Chapter Four

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Brendan awoke from his slumber the next morning, refreshed and ready to take on the day. He had a gym challenge to take and he was quite certain that his team was ready to face his former instructor. Sitting up, he glanced over at the alarm clock, blinking at the time. Ten o'clock was what it read.

"I really need to work on getting up earlier," Brendan yawned, stretching as he stood.

Treecko and Poochyena were sleeping in their own designated places. Poochyena seemed to prefer the floor near the bed while Treecko took to the window. Sunlight leaked inside, warming Treecko's scales and rousing him from his sleep.

"Morning you two," Brendan voiced as he headed off to shower and get ready for the day.

Treecko and Poochyena both nodded in acknowledgment.

"Today's the day we have our first gym battle. I know you guys will be ready for it," Brendan stated as he slipped into the bathroom.

Courtney had been awake since the crack of dawn, reviewing the recording that was sent to her. She observed Brendan's actions as well as listened to his speech. Her lips curled into a slight smile as she heard him insult the Team Aqua Grunt.

The boy has sense. This is good. She thought, watching further.

She took note of the power of his Treecko and typed up a few notes about it.

Grass Knot. Hmm...better used for heavier opponents, but it was used flawlessly as a surprise attack. This Treecko seems to be quite fast as well. Analyzing...conclusion; it was bred. Superlative.

Courtney continued to watch, interest piquing more by the minute. Normally, this didn't happen. People didn't usually interest her at all. But this one, this...boy, really caught her attention. Who was he? She had to find out. Just then, an idea hit her.

He will be in Rustburo City. Team Aqua is planning something. Perhaps Miles can find out more. Yes...that will work.

With that, she stood up and made her way to her bathroom for a relaxing bath. She would call Miles when she was done.

"Shroomish, hang in there!" May called out as her Shroomish was batted away by Roxanne's Nosepass.

Okay May, think strategically. Remember what Brendan said. Don't rush in...

"Nosepass, use Rock Tomb!" Roxanne commanded.

Nosepass materialized several large rocks and launched them straight at Shroomish.

"Seed Bomb!" May countered.

Shroomish sent a volley of glowing white orbs towards the incoming rocks. The bombs exploded upon contact and dispersed the assault made by Roxanne.

"Not bad Miss Maple. I expected nothing less from the daughter of Norman. You do have his fighting spirit," Roxanne complimented.

"Thank you. That means a lot to me," May began. "I will do my best to win," May declared.

"That's what I like to hear. Nosepass, use Ice Punch!"

"Shroomish, use Stun Spore, quick!" May countered hastily.

Nosepass rushed in with its rocky stub glowing with icy cold energy. As it was about to strike, Shroomish released a shower of spores, covering Nosepass and slowing it movements dramatically. Before it could strike, a paralyzing current raced along its body, rendering it immobile.

Now's my chance! May thought. "Seed Bomb again!"


May paled. Seed Bomb went off first followed by Nosepass self-destructing. When the dust cleared, Shroomish and Nosepass were both out of the fight. The judges hand went up.

"Both Pokémon are unable to battle. This match is a draw. In accordance with the rules, the Gym Leader has the final say."

May sighed as she withdrew Shroomish. She was so close to an assured victory. Roxanne smiled softly and made her way over to May.

"May Maple?"

"Y-yes?" May looked up only to see the Stone Badge being presented to her.

"B-but, I didn't win," May said with wide eyes.

"Even those who lose get a badge if I see that they understand the basics of battle and raising Pokémon. Besides, didn't your father tell you that winning isn't what's important?" Roxanne winked.

"Yes. Yes he did! Oh thank you Roxanne!" May chirped excitedly, taking the badge happily.

Clapping could be heard behind her, causing May and Roxanne to turn and see who it was. There, in the entryway stood Brendan.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my former student. I had a feeling I would be seeing you soon enough," Roxanne smirked.

"He was your student?" May queried, glancing between the two.

"Yep. He was one of my brightest. A little obnoxious at times but when it came down to it, he was a solid student," Roxanne commented.

"Well, it's good to see you too Teach," Brendan replied with a wry grin.

"Still as endearing as ever. So, you came for a badge did you? I hope you are prepared to put all you've learned to the test," Roxanne reminded him.

