chapter 100

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Mark groaned, slowly turning and moving so he could go inside. "What? Why do you wanna talk about it now? Why aren't you ignoring me...?" He now sounded a little angry, but a sigh just left his mouth when he felt stress make his tired again. Mmm. "Cause I need to let this off my chest." Jack said calmly as he was walking home. "Mark, I wanted to believe you I really did but I couldn't. " he said calmly but he started to get a bit mad at himself.

Mark growled, "oh yeah, yeah, you WANTED to. But why the hell couldn't you? Aren't you suppose to trust your own b-b-boyfriend..?" He sounded more snappy, but it was cooked down again. "... Uhh... S-sorry about t-that... Mmm." Jack sighed, "listen mark, its fine I don't blame you for being mad but the reason I can't is because the last person that did some stupid bullshit and tried to apologize about it and I believed them but then they did it again...." Jack said trailing off a bit.

"Nice sap story, but I gotta get going now." The Raven grumbled, free hand moving up to rub his face. He was silent for a few seconds, then just yawned and paced.  Jack rolled his eyes and noticed mark hasn't hung up, "mark! I'm serious! You gotta to listen to me" he said.

Mark licked his lips, "Why should I? What if I act like you and ignored you...? Hmm?" The Raven cackled slightly, grunted, then just shut up.  "Because I'm trying to tell you something. Look mark, I'm sorry for ignoring you and for walking away but I had to if I didn't I would've hurt you and didn't want that. " he explained calmly on the outside but he was dying in the inside.

"Oh yeah, you'd hurt me, huh? Dude if I wanted I could beat you the fuck up." He chuckled, sighed, then rubbed at his eye with his free hand. "I-I'm sorry... I'm just... Tired... And m-mad... And I still don't forgive you... And I bet you haven't forgiven me... I-I..." "Its fine, I'm not saying you have to forgive me. I'm really to forgive you but forgetting is harder for me, mark you gotta understand that I've been through much more things than you know. After getting raped by the person I trusted is hard to live with for me and I have bad truth issues because of it. That's why I didn't believe you even when I wanted to. I just..." Jack trailed off before sighing when saw his house up ahead. "Listen I gotta go, bye" he said before hanging up. Jack got to his house and walked inside, his mom and dad saw him and ran over to him and hugged him.

Mark rolled his eyes and set his phone to the side, sighing and moving upstairs. "What a shitty day." He grumbled. Did he feel bad about the fact Jack raped? No, of course not. He's mad right now, why would he be sympathetic? "Maybe sleep will be good, mmh?".  (Me: jack tells you the truth and you're still an asshole, good job mark. -_-" ) after explaining to his parents where he was, jack walked upstairs and into his room. he laid down on his bed and soon fell asleep.

Mark sighed and took his shirt off, slowly moving and collapsing on his bed. It didn't take to long for him to fall asleep.

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