Chapter Three

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It was getting dark as Brendan entered Petalburg City. It was about a six hour walk from Oldale Town, which wasn't too bad. A faint smile crossed his features as he approached. It was a small city, but it was beautiful. All seemed peaceful, until shouting broke the silence.

"Weakling! How can you call yourself a trainer?" A tall boy with blonde hair spat.

On the ground was a young boy holding a Seedot that had just been put through the ringer by a Taillow which sat upon the shoulder of the taller boy. The younger one clenched his fists and glared up at the taller one.

"I'm not weak! I'm just a beginner, that's all!" The boy scowled.

"Even beginners fight better than that. The Professor must have been stupid to hand you a Pokémon," the older one sneered.

Brendan raised a brow. Insulting his father? That wasn't going to stand.

"You know, you really should be careful about what you say. You never know who might be listening," Brendan said flatly.

"Oh really? And why should I do that? Who are you anyway? This has nothing to do with you so get out of here!" The bully jeered.

"You're right. It didn't have anything to do with me, until now that is. By the way, the man you called stupid is my father. And morons like you need to show some respect," Brendan said coldly.

"And what are you gonna do if I don't? So what if you're the son of the porky Professor? That doesn't mean anything to me," snapped the bully.

"I'm going to enjoy this..." Brendan said dully, releasing Poochyena from his containment.

"So you wanna fight huh? Fine with me. I'll trounce you too! Taillow, let's show him who's boss!" The bully roared.

The tiny bird screeched his challenge as he took to the skies. Brendan smirked, knowing that this guy had no idea what he was getting into.

"Howl!" Brendan ordered.

"Quick Attack!" The ruffian countered.

Poochyena threw his head back and let loose a bone chilling howl. Crimson aura erupted from his frame. He then braced himself for impact and was sent sliding backwards from the force of the speeding bullet of a bird. Brendan simply smirked, letting his adversary have an ego boost for drawing first blood.

"Keep going Taillow, use Wing Attack!"

Perfect. Brendan grinned as Poochyena's fangs sparked with electricity as his prey neared. "Thunder Fang!"

The bully's eyes widened. Taillow dove in and Poochyena bounded forward, jaws gaping. A sickening crunch was heard, followed by the sound of pained cries as an electric current surged through the bird.

"That's enough Poochyena. Drop him, boy," Brendan ordered calmly.

Poochyena opened his jaws and released the bird, letting him fall unconscious to the ground.

"You little-!" He was interrupted.

"Shouldn't you take care of him? If you call yourself a real trainer, that's what you should do," Brendan stated curtly.

The ruffian scowled and then returned his Taillow. "You win this time, Birch. But next time, you will be the one who goes down."

"Bring it. I'll be glad to face you again, right after you fix that attitude of yours," Brendan shot back.

"Keep dreamin'," the bully sneered before storming off.

Brendan rolled his eyes and turned to the younger kid. He wore a yellow t-shirt and a pair of blue shorts. He wore a blue hat as well.

"You okay?" Brendan inquired.

The boy smiled slightly as he looked up. "Uh huh! That was amazing! Your Poochyena is so cool!" The boy exclaimed.

"You seem rather cheery after having lost," Brendan replied, sweat-dropping at the boy's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, that guy, Rick, is a real pain. But you sure showed him!" He grinned.

"Well, he was pushing you around, and I couldn't let him get away with insulting my dad so..."

"Professor Birch is really your dad!? That's cool! My name's Billy, by the way," Billy introduced.

"Nice to meet you Billy, I'm Brendan."

"Say Brendan, this might sound out of the blue but..." Billy paused, shuffling his feet.

"What's up?" Brendan asked.

"Do you think we'll battle each other someday? the League?" Billy queried.

Brendan smiled. "When we make it there, I am certain we will. But we could battle any other time too before then."

"Ya mean it!?" Billy replied enthusiastically.

"Yep. Sure thing. Be sure to train hard and meet me there," Brendan chuckled.

"I will Brendan! And I'll become as strong as you so we can have a fun match!" Billy grinned, placing his hands behind his head.

"I'll be looking forward to that," Brendan stated with a smirk.

"Well, Seedot needs to be taken care of. I better get on that. Bye for now!" Billy called as he waved back at Brendan.

