I let you go..

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It hurts me to
When all you see
Is pitch darkness
It hurts me to
When you are
Locked up all alone
Feet tied..
It hurts me to
sleep properly
When you are there in dust
All alone

It fucking pains
to inhale
The very air you
Once did..
It terribly shatters me to
Set foot on
The land..
Where you once soared
It hurts me to
Have friends
While you are there
Without a single soul
It kills me to
Have people care for me
While you are
Long abandoned

You might be no more
You roam my mornings
Haunt my solace at nights

You might be lost
For the world
You live in my soul
Breathe through my
Dwell on every single drops
That cascades from my orbs

You might be forgotten
For people who loved you too
But never will I forget
To make you come alive
On every milli second of my life..

You might be peacefully
But why did you take my peace
Along tooo?
My happiness..
My serene..
My sanity..
Buried deep down along with you..

Unable to etch onto
To let go of you..
every nights with nightmares
day lights with hallucination
You make my life..
A living hell

Why didn't you take me too with you..
Why why why?
Why me?
Why did you leave me alone
Still knowing that I wont
Survive without you..

You might be "DEAD"
But being the reason for it..
It tears me up..
Fucking kills me every second
Breaking me into million pieces
To live with the guilt

Hey peeps how r ya all..
Back with another one..
Liked it?
I donno whether I did justice for this as the emotions are really strong..
I gave it a try and here it is..
Up to ya all to decide..

Don't forget to vote and comment..
Until next time..

Allah Hafiz lovelies😘😘

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