"Don't worry, I am pretty prepared for this battle. I hope you're ready Teach, because this is gonna be one battle you won't ever forget," Brendan grinned.

"Uh...I think I might have a seat and watch. This sounds like it will be interesting," May deduced, making her way to the side to spectate.

Brendan and Roxanne grinned at one another.

"Well, if you'll wait here, I will be back in twenty minutes tops. Take time to prepare your strategy. I look forward to battling you," Roxanne stated as she walked out of the gym.

The Devon Corporation, located just west of the gym, was busy taking calls and researching for new projects they were undertaking. There were a few trainers getting fossils revived as well. Yes, all was going swell within the establishment. However, lurking within the business was a shadow that had little interest in anything the corporation could make. He was there on a mission for one thing only and it relied on him getting into the lab undetected.

As he hid around the corner, a researcher strode by. Quick as a flash, he reached out and covered the mouth of the scientist and silenced him for a while. With the man unconscious, he'd take his coat and other clothes, and stash the researcher in an unoccupied room. He dressed himself in the clothes of the researcher and toom off his bandanna, stashing it in the coat pocket. Keys were in the coat. Perfect!

The gym doors opened and in walked Roxanne, a confident air around her as she strode up to Brendan.

"Well, are you ready for your true final exam, Brendan?" Roxanne smirked, hefting one of her Pokéballs before him.

"I think I've studied enough to know how to ace it," Brendan replied confidently.

"Well then, let's see it. Show me that the knowledge imparted to you has been retained. I hope you won't disappoint me," Roxanne stated, trekking over to her box.

Brendan nodded respectfully and walked towards the trainer's box. The judge walked to the center of the arena and raised her hand.

"This match will be between the Rustburo City Gym Leader: Roxanne and the Challenger: Brendan from Littleroot Town. This is an official gym battle. Only the challenger may switch Pokémon. Brendan will have the first move. Combatants, send out your first Pokémon!" Said the judge.

"Geodude, time for class!" Roxanne shouted.

"Poochyena, let's get it on!" Brendan bellowed.

"Begin!" The judge echoed, causing both sides to charge into action.

"Poochyena, Dig, let's go!" Brendan commanded.

"Geodude, Rock Polish!" Roxanne belted out.

Poochyena powered into the ground and tunnled beneath the rocky arena. Geodude slammed his fists together, creating sparks of blue lightning around his frame. With the needed speed boost, he was considerably faster. Seening this setup, Brendan took action.

"Howl underground!" Brendan countered.

Well played! Roxanne commended mentally.

A powerful howl erupted from underground, only to get louder as Poochyena burst through the arena floor aglow with crimson aura. Geodude, however, was able to evade the strike in the nick of time. Both combatants faced each other with determination unparalleled.

Wow, I knew Brendan was good, but it looks like he and Roxanne are pretty even. Though Poochyena didn't hit Geodude, that strategy was brilliant. I get it! Howl raises the power of Poochyena's attacks. Roxanne will have to really plan out her moves if she doesn't want to Geodude to get hit. May concluded as she watched.

"Gotta hand it to you Brendan. That was pretty clever. But if you want to keep up with Geodude, it will take more than that. Rollout, let's go!"

Geodude began to spin rapidly in a forward motion before exploding from his position towards Poochyena.

"Get underground!" Brendan ordered.

Geodude was quicker than expected and rammed hard into Poochyena as he rolled by, turning around for another assault at a much faster pace. Poochyena shook his head vigorously and lept up to avoid the speeding rock only to tunnel back under the arena.

"That won't help you. Keep rolling and use Magnitude!"

"To the surface, quick!" Brendan fired back.

Seismic waves pulsed from Geodude as he rolled along. Poochyena broke to the surface and found himself positioned in the air above Geodude who had launched himself upward just as Poochyena resurfaced. Part of the hole acted as a ramp.

"Iron Tail!" Brendan shouted.

"Fire Punch!" Roxanne countered.

Geodude set his fist ablaze and came out of his spin, utilizing the force of the turn to power the attack. Poochyena coated his tail with steel and flipped, using the downward momentum to gain the edge. There was a loud BANG! The two attacks collided, however, due to the laws of gravity, Geodude was sent crashing hard into the arena below. Poochyena landed on his side and rolled slowly to get back up. Geodude was down for the count.

