Chapter Two

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Brendan trekked along Route 101 at a leisurely pace. He was in high spirits and very excited about the adventure he'd begun. His eyes darted to and fro, searching for other possible teammates to accompany him. Several Wurmple skittered along the ground and a few Zigzagoon began to chase each other in a playful manner. Brendan had given the Pokémon he caught the previous day to his father. Zigzagoon were fun to play with, however, he needed something that could give him the edge in the first gym battle.

He knew the Gym Leader in Rustburo City as she was his teacher for the last few years. She was young, but very experienced when it came to battling. Rock-types were her specialty and he had one answer to that. A gutteral growl caused him to stop in his tracks. A smirk crossed his visage at the sound.

"'re back huh?" Brendan said aloud, turning to meet his newly arrived foe.

Before Brendan, crouched a canine-like Pokémon with a primarily gray fur coat, crimson eyes with yellow sclerae, and a scar that ran over the right eye, black paws and underbelly as well as a black face. Two sharp fangs protuded from his jaws. The canine continued to snarl at Brendan, electricity crackling in the process. It knew Thunder Fang. Brendan enlarged Treecko's ball and tossed it casually, releasing his friend to fight.

"I've been meaning to find you sooner. I know dad wanted you, but after seeing what you are capable of," he paused, adjusting his hat, "I want you for my team, Poochyena."

Poochyena narrowed his eyes and crouched low once more, eyes fixed upon Treecko with the utmost concentration. Treecko didn't seem intimidated by the growling canine as they had fought before. But this Poochyena refused to be caught and either fled or broke out of the ball. This time, however, would be different.

"This time, you're mine," Brendan smirked.

Poochyena howled loudly, emitting a crimson aura in the process. Without warning, he lunged toward Treecko, mouth a gape and crackling with electricity. Treecko sidestepped the assault only to be met with a hard blow to his flank by an Iron Tail. Treecko skidded to a halt and stared down his foe.

Brendan grinned as he observed the fight. He'd found his other answer to Roxanne and her team. Now it was time to seize the opportunity.

"Quick Attack!" Brendan commanded.

Treecko exploded forward on all fours, leaving a white trail in his wake as he powered into the unprepared Poochyena. This sent Poochyena sprawling backwards, causing him to dig his claws into the earth to slow his stop. His keen senses kicking in, he avoided the follow-up Pound and bit Treecko, sending a powerful shock into his body before flinging him away and charging at him.

Treecko winced as he landed on his back. He quickly rolled to the side in order to evade the oncoming tail of the canine. He sprang up and lept high to avoid Poochyena's jaws once more, coming down quickly with a harsh Pound attack, sending Poochyena staggering again.

The two combatants were panting heavily as they were becoming exhausted. Normally, this Poochyena would turn tail and run after this long. But now that he had a good fight, he wanted more. Brendan could see it in his eyes. Poochyena howled once more, gaining another power up before racing forward again, ready to end the bout. Treecko smirked and channeled nature's energy through his body.

"Grass Knot!" Brendan called out.

Eyes aglow, Treecko slammed his hand onto the ground and released the power into the earth. The grass was now bent to Treecko's will and soon, like whips, vines lashed out at Poochyena from below and launched him forward towards Treecko who, like a batter, swung his tail hard and knocked him away, sending the pooch crashing into a tree. Poochyena let out a yelp before collapsing in exhaustion.

Not wanting to miss the opportunity, Brendan fired away, launching the Pokéball at the canine and snatching him up. The ball twitched violently for a moment or two before going still. Poochyena had been caught. Brendan smiled proudly and picked up the ball containing his new friend.

"We finally caught him. Good work Treecko!" Brendan praised, rubbing Treecko on his forehead.

"Tree! Treecko!"

"I hear ya buddy. That was a close fight. What do you say we get you two all patched up?"

Treecko nodded and was soon returned to his ball for a well deserved rest.

Within Team Magma's lair, several Grunts were grouped in the training area. On the arena floor were several Mightyena. They were all facing a single Ninetales who sat across from them, waiting for an attack. The owner of the Ninetales was of course, Courtney. Tabitha stood on the side acting as judge for the match.

