chapter 97

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Destiny smiled all girly like as she wrapped her arms around Mark's neck. The male trembling and looking more confused. "Uhhh... What are you..." "Ssshhhhhh, don't say anything. We don't need you rambling anyways." The girl giggled like she does and got even closer to Mark. The male not wanting to hurt her cause she's a girl and she's younger than Mark. You don't wanna be that one person who punched a young girl now do yah? jack knocked on the door but when he did, the door open making jack roll his eyes. 'damn it mark, maybe you should close your door better next time' he thought as he looked around before walking in and shutting the door behind him. 'he must be in his room doing homework' jack thought and walked upstairs and walked up to mark's room door and slowly opened the door.

Right when Jack opened the door Destiny leaned forward and started kissing Mark, the Raven not kissing back. Holy shit what the fuck. He was going to shake his head to make her stop, but then he saw Jack there. His body freezing. Destiny pulled back when she also saw Jack. "Hey, do you know what privacy is?" She hissed.  jack walked in and his heart dropped at the sight of seeing his boyfriend kissing some girl, he saw mark frozen and when the girl hissed at him, he looked at her and growled, "I don't know, do you know what being hurt is like ? cause it seems like you know NOTHING about it!" jack snapped at the girl making the girl shut up, jack didn't even look at mark and turned around and walked out of the room and walked downstairs and walked to the door, he opened the door and walked out the door and slammed the door behind him. jack started walking back home.

Mark trembled, feeling shame wash over him. He aggressively pushed the girl away now, not caring about the 'don't hurt girls' rule. "Get out of my house... P-please.." Destiny got up slowly and gathered her things, trying to apologize and say that she didn't know he was... That close with someone already. But Mark wasn't paying to much mind to it all. When destiny left, the Raven panicked more. Wondering what the hell he should do. Wait, apologize, duh.jack walked inside his house and stormed upstairs and into his room. he grabbed something from his shelf and threw it at the wall, jack sighed and sat down on his bed. he needed to relax but it was hard for him to so he decided to visit the old abandon house he use to go to as a kid. so jack got off his bed and decided to take his phone with just in case his mom or dad wanted home and walked out of the house and started walking to old abandon house.

Mark had already taken his phone out, trying to call Jack as he moved downstairs. "H-h-how the f-fuck could I have let this happen? What the fuck you puss!" He was yelling at himself, soon shutting up as he got outside. Then he saw Jack walking off, the raven's eyes shinning. "JACK! Wait up!" He called out, I'd be better to talk to him about it. Damn he felt terrible. "Jack I'm so sorry! I had no control over the girl! You gotta believe me!". jack groaned, 'why can't i be alone for one second ' he thought as he started to walk a bit faster, ignoring mark. 

"J-J-Jack! Please, you gotta trust me on this! I'm so..." The Raven still moved after the male, feeling terrible. But he shut his mouth for a second when he realized Jack was ignoring him. And the only time he got Jack to notice last time was... Oh boy. "J-Jack...? Honey, please..."  jack stopped and turned around, his fist was clenched and man was he pissed, "what do you want?" he asked harshly.

Mark stopped and stared at Jack for a moment, "I-I wanted to explain what happened back there... I-I-I-I'm so s-sorry... She J-just got onto me and I couldn't..." The Raven shivered, not able to look up into Jack's angry eyes. Jesus did the other look scary. jack wanted to believe mark but something told him not too, so he sighed, "just...leave me be" he said before walking off leaving mark standing there alone.

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