chapter 30

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Mark awoke with a long, shaky yawn. Sitting up and stretching out, it took him a moment to actually realize where he was, since at first he thought he passed out at a strangers house. Jack was sitting at the kitchen table already dressed but he didn't wear a beanie today instead had a baseball hat on backwards. He was talking with his mom about something.

Mark slowly got to his feet and stretched out more, a hand moving up so he could scratch at his chin. Goodness did he feel drowsy, it was a weird feeling to. Since he's always energetic in the morning. Hmmm. "J-jack...?" He weakly called out, using a hand to fix his messy hair. Yet he only made it worse. Jack heard someone calling him and got up and walked into the living room to see Mark, "hey mark, what do you need?" He asked nicely.

Mark stretched slightly and glanced at Jack, a smile forming on his face. "Oh, h-heya. I was j-j-just ah... M-makin sure you were still here..." He Snickered slightly. Jack smiled back and laughed a bit and nodded.

Mark moved a hand so he could rub at his neck, hearing the others laugh weirdly made his heart flutter. He still had a smile on his face to. "O-oh... Do we... Do we have school today...? I just can't... Really remember what today is..." He started to glance around as if a calendar was going to pop of at him. Jack smiled more and shook his head, "no we don't have school today because its Saturday!" Jack cheered jumping up and down like an excited kid. (Am I the only one that finds this adorable? XD)

(HeartsYarn: nope! I find it quite cute! Lol! ) mark giggled slightly at the others childish behavior. "O-oh yeah!.. I-i-i ah, kinda f-forgot... " he only shrugged it off and smiled more. Jack laughed with mark and then fixed his hat a bit, "would you like some breakfast?" He asked nicely.

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