Ch.10.In Love With Pudding.

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{I Don't own Nanbaka}

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Anger was a emotion that the brown haired female felt normally, including around her older brother, whom never seemed to understand her at all, and now they walked in silence after their outburst, yet even with the silence you could feel the anger coming off the girl and the makeup faced male.

"Stop treating me like a doll, I'm not fragile" Kailina decided to speak , breaking the silence, as she held Raya's hand to calm her anger, the vampire was rather a great person to be by when angry, or stressed or down right not feeling great, though on the matter that was now the younger sister of the makeup faced male had decided to speak her mind and put it quite bluntly, "I may be younger than you but I am not as fragile as you think I am, I may be a female but I'm not weak, I was made to be strong, you should just accept the truth, I am not the same girl I was when I was younger, I'm no longer a child, stop thinking I can't fend for myself, it just makes you more annoying Kiji".

"He's right you are a brat, he's your brother yet you push him away maybe you should accept the fact he's trying to help you" Honey scowled, his green eyes glaring at the girl, she was beautiful yet she was sour like a lemon, she was just plain annoying.

"I may not know her much, but I do know what she is doing is for his safety" Liang decided to speak up, he after hearing how she was a protector to a vampire, now knew that her life was far more dangerous than theirs would ever be, she had to push away others so they wouldn't get hurt, he knew the truth now so her personality was all just a front, she was breaking yet would refuse to show it, "Know the hole story before you jump to conclusions , after hearing what she had to say earlier to me,Upa, Nico and the trash , I have realized she is far more than the eye can see along with her friend Raya".

"Still she has no right to say things to him, even if they may be true" Uno stated, he didn't really like the girl that much, she was pretty but she was rude and sour, "She may be cute but her personality is sour".

"Kai we have company" Raya's tone was what had most stop, her tone was serious , even knowing her for a few hours she seemed not that serious of a person, but now here she was gaze narrowed at the dark hallway, "And it isn't more of those surveillance dolls either, it's more of a serious threat" .

Kailina stepped in-front of the girl , her eyes focused as she pulled her blades from her boots, getting into a stance, her older brother had a look of worry on his makeup clad face, he never saw his sister serious or with that look on her face, she was a goofball , she was annoying, she was rude, but whatever this threat was had her on edge, not even the dolls had her on edge.

"Judging by the smell, we aren't dealing with Crown ranks, no we have Joker ranks here, ones that seem a bit hungry, and by the sound of it there's three, no four of them , one of them behind us while the other three are in front" Kailina stated, she was worried but refused to show it, "This outfit was kinda a great choice, but seeing as it isn't my ideal choice for fighting in ,it will have to due anyway".

"Well , well what do we have here, a protector that is probably a crown rank by the sight of no tail and a vampire that is probably also a crown rank, oh what a joy we also have some humans to feast on" a voice stated, sending chills down most of their spines as a male stepped from the shadows , his hair messy and a dark blue almost black color, his eyes though were pitch black and his face held a smirk as he stared at them like they were pray.

"I'll have to refuse your offer to feast on them, for I call dibs already, you Jokers should know not to mess with someone in my domain" Raya growled, her eyes flashing crimson as she stepped out from behind the brown haired female, her hand on her chin, "Now how shall we deal with this, a fight should be in order correct, seeing who actually is the strongest".

"We would love to deary , but all these humans smell quite delicious , how about you share with us?" a female stated licking the cheek of Uno and earning a squeak from the male, her black eyes glinting as her dark red hair moved slightly, it was pulled back into a loose pony tail and she had on quite the revealing outfit, showing off her chest, "Names Rose , pleasure to meet my next meals, you smell quite good and look nice, I can't wait to rip your head  from your shoulders".

  "Hate to interrupt your little party" a monotone voice stated as a crack was heard and a male was thrown from the shadows, a knife plunged into his chest, as someone stepped out from the shadows with a female behind them, the person short with crimson eyes gleaming in annoyance, "But I believe that annoyance belonged to you, along with that one" the female behind him kicked another male into their sight, this one having dark grey hair, he also had a broken neck.

"Sorry to drop by like this dear cousins of mine, but the trash needed to be taken out" the female stated, purple eyes gleaming, "I also came to collect my cute cousin seeing as she belongs in my custody after all, Kiji".



"Hello little sister"

"Hey-o little cousin!"

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{I Updated , and would you look here some more oc's have entered}

{More on them next chapter hopefully}  

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