chapter 101

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*~*~* time Skipu *~*~*

Mark awoke with a groan, sitting up and sniffling. He felt a little better today, but still sad. Huh, weird. jack woke up and got off of bed and walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen, his parents were at work so he had to make breakfast himself.

Mark moved to toss a shirt on, moving downstairs and picking up his phone. No... He shouldn't call nor text Jack.. It would probably not end to well. "Why does it all have to be so... So difficult..?" He mumbled, a hand running through his hair. "Why can't it just be like that in movies?".  after eating breakfast jack sat down on couch and played on his phone.

Mark stretched out for a few minutes, yawning before sitting down on the living room floor. "Alright, okay, so..." The Raven began to mumble to himself, calmly, as if he was thinking of ways to fix this whole... Shitty drama. But his body suddenly jumped when he got a text... And not from Jack, it was a unknown number. 'Hey, I got your number again. I'm coming over soon. Idk exactly when... But soon.' They also posted a picture of a pug. It looked like a puppy to. Awe.

Mark blinked at text, feeling a bit of worry wash over him. Who the fuck was this? And how did this guy know where he lived? So he texted back and asked "who is this" and "what do you want." But the mystery person didn't reply. Oh fuck, what the fuck. "U-umm... O-o-okay... So I guess I have a stalker... That likes pugs..." The Raven slowly got to his feet, worried now.   Mark ran a hand through his hair a few times and sighed, moving to head outside. "I gotta go someone... W-what... What if this person.. Wants me dead?" He had thought out loud, trembling at the thought of this person being a killer. So he pulled his phone out, whimpered weakly, then went and called Jack. Slowly walking to the male's house.

Jack heard his phone go off and answered it, "hello?" He said into the phone.  "H-hey honey... Um... A-am I allowed to uh, come o-o-over..? I think I may... Have... A stalker after me..."

Jack sighed, "sure" he said simply and calmly.  Mark smiled and glanced behind him, "alright cool.. Be there in a minute.... L-Love you." And with that he hung up. His shoulders now rolling forward. "No one seems to be there yet... Huh." Now he was even more worried. Hopefully the person isn't like... Obsessed with him.. R-right? They wouldn't... Ugh? Just don't think about it. With a sigh, Mark soon reached Jack's house and walked inside.

Jack saw mark walk in, "what's up" he said looking at mark. Mark was silent, slowly moving until he was seated on the couch. Hesitating before sitting kinda close to Jack. "N-nothing really... I just got a text from an unknown number... They said they'd be coming to my house soon." The Raven sighed. "A-a-also... S-sorry... Yesterday I was in a... Hellish mood..." His voice was quiet, and he was only mumbling.

 "Its fine, I was too." Jack said calmly. "Did you text the number back?" He asked nicely.  Mark blinked and slowly nodded his head. Now kinda wrapping his arms around Jack and holding him close. "Y-yeah... But the person didn't respond..."

jack nodded and started to think.  Mark gently sighed and nuzzled against Jack's shoulder. Blowing out a heavy breath. "Well, let's just hope it isn't a crazy killer or anything, hehe."

"yeah" jack said. Before the two boys could do or say anything marks buzzed meaning he got a text back.  Mark jumped when his phone buzzed, the Raven slowly picking it up. 'You're not home what the hell man'.  This made the Raven sigh, a hand running through his hair. Well, this meant the person would- 'Wait I found you, nvm lol.' The male froze when someone knocked on Jack's door. Three slow knocks. 

Jack sighed and got off the couch and walked over to the door.  When Jack opened the door a slender, tall, blond kid could be seen. He had a bit of facial hair on his chin and a bit of where a mustache would be. But it looked like he just taped pubic hair to his face. His eyes were also slightly pink as if he had been... You know. "O-oh hey, uh, is Mark here? I need-" "W-wait... Felix..? I-is it really you? I thought you had to go back to Sweden..?" Mark had gotten up to stand next/behind Jack. Staring at the scrawny male. "Nah, got to move back without the folks this time. Say Markie, who's you friend?" He pointed at Jack.

Jack rolled his eyes and looked at mark, "you know him?" He asked curiously.  Mark sighed and lowered his head. "Yes... I do, he's ah... A friend... My best friend when I... You know.." He was mumbling quietly. Slowly standing up straighter. "Um... Jack this is Felix, Felix is this is Jack." The blond blinked a few times, then smiled and held a hand out. "Nice to meet you dude... Jack." The way Felix said Jack was just... Unsettling.

jack started to feel uncomfortable but shook felix hand. "Can uh, I come in..? I got a lot to talk about with... Um... Mark." Without letting Jack say anything, he budged in and smiled wildly at Mark. "So heeeeeeeyyyyyy Markimoo... How have you been." He grabbed Mark's hand and chuckled, the Raven still staring at the floor. "I-I'm fine.. Felix.. Thank you." When Mark pulled his hand away from Felix's he got this confused look from the swede. Hmm.

jack shut the door and walked over to the couch and sat down while the two worked things out. 

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