chapter 29

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Mark could only smile even more, it was definitely cute when Jack blushed. And his mother's comment was a 'silly' one., "oh wwwwwwoooooowww.." He puffed out softly. "Fucking ma...why" jack muttered into his hands still embarrassed about what just happened.

Mark sighed, still smiling as his eyes playfully rolled. "O-oh come on now, yah don't need to g-g-get that f-flustered about i-it." The raven spoke a but louder, so his stutter started to stick out. His shoulders shrugged lazily. Jack took his hands away from his face and glared at mark, "and why shouldn't I be?" He asked sassily.

Mark winced at the glaring and sass he got from jack, kinda lowering his head like a dog would. "W-w-well, uh, err..." He mumbled, then just shrugged his shoulders again. "I-i don't know.. J-just cause... W-we're fr-friends... In a w-way and-... Yah k-know.." His gaze dropped down, Now not knowing what to say.

Jack's glare soften and looked at Marks hair and out his hand softly through Marks blue hair. Mark didn't notice at first, until he glanced up and noticeably saw that jack was messing WITH HIS HAIR. The fact made mark tense up and blush, for some reason feeling self conscious about his hair. Well really, he just felt self conscious about himself as a whole. "W-well uh, okay"

"Your hair is soft" jack said softly letting his fingers get tingled in Marks hair. The raven smiled slightly, "w-well... Thanks.." He blinked and let a hand move up so he could softly grab jacks arm. Not pulling it away or anything... It was like he needed to grab something. Mark let the other mess with his hair to, even if it was probably making it a little messy. Oh well.

Jack blushed a bit at the sudden contact, "are you going to dye your hair again?" Jack asked looking at mark. Mark glanced up at jack, then smiled more and shifted. "Well... I guess so. I've been thinking about dying it red. Since that's a... A-ah... " he paused, "..well it's a color." The man snickered at himself, his voice faint.

Jack smiled and giggled a bit, "that's a coincidence because my favorite color is red" he said smiling. Mark perked his head slightly, letting out a small 'woah'. "Well, t-that c-c-cool! I mean... I thought i-it was g-green cause of YOUR h-hair." He used his other hand (the one not grabbing at Jack's wrist) to poke at the other male's chest.

Jack smiled, "well, green is my second favorite color but I like red better for some reason" he said laughing a bit. Mark grinned and nodded, "oh, g-gotcha" he snickered and kinda hunched over. He seemed very relaxed, as if he was getting tired again. Must be his lack of sleep coming back and attacking him. Huh.

"You look tired, I'll leave alone so you can sleep" jack said sitting up and getting off the couch. Mark blinked and watched the other, going to go and say something like 'can't you nap with me?' But that would sound super weird and with his stutter he would sound stupid. So the male just nodded and relaxed on the couch. Yawning, "O-okaaaaaay...." He was laying down with his body kinda curled like an animal.

"Just call me or my ma if you need anything" jack said softly before saying goodnight and started to walk to his room. (Me: I don't think Jack would mind to sleep with mark. :3) (HeartsYarn: lol, and that would be really cute BUT MARK WOULD BE SO FLUSTERED HE WOULDN'T EVEN SLEEP! XD) mark mumbled a 'okay' and curled up even more, a small relaxed sound leaving his lips. Even with the small, fading pain coming from his cuts, he still fell asleep pretty quickly. A smile on his face.

(Me: awwww! X3) Jack walked in his room and layed down on this bed and fell asleep.

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