chapter 32

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Mark was quick to follow after, sitting down with a small sigh. "W-well...Uh.." He mumbled to himself, using a fork to just stab at a pancake and take a large bite. He actually ate quickly, as if he was starving. Jack laughed when he noticed mark wolfing down his food, "are you that hungry?" He asked smiling. (Me: or does jack make them that good? XD)

(HeartsYarn: XD probably both!) Mark froze for a moment, now just finishing his second pancake. He then started to blush a bright pink. "O-oh gosh! W-w-where are my m-manners! H-ha ha!...." He quickly used his sleeve to wipe at his face. "U-um, I am quite hungry actually. And i-its really good.. I-i.." (Me: XD) Jack laughed a bit and smiled at mark, "I'm glad you like them" he said softly.

Mark's heart fluttered again at the other's laugh. "Heh heh, y-yeah." He started to eat his third pancake, starting to eat it slowly. Then after a bit he started to scarf it down again. Jack smiled and started his pancake.

Mark sighed as he finished, pushing his plate forward a bit as to indicate he was done. But he was already trapped and caught in his thoughts as he started to look at jack. How could this guy cook? Don't they usually just stop at a fast food place like he does? Why is he so nice? Why is he cooking for me? Why does he actually care? Why haven't I run off yet like always? The thoughts kept blowing up in his head, his gaze still resting on jack. So it just looked like he was.....staring at him.

"Mark" jack said trying to get Marks attention. 'Why am I still here? What am I doing? Should I go? Have I been here for to long? Oh god what he actually hates me, he's probably just trying to gain my trust then go and crush it. Right? Punks normally aren't nice right? Is he just being kind so he can get things from me? Am I gonna be manipulated ? Should I just end it? Oh gosh' mark bit his inner cheek and continue to think his facial expression blank. He didn't hear jack at all. And he was still at the other male to.

Jack sighed, "hello, earth to mark!" He said louder moving his hand I'm front of marks face. 'What am I doing? I bet I look stupid. I need to stop. This is weird. I'm weird, god why does he care so much?!?! I wish he didn't! Or... I actually like this guys comfort. Unless comfort is just a huge trick. Maybe its just that. Right it pro-" his rushing thoughts were cut off when he heard jack say something. The male shaking his head and blinking. "O-oh! Uh! S-s-sorry!" He blushed and glanced to the side. "What d-did you say...?"

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