"Geodude is unable to battle! Poochyena wins!" Said the judge as her hand went up.

"Well done Brendan! Seems you remembered what I taught you after all. Kinda gets me...all choked up," Roxanne sniffed, a smile resting on her features as she returned Geodude.

"It's hard to forget something you taught. You made things so simple for all of us. And I'm going to show you that your teaching is being put to good use by defeating you here today!" Brendan boldly declared.

Roxanne smiled softly.

Oh Brendan, my dear student. Always so confident and trustworthy. Even from the day you set foot into my classroom you were always so helpful and bright...even if you were a bit of a clown too. You passed all of my exams and graduated with honors. But this, my dear Brendan, is no normal exam. I plan to make you work to pass this one! Roxanne thought as she reached for her last teammate.

"I have no doubt you will carry out those bold words. However...I don't plan on making it easy. Nosepass, time for another lesson!" Roxanne called out.

The nose Pokémon immerged onto the arena floor and stared blankly at Poochyena.

"I wouldn't have it any other way, Teach. Bring it on!" Brendan beckoned her.

"Oh, I will Mr. Birch. Count on it," she grinned.

"Poochyena, Dig!"

"Not this time, Zap Cannon down the hole!" Roxanne commanded.

Poochyena dove underground only for Nosepass to quickly gather the needed energy and fire a powerful orb of electricity down the hole. Poochyena yelped in pain and was blasted out of the ground, landing in a heap before Brendan.

"Poochyena is unable to battle! Nosepass wins!" The judge proclaimed.

"Not pulling any punches, are you Teach?" Brendan laughed nervously, dawning a concerned look as he picked up Poochyena.

"Not in the slightest. As I said before, this will not be easy," Roxanne replied.

Brendan nodded and returned Poochyena. "You were great my friend. Rest up, and let your friend take it all the way. Treecko, battle station!"

The reptilian Pokémon erupted from his spherical abode and landed in a three point stance. Rising to a stand, Treecko stared down his lumbering foe.

Roxanne, you were and still are an awesome teacher. This battle will be my thanks to you, thought Brendan as he gazed back at Roxanne.

"Treecko, charge in with Quick Attack!"

"Ice Punch!" Roxanne commanded.

Treecko was off like a shot, trusting in his friend's commands. As he neared, Nosepass encased its stub in freezing cold aura before aiming a powerful punch at the speedy reptile. No fool, Treecko sidestepped the assault and positioned himself to strike.

"Seed Bomb!" Brendan called out, much to May's surprise.

He didn't use that in our fight! Talk about having a few tricks up your sleeve, May mused.

Treecko gathered white orbs of energy into his palms and flung them straight into Nosepass's face. The bombs exploded upon impact and sent Nosepass staggering backwards.

"Press the offensive! Knock it down with Pound!"

Brendan knew that normal attacks were no good against Rock-types. But if Nosepass tipped over, it would have a hard time getting back up. As Treecko launched himself at Nosepass, Brendan immediately regretted his decision.

"Zap Cannon!"

There was a very loud explosion. Treecko was sent sprawling through the air, landing hard on the ground. Nosepass had regained its footing and was now in the better position.

"I had a feeling you would try something like that. And from the look on your knew you messed up," Roxanne stated with a frown.

Brendan glanced over at Treecko who struggled to his feet. He was paralyzed and his speed was reduced.

"This was fun Brendan, but it looks like you'll be taking this exam again. Zap Cannon once again!" Roxanne commanded.

Nosepass began to power up the devastating electrical attack. A smirk slowly spread across Brendan's face.

"You know what Teach? Someone will be taking this exam again, only it's not gonna be me," Brendan grinned.

"Oh? And why is that?" Roxanne asked as Nosepass finished charging.

"Because Mother Nature is a cruel mistress. Oh and...weighing a lot kinda sucks, for Nosepass anyway," Brendan grinned.

As he said that, a large set of vines erupted from the holes that were made and ensnared Nosepass, causing him to miss fire his cannon away from Treecko, and fall on his face hard into the arena floor. Treecko's eyes ceased to glow and he fell onto his rear from exhaustion, heaving a deep sigh.

He did it. Well done my dear student...

That takes care of that! I hope this was an enjoyable read! Let me know what you think of it! Ciao for now.

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