"See ya soon," Brendan replied.

Billy darted into the Pokémon Center, leaving Brendan to his own devices.

"That was quite a battle young man," came a new voice, prompting Brendan to turn around.

"Ah, Mr. Maple!" Brendan greeted. "How are you?"

"No need to be so formal Brendan. Call me Norman. By the way, how's your father?" Norman asked curiously.

"Same as ever. Jolly and really into his research," Brendan laughed.

"That does sound like him. So, my daughter tells me that you battled her. She said that you were impressive and after what I just witnessed, I would have to agree," Norman said with a grin.

"Ah, you heard about that huh? I hope she didn't take it too hard," Brendan replied nervously.

"Not at all. She said she would learn from it. She enjoyed battling you," Norman stated.

"That's a relief."

As the two were talking, the sound of a cough caught their attention. A young lad with green hair similar in coloration to a Ralts, was standing a few feet away.

"Um...e-excuse me but, I'm here for a Pokémon."

"Ah, you must be Wally! Yes, I was told you would be coming," Norman replied.

"Y-yes. I hope I came at a good time," Wally replied sheepishly.

"You're fine Wally. Now, why don't we see about getting you a Pokémon shall we? Brendan, do you mind helping out Wally here? He's never caught a Pokémon before so this is new to him," Norman informed Brendan.

"Not a problem, Mr. Ma-I mean, Norman. I'll do it," Brendan said with a smile.

"Thanks for helping me," Wally responded.

"You're welcome. Now, let's go get you a Pokémon," Brendan stated, taking Wally back to the route from which he came.

May had just exited Petalburg Woods and was now nearing Rustburo City. Her feet felt heavy from all the walking and she really wanted to rest. With Rustburo in sight, she sighed happily and strode into the city. She made her way into the Pokémon Center and plopped down on a sofa.

"My, you look exhausted," came the nurse's voice, causing May to look up.

"You said it. I'm beat," May sighed, stretching a bit before standing up to walk to the nurse.

"Where did you come from?" The nurse asked, taking May's Pokémon as they were handed to her.

"Littleroot Town. But I actually got here from Petalburg, which is where I technically began so...yeah," May laughed.

"Well, if you need a place for the night, we have room. Trainers keep flooding in as of late. It must be that time again," laughed the nurse.

"You mean the League Challenge? Yeah...I'm working on it. Caught a Shroomish, so that's a start!" May exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"It sure is. Roxanne likes a good challenge. Be sure to train some before you battle her. She's quite strong," said the nurse, grabbing a key and handing it to May. "There ya go, fifth room on the left down the hall."

"Thanks!" May chirped.

"You're welcome. I'll call you when your team is healed," said the nurse with a bright smile.

May nodded and slipped down the hall to her room.

The doors to the Petalburg Gym opened to reveal Brendan and a smiling Wally. Norman had a feeling that all went well just by looking at Wally's belt.

"So, what did you catch?" Norman asked curiously.

"It's a Ralts! He came right out of the bushes and I caught him thanks to your Zigzagoon and Brendan's coaching," Wally beamed happily.

"I see. Good work! Remember to take good care of him. Pokémon are our friends and we would do well to remember that," Norman replied.

Wally nodded, showing understanding. Norman turned to Brendan.

"Thanks again for helping out. You've always been a helpful boy," Norman assured him.

Brendan flashed a goofy grin. "It was nothin', I'm always ready to help wherever I can," Brendan added cheerfully.

"That's why you're reliable. Now, if you boys will excuse me, I have some training to do. A challenge could come at any time. I need to prepare."

"Understood," Brendan nodded, turning to exit the gym, Wally trailing behind.

Within the Petalburg Woods, the sun had set and the night was coming alive. A man in a white lab coat could be seen standing in a clearing as though he were looking for something. He carried a case of sorts that looked to house important items as it was locked up tight.

The man seemed blissfully unaware of the individuals lurking nearby. One of them wore a Team Magma uniform and was peering around the corner at a set of bushes where another man crouched. This one wore a blue and white striped shirt and black long shorts and a black bandanna. The Team Magma Grunt grimaced. He reached for his headset.

"Miles to Commander Courtney...Team Aqua in sight," he whispered.

"Make certain they don't get their hands on what we want..."

