chapter 31

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Mark nodded, his excited grin turning into a warm smile. "S-sure. That sounds nice." He looked at the bandages on his arms and kinda picked at them, still picking at them as his gaze returned to jack. "D-did your mom c-c-cook something...? Or is it.. L-like... Cereal...?" Jack smiled and put his hands on his hips, "I made it for ya, goofball" he said laughing.

Mark blinked and blushed slightly in a bit of embarrassment. "O-oh, well, t-this should be good then.." He mumbled and slowly walked closer to the other. "What d-did you make e-exactly...?". "Well I didn't know what ye liked so I made pancakes" jack said softly. "Is that fine?" He asked nicely looking at mark.

Mark nodded, warm smile and light blush still on his face. "Yeah, that sounds n-nice....Really" he stared at the other, his gaze drifting away as he thought. Jack was really nice to him, and he wondered. Why? Sure they're friends in a way but this was SUPER kind. Specially coming from a 'punk' kid. (Me: well jack looks and acts tough but really he is a big softy! XD) jack nodded and started walking into the kitchen.

(HeartsYarn: nice! Lol CX ) mark followed him slowly, looking around and still picking at the bandages. Jack notices mark picking at the bandages and smiled warmly at mark, "you can take them off if you want" he said softly. The two got to the kitchen and jack grabbed a plate and put the pancakes on it and gave it to mark, "Here you go" he said still smiling.

When jack said he could take the bandages off, the raven quite did that. A bright smile forming on his face as he saw that his cuts/scratches were no longer bleeding. "Oh, t-thank you" he nodded slightly as he took the plate. Staring at them for bit as if he had no clue what a pancake even was. Jack grabbed himself a plate and sat down at the table.

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