Ch.9. In Love With Pudding.

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{I Don't own Nanbaka}

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"You are in so much trouble young lady, you don't just leave after finding someone!" Kailina held her ears as Kiji screeched , he was being quite loud, well he was angry well more likely pissed, his sister just left him in a cell to rot till the others got him out, who wouldn't be angry.

"And I should care why?" Kailina asked , lowering her hands from her ears and giving her older brother a bored expression,  she found this quite funny, ever since explaining the hole vampire thing to cell five and the green haired male , they had found their way to the others again and let's just say ever since Kiji hasn't stopped yelling at the younger girl.

"Wait a second why exactly are you yelling at this beautiful female you annoying pheasant?" the other flamboyant male asked, he didn't quite notice her before strangely enough, and she looked slightly familiar.

"He's yelling because he expected his own sister not to betray him" Kailina stated, her tone bored as the male went rigid, "Yet news flash bird man I care little about your feelings , neither will I ever so stop living in the past, because I don't care" she moved over to where Raya was, for safe measures.

"I have had enough of this attitude of yours, when this is over no more phone!"

"But I need my phone for things"

"Than no more pudding"

"You and I both know you'd loose an arm"

"Than no more Raya!"

"Hold up no more Raya?" said white haired female asked, "That's just low dude very low you can't separate us, were like really close, Kai you sure I can't eat him?".

"I am against it , he'd probably taste of chemicals" Upa told the girl "Yet I wouldn't mind if you wanted me instead".

"I think Ray broke him, apparently she made a Upa sized dent in the wall, and threw some curse words at him and now he's in love with her or something"    Kailina whispered to the one closest to her, which happened to be the mint green haired male with glasses.

"A Harem than, I haven't seen one in quite a while" the mint haired boy whispered back, pushing up his glasses, he would have asked her bra color if it weren't for the fact the girls brother was close by, and already angry.

"No more Raya" Kiji told the girl firmly "end of discussion , your younger than me and need to learn your place" he told the girl, still highly annoyed, and getting rid of the odd girl that just showed up would be better for them, they didn't need more mouths to feed.

"And your a pheasant with his face caked in chemicals" Kailina stated bluntly , while agreeing with the male known as Trois, "Stop controlling my life you are not my father!" she was also very angry.

"I may not be our father but I am your Brother!" Kiji yelled, his makeup covering his red face, he was tired of this, no matter how hard he tried he isn't able to even get through to her, "You need to stop acting like such a brat and let me in  already Kailina, I try and try yet you keep pushing me away for no reason!", he was loosing it, "Just let me in already!".

"I Can't do that if I did your life would be in danger!" Kailina snapped , having many freeze at her harsh tone, she held back the tears,her tail coming from her shorts swaying harshly, "You know nothing about me, you refuse to see the truth Kiji, I changed why can't you accept it!?" she clutched her fists, "Why can't you accept the truth just like why can't you accept the fact that it wasn't your damn fault mom and dad were murdered ?!".

"Shut up already!" Kiji screeched, his voice shrill as he couldn't stop the tears from ruining his makeup, he knew she was right, he knew as well as anyone, that what she was saying was true, why couldn't he just accept that truth?

Why couldn't he accept the fact that she had changed?

Why couldn't he accept the fact that it all wasn't his fault?

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{I Updated this}

{Question: If I were to cross this over with another Anime, which should it be?} 

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