Death.. a solution??

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Mind on chaos
Heartfelt struggles
Darkness of loneliness
     Consuming her whole
Storms of betrayals
     Crushing her deep

Peace of the soul
    Long lost
Dreams and hopes...?
    A single speck of dust flown far away..
Serene on her lips
      Buried deep down..
Never to be found..

Pearly drops of tears she shed
        Perfectly hidden
Pains and heartaches
        Beautifully masked
Unending wars and rifts
        Strategically ignored
       Never Found their way out
Emotions tightly locked
Expectations unvoiced..

Yet a imperfect girl.. In this world of "perfect" people

"She is not the same old girl"
"Simply a mute she is"
"Nah.. Full of ego her mind is"

They chanted
But what made her this way?
  Everyone turned a blind eye,,

Regrets in her orbs..
Thudding of her heart
Little dreams simply shattered..
From extrovert to introvert..
She built a wall around her own self
  Why why why??
The question remains unanswered..

Death a solution??
Nah.. A way to hell
But what died within her
   Kept haunting her all along
She chose to smile..
Every minute.. Every second
   She smiled..
Though the world tattooed her as feeling less
    She smiled

But the trauma she went through..
   Buried deeps down
Still remains a puzzle
   Never to be unveiled

Authors note:

Peeps I am back..
How r ya all..

So how is it?? Did I come up to your expectation?

Please ignore my mistakes..

P.s: peeps never judge a person merely by the outlook they display.. They might have thousands of worries, problems and maybe traumatic past which keeps on hurting them,, so never judge..
You didn't experience what they gone through
You never walked in their shoes..
You never knew what and how they felt?
  So why bother to judge..

Keep on voting and commenting..
Until next time..

Allah Hafiz lovelies😘😘😘😘


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