"Understood Commander Courtney,"

Brendan parted ways with Wally after he said he needed to go back home. He now found himself in the Petalburg Woods and couldn't help but feel as though something was amiss. As he walked along, he spotted the man in the lab coat and raised a brow.

That's odd. What's a scientist doing out here at this hour? Is he lost or...? He thought, watching and listening as the man spoke.

"Hmmm...they must all be asleep," he sighed, picking up his case. Hearing footsteps, he whirled around quickly only to sigh in relief as he spotted Brendan.

"Phew, it's only a trainer. Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen a Shroomish would you?" The researcher queried.

Brendan shrugged. "I kinda just got here. I think they come out more during the day though. So unless they're nocturnal, I doubt you'll be finding any," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

"Ah, but some sleep out in the open. But I suppose you are right. They do tend to hide," the scientist sighed.

Just then, the bush shook near them causing Brendan to direct his attention to it.

That's odd. What in these woods could possibly be awake? Unless...

"Whoever you are, come out," Brendan stated firmly.

There was no response. Brendan shifted his attention to the researcher and then the bush.

"Treecko, scout around," Brendan commanded.

The reptile nodded as he immerged and dove into the first tree near him. From his vantage point, he could see most of the forest. As Treecko looked around, he spotted the Team Aqua Grunt nearby.

"No use hiding, I heard you so you might as well come out," Brendan said flatly.

"Sheesh, no fun..." The voice of a man said as he stepped out from the bushes.

"Who are you? And why are you sneaking around like that?" Brendan inquired.

"None of your business punk. I suggest you get lost before you get hurt. I have something to discuss with that man beside you," the Team Aqua Grunt pointed out.

"What could you possibly want with me?" The researcher queried, nervously pulling at his collar.

"That package. Hand it over," demanded the Grunt.

"Not on your life. This belongs to the Devon Corporation!" Said the scientist.

"Not anymore it doesn't. Poochyena, let's take what's ours!" The Grunt bellowed.

"Okay...either you're stupid or just really oblivious to the fact that I'm here still. By the way, not gonna let you do this. Treecko, Grass Knot!" Brendan commanded.

Silence reigned for but a moment until vines suddenly sprang up and tripped Poochyena up. Without warning, the Poochyena was slammed hard with a Quick Attack empowered Pound, sending the pooch bouncing along the ground. Treecko landed and turned to face the Poochyena.

"You little-Poochyena use Bite!" He growled.

"Quick Attack!" Brendan countered.

Treecko, taking advantage of his speed, shot off towards the canine and hammered into him, knocking him down and out of the fight.

"Why you'll pay for this! Nobody treats Team Aqua this way and gets away with it. I may have lost now, but just you wait. Come to Rustburo, I dare ya!" The Grunt replied with a laugh, making an exit.

"Thank you so much young man. I was afraid for a moment there. Poochyena are known to be extremely territorial and vicious," he replied, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Not a problem. I'm glad to be of help. However...what he just said bothers me a little," Brendan replied with a contemplative expression.

"I believe that you are right. Oh dear! We must hurry!" The researcher exclaimed, rushing out of the woods with Brendan following.

Still in hiding, however, Miles had recorded the rather quick fight and was sending it to Courtney.

Courtney was just enjoying a light bedtime snack consisting of chocolate ice cream with Razz Berries mixed with Nanab Berries. Her gear soon went off and she picked it up.

"What...?" She demanded.

"So, Team Aqua didn't get the package. The Devon Corporation researcher still has it."

"Good. Team Aqua failed, now we need to find out what it is they want with it. They are sure to come back for it," Courtney replied.

Just then, her gear beeped showing that a file was sent.

"What's this?" She inquired with a raised brow.

"Just look at it. I'm going to head to Rustburo City. I think you will like what you see in that video file," Miles finished. "Over and out."

Courtney hung up and opened the file and played the video. She blinked as she watched the scene play out. She was bored up until the Grass Knot came out of the ground followed by a swift strike from Treecko. The video panned over to Brendan and she paused it. She canted her head slightly and reached out and touched the screen.


Interest established. Huh. Miles was right...

Yay! Another one down! Took me longer than I thought but it was fun to write. As you can see, Brendan is progressing well and so is May. We got to see Wally and now we see something else beginning to surface. Stay tuned!

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