chapter 96

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~*~*~ take this time skip and shove it up your ass ^^ ~*~*~ 

The bell rung, Mark shaking his head and heavily sighing. He's been thinking about that girl all day. Stressing over it. And now that the school day was over... Well... It seem like it was gonna be a rough ride. The Raven stood, stretched out slightly, then joined the big group of kids as everyone walked out. At this point just trying to not be seen by Jack so he didn't have to know that he's a god damn tutor now. "Move please, thank you. C-can you?- yeah okay thanks." He moved and hurried to the front doors of the school. He just needed to get out and find that damn girl. Jack won't be mad or worried at all right? Yeah yeah, he'll understand no biggie. jack saw mark run off right after the bell rung, 'maybe he's late for something' he thought as he started to walk out of the classroom and walked out of the school and started walking home.

Mark had watched Jack when the other started walking home. Luckily the "punk" didn't see him. The Raven sighed and leaned against the school building, relaxing until- "HAI!" Spooked by the girl's voice, Mark jumped and made a male sound in surprise. "O-oh hey..." "You're my tutor right? Mark fishy face..?" "Err... Yeah sure.." "Great! Let's go!" This girl was young and loud. And she just kept staring at Mark, even trying to hold his hand. Mmm. jack walked in his house and walked into the kitchen and  saw his mom cooking dinner, "hey mom" he said smiling. his mom smiled back at jack, "hello sean, how was school? " his mom asked smiling. jack shrugged, "good, i guess" he said. 

Mark and the Girl walked to the raven's home, chatting 'calmly'. He learned that her name is Destiny, and supposedly her age is 15. But that sure as hell had to be a lie, since she just acted so... Childish. "Alright, here's my home. Now come and sit in the living room and get your stuff out. I'll be helping you out in a sec." He kept talking as he moved upstairs. Destiny smiling and doing as Mark asked.  after jack ate dinner, he walked upstairs and into his room with sam following. jack sat down on his bed and chuckled when sam jumped up and laid down on his lap, jack smiled ruffled the dogs fur before grabbing his book bag and pulled out his homework and started to do it.

Mark sighed as he moved back downstairs, stretching his arms out. He had his book bag now. "Okay, so, what do you need help with?" He moved to sit down next to girl. "Oh nothing really, I already finished a few problems." The Raven couldn't help but smile slightly. "Well, that's very good. If you have any issues please tell me.." Once Mark said that the room got weirdly quiet. Destiny did her work but kept.. Glancing at him, sometimes this weird giggle left her lips to. Hm.  once jack was done with his homework, he played around with sam until sam tackled him to the ground and sat on top of him making jack groan, "sam get off" he said smiling but sam didn't listen instead he licked jack's face making jack laugh.

It's been about 20 minutes now, Mark had to help with some things, but it wasn't that bad. Surprisingly they got through most of the girl's homework. "Wow, you're really good at this fishy. Is there anything I can do to thank you..?" The Raven chuckled and rolled his shoulders, "u-um... I d-d-don't think so.." "Oh? But really, I have... A few ideas in mind." She giggled and Mark made a face. after getting jack off of him, he was bored, 'maybe i should go check to see what mark is doing' he thought. so jack got off the ground and walked out of his room and downstairs and walked to front door and opened the door and walked out of the house. he closed the door behind him and started walking to mark's house.

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