl's voice.

"Just because you're a girl-"

The guard took his mask off, revealing to be a handsome, white-haired guy with a ugly frown on his face. He seemed about the age as Kinkajou-maybe a little older- which just worried her more.

"Chill, Winter." The girl took her mask off, too. Had Glory seen her face before?

"GUYS!" The last guy took his mask off. He was shorter than the girl, with a chubby, I'm-totally-harmless face.

"Well, apparently Qibli wants to pick fights," the guy growled. "Stay out of this, Turtle."

"No! We have to get her to Morrowseer, now!"

Qibli gave Winter an innocent smile and turned. "Ooh, Morrowseer. Did you see his daughter? Hot." Qibli fanned herself, ehich confused Glory.

"You!" She managed to say. "With- Deathbringer-"

Qibli gave her a pitiful look. "She remembers me. But, of course, not many people can forget me. It's part of my charm."

Winter snorted.

"Why-?" Glory could barely keep her eyes open. "Help us."

"Let's go!" Winter barked out. "Also, aren't you dating Umber?"

"I told you we broke up a few months ago! You're trying to annoy me," Qibli groaned. But there was a flash of hurt in her eyes. "And you want Moon by yourself!"

"I do not!" Winter's face flushed. Glory inhaled and exhaled, her breaths coming in ragged short gasps.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To Morrowseer." Qibli smiled. Then she whispered in her ear: "We're going to be fine. Your two friends will be safe. I can't do anything about your situation right now, but keep holding on. Reinforcements will be here in a few days."

"What?" Glory said dazedly.

The other guards kept calling, and Qibli flashed her one last smile. "There are spies here. Now, sleep and keep holding on. It will be worth it."

Then Qibli slipped something into her pocket, and Glory passed out.



She woke up on a bed. In a very fluffy bed decorated with little teddy bears. Awesome.

A girl was staring at her, which didn't really seem weird at all. Except the thing in her hands- ooh, a banana.

"Bro, hi, can I please have your banana?"

The girl handed her the banana. The girl was now her friend. AWESOME. Only awesome people gave out bananas willingly. Right? She sat up and peeled it. When was the last time she ate a fruit? She sighed happily.

"What's your name and how did you get captured?" The girl said. The girl had green eyes and dark, dark hair. She reminded her of avocados. And there was this unicorn aura about her that made Kinkajou feel cold. So awesome.

"Queen Kinkajou Supreme. What about you?" Kinkajou attacked the banana, gulping it down.

The girl raised her eyebrow. "I am Moonwatcher. Moon, for short."

Kinkajou nodded. "So, why am I here?"

"To be my friend. Father said you are the same age as me. Which is...great."

"Uh, sure, I'll be your friend. But I'm hungry, bro."

"I'm not your brother. Why are you calling me bro?" Moon asked confusedly.

"Because you're a bro. Anyway, if you are my friend, can you give me something to eat? Like food? Is that what friends do?"

"I don't really know. But of course. You will be provided here." Moon gave her a smile.

"Cool. So, my friends are in ultimate danger and they're dying, can you help us?" It tumbled out of her mouth like a conversation. Moon didn't seem surprised. "Where is Glory?"

Moon frowned. "I can't help anyone. But sure, I know a girl named Glory. She's the girlfriend of my sister's boyfriend who happens to be her fianceè."

Kinkajou blinked. "Uh, yeah. That's the one. Wait, you're related to the Great Witch?"

Kinkajou wasn't sure what to do: scream, cry, or jump. So she just stayed where she was.

"Greatness? Yes, I am," Moon said softly.

"Um. So are you an evil witch with ninja skills that wants to take over the world?" Kinkajou said, shaking her banana pill treatheningly. "And don't lie, because I can end your life with this!"

Mokn blinked. Was that...amusement in her eyes? Nah. Just pure fear of Queen Kinkajou Supreme.

"I am not like my sister. She doesn't exactly like me. She thinks I'm a freak."

"Sister problems. Cool. Now let's go and kick some butts and save my friends!" Kinkajou said excitedly.

Moon shook her head. "I can't."

Kinkajou frowned at her. "What?!" She gave her her best puppy eyes. "Please? Can at least you tell me where they are?"

"Between the doors of death."

"C'mon!" Kinkajou groaned. "Fine, thanks for the banana, my friend. I'm going alone."

"No!" Moon yelped. "I'll be alone! I mean...You'll die. I can show you a different person, though. What was his name? Clay?" She seemed desperate all of a sudden. Awesome. She could use that against her.

Kinkajou brightened immediately. Yay! "Sure. Where is he? Can we save him?"

"He's in middle of surgery," Moon replied. "If we save him now, he will die."

Kinkajou frowned. This place was starting to creep her out. It hadn't been full of rainbows at the beginning, sure, but wow. Creepyyyyyy. "Wow. Um, why is he in a surgery?" She was almost scared to ask, which really wasn't like her at all.

"They're making him like Firescales," Moon replied. Her jade green eyes flashed. Kinkajou suddenly didn't feel so brave anymore. "And training to he obedient. That was what they did, seven years ago."

Kinkajou widened her eyes. That little chubby guy? Dangerous? Wut. "But why?"

"They will order him to kill his friends. He will kill the movie star."

Stop, she wanted to say. She didn't feel so hungry anymore.

Ha. Who was she kidding? Of course she was.

But Kinkajou felt scared.

"Oh, no," she whispered. "When?"

Moon stared at the floor. "She visited me yesterday. She said it will be set up in an arena for everyone to see."

Kinkajou closed her eyes. She wanted to shut the world out. Suddenly, everything sucked. But Moon kept talking.

"He will kill Glory Bright during the wedding."


I wanna slap myself for not updating sooner. If you want to slap me, please wait at the line. Lol.

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