"This is going to be a test of your progress. Should you win, you will be granted a pay raise and a possible promotion. Lose however, and you will need to redouble your training," Tabitha stated.

The Grunts grinned at the proposition.

"It's us five against the Commander, we can win this!" One grunt exclaimed.

"If we work together, she doesn't stand a chance," another smirked.

Courtney stared blankly at the five Grunts. Her analytical brain kicked into overdrive as she observed the Mightyena on the field.

Analyzing. Mightyena attack in packs most of the time. Their coordination is impeccable. However...these Mightyena won't be able to lay a paw on Ninetales.

"Begin!" Tabitha shouted.

"Spread out and attack!" One Grunt commanded.

"Use Bite!" Another called out.

"Attack with Crunch!" Three others ordered.

All five Mightyena closed in quickly, their jaws wide open and ready to strike. They all pounced only to go right through Ninetales as if she were transparent. At that moment, several more Ninetales materialized into view. The Mightyena glanced around wildly and then growled as the five Ninetales surrounded them. What they were unaware of, was the fact that this was an illusion created by Ninetales.

"Attract..." Courtney ordered.

The illusionary Ninetales all began to glow bright pink and then fired a volley of hearts towards the Mightyena. As Courtney suspected, they were all male. Hearts bulged from their eyes, causing them to stagger about, smitten by the alluring tactic.

"Fire Spin..."

Ninetales opened her mouth and loosed a powerful flame upon the love-struck canines. A swirling vortex of fire swept them off their feet and tossed them about like rag dolls. The Grunts could do nothing but stare with wide eyes and gaping mouths. A wicked grin spread across Courtney's face. She licked her lips and gave the final command.


Ninetales' mouth opened and violet flames gathered within. Suddenly, a powerful blast of fire exploded from her mouth, powering into the fiery vortex, causing it to combust. The explosion was deafening and shook the arena. Five unconscious Mightyena crashed to the ground, covered in burn marks.

Tabitha's hand went up. "That's it. Courtney wins. You five know what that means. Go heal your Pokémon and get right to training," Tabitha ordered.

Ninetales sauntered over to Courtney and nuzzled her. This was one of the few things that made her smile. Courtney knelt down and stroked her fur. She then stood back up and simply left.

"Great work as usual, Courtney," Tabitha stated with a salute.

"Thanks..." Courtney replied, exiting the arena with Ninetales in tow.

Still too weak. When will I find someone interesting? Someone worth my time...

Brendan arrived in Oldale Town at mid-day. The sun was still out and there were children running about and a few trainers battling as well. Brendan stepped into the Pokémon Center and looked around. He knew the nurse here as her mother taught at the school as well.

"Hey there Brendan!" The young pinkette exclaimed as she watched him enter.

"Heya Lucia!" Brendan greeted, making his way to the counter.

"Finally on your journey I see? I was wondering when you would walk through my doors," Lucia giggled.

"Yep! I have a Treecko now and I finally caught that Poochyena that you told me about," Brendan grinned.

"Seriously!? I'm impressed Brendan. Almost every trainer that's been through here tried but came up empty. Considering it used to have a trainer, it was tougher than average," Lucia explained.

"Why did he get released in the first place? He's great," Brendan wondered.

"Well, word is, he wasn't following orders too well. Sure, he would when the fight was good, but when he was bored, he just ignored the trainer's commands. So...he ditched him after the last fight," Lucia sighed.

"Shame on him then. This Poochyena was taught some crazy stuff. Plus, I think he wanted to be caught this time," Brendan said as he handed Lucia the spheres.

"Really? Let me guess, he stuck around longer huh?" Lucia replied, taking the devices.

"Yeah, he seemed like he wanted to finish the fight. It was kinda like having a rival. It was fun!" Brendan laughed.

"Well, I am happy to hear that. Now, why don't you let me take care of these? I'll be back in about twenty minutes. So sit tight, kay?"

"Alright, will do. Thanks Lucia," Brendan replied with a bright smile.

Lucia winked back and stepped into the back to take care of Brendan's Pokémon. Aftet about twenty minutes, she came back out with his friends as good as new.

"Here ya go!" Lucia exclaimed.

"Thanks a bunch Lucia," Brendan said happily as he looked down at his friends.

Treecko hopped up onto Brendan's shoulder and Poochyena simply stared up at him.

"Hey there new partner. Seems we finally get to talk instead of fight," Brendan laughed.

Poochyena nodded.

"I'm gonna be taking the League Challenge. You get to battle against other trainers and their Pokémon with me. The opposition will get tougher every day. Are you up for the challenge?" Brendan inquired seriously.

Poochyena barked his answer and wagged his tail, a determined look fixed on his trainer.

"Then it's settled. Poochyena, let's climb to the top!" Brendan said with a grin.

"Wow...he actually seems to like you. Well done Brendan!" Lucia cheered.

"Thanks. I have a feeling he and I will get along just fine," Brendan replied with a chuckle.

"I have no doubt. Anyway, I had better get busy. Tim is going to be stopping by here soon. He promised we would go out to eat tonight," Lucia blushed.

"How is Tim by the way? I heard you two were getting serious," Brendan asked.

"Oh...very serious," Lucia grinned wickedly.

"Does this mean?"

"Three weeks ago. And boy did it feel good!" Lucia snickered. "Of course it wasn't my first rodeo though."

"Congrats," Brendan replied with a smile.

"So, Brendan? Are you still...?"

"In possession of my v-card? Yes. I don't think I'll be swiping it just yet," Brendan replied with a faint smile.

"I kinda figured. Still waiting for the right one eh?" Lucia smiled.

"Yep. Well, I should let you get back to work. I am going to head to Petalburg. Who knows, maybe I might get some tips from Norman."

"Alright Brendan. Have fun, and don't you dare be a stranger! Come see me once in a while. I miss your goofy arse," Lucia half scolded, laughing in the process.

"Don't worry, I will. See ya! And thanks again," Brendan replied, returning Poochyena, keeping Treecko out, before leaving.

Petalburg Woods was teeming with life. The trees had rich foliage and bushes were filled with plenty of berries. Wurmple snacked off of the leaves of the trees and Taillow swooped from treetop to treetop. Along the path walked May.

"Hmm...what else did dad tell me? He said that there would be a good Grass-type that could help me in here. I think he said it was a-" she was cut off as Torchic began to chirp and hop up and down.

"What is it Torchic?" May asked, turning to see what the issue was.

In the clearing, there was a small, beige colored mushroom shaped Pokémon that had green spots and a frilled bottom. Its feet were tiny and green as well.

It's a Shroomish! That's perfect!" May thought excitedly.

The Shroomish was asleep and not aware that it was about to be preyed upon.

"Torchic, use Ember!" May commanded.

Torchic fired off a shotgun blast of flames, making a direct hit on the Shroomish, startling it awake. The Shroomish ran in circles and rolled to put out the flames.

"Peck!" May ordered again.

Torchic eagerly raced forward and went in for an assault only to be sudestepped and tackled to the ground. Shroomish scuttled away and then fired a Seed Bomb, launching Torchic back after the impact. Torchic struggled to his feet and faced the Shroomish.

What was it Brendan said? Right, don't rush in. Strategically plan the next attack.

Shroomish charged forward relentlessly, aiming to ram into Torchic with great force.

Now! May thought. "Torchic, Ember!"

Torchic focused and blasted Shroomish at point blank range. Shroomish fell to the ground in a heap only to be hit with a sphere and captured. The ball twitched for a while and then went still.

"I-I did it! We did it! Ha! We got our first catch Torchic!" May exclaimed, picking up her new companion and hitching him to her belt.

"Torchic, Toorrr!"

"That was such a rush! We got a new partner! Look out Rustburo, here comes May Maple!" She shouted as she took off down the trail.

Bing! Another one in the books. Hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it! Let me know how I am doing! Please and thank you!

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