Babe [1/10]

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BABE 0.1

Completed | Editing.

RUNNING and then stop, scanning the hallway if there is someone running after him. He sighs, putting his both hands into his knees.

"Kookie, found you!" The Kookie he called ajar his eyes, larger than his usual eye size. He smiled awkwardly. Planning of another jog again.

He is tired, tired from his Boyfriend, Clingy boyfriend. He always followed Kookie. Kookie doesn't like it even a bit, He doesn't like any skin contact after all especially from the brunet. "Are you running because you doesn't like me?"

"N-no. Actually i'm looking for you." He lied, rolling his eyes.

The brunet snake his hand onto the latter thin girly waist and crash him in a hug, suffocating him in a process. Kookie roll his eyes for the second time frantically. "Tae, no. I'm tired." He lied, for a hundred times. He just said it because everyone looking on them, it's irritate him big time.

His boyfriend, weird ugly boyfriend hugging him and it's not good for his own liking. Everyone is laughing because they saw Taehyung. The School weird alien hugging the most adorable cutie.

"Feel sorry for Jungkook though. His boyfriend is so weirdo." Jungkook push his Boyfriend hard, that cause him to crashed his face in the cold ground. Not minding that his Boyfriend eyes are teary and look hurt. Looking directly in his eyes, not feeling a little bit of guiltiness.

"Kookie." That's the only word the brunet speak before Jungkook leave the empty hallway.

After a dashing out of the scene, he took out his alcohol from his bag, cleaning himself from the dirt he get from his Boyfriend.

"Jungkook-ah!" Someone called him. He smiled when he saw Hoseok. His Best Friend job on his direction and hugging him. "Where have you been?"

"Uh, i'm from a long run. You know...The weirdo." Jungkook chuckles massaging his wrist with alcohol.

Hoseok frowned, He is also a friend with Jungkook boyfriend, He know how Taehyung love Jungkook, he know what Taehyung can do for Jungkook. He also know how big Taehyung heart that ready to help for others.

But Jungkook? No, He don't see any effort. His eyes are close to all Taehyung sacrifice for him. "Jungkook you can just ask him to break up with you. You can't just push him because you don't like him."

Jungkook roll his eyes putting inside his alcohol on his knapsack. "Hyung. Do you like that weirdo? You know that I've only used him right."

Hoseok nodded. "Lets go,before that weirdo followed me again." Both of them walk heading to their room. They saw Taehyung with a bruise on his face.

"Tae, what happen?" Hoseok ask eyeing Jungkook who fixing his bag. "Who punch you?"

Taehyung shrugged laughing. "None. I-i just slumped while ago that's why i have this."

Hoseok only nodded to stop Taehyung from talking. Before he slipped away the true cause of that bruised. Hoseok knows, He know all things happened. He know everyone bullied Taehyung because they like Jungkook.

Everyone likes Jungkook.

"Kookie, do you want to eat later on your favorite restaurant?" Taehyung cheekily asked fixing his eye glasses. Jungkook shook his head and smiled so faked.

"How about buy your favorite timberland? I saw the latest edition from the mall I've been and there is one store selling that." Taehyung added that made Jungkook eyes twinkled in happiness.

"Sure Taetae! What time?" Jungkook hugged Taehyung hastily that push Hoseok at the back, Hoseok scoffed rolling his eyes.

"After class?" Taehyung announced smiling happily. "Ive also saw the latest iphone! We can buy two for both of us!" Jungkook jump and kiss Taehyung cheeks.

After Taehyung bow his head to get his notebook, Jungkook quickly wipe his lips and pretend to puke.

That definitely seen by Hoseok.

"Tae, stop waisting your money for me~" Jungkook cutely said massaging Taehyung small arms.

"Anything for Kookie."

Hoseok remain silent. He didn't want to interfere anything from them. He does not like creating a fight because he want to defend Taehyung from his Best friend.

"How about we cut classes?" Jungkook said but Taehyung shook his head.

"We have long test Babe. We can't." Taehyung said pouting.

"What the fuck Taehyung. You're really so boring." Taehyung feel aching stabbed his poor heart and he just bit his lips because he think Jungkook don't meant everything he said.

Jungkook love him right?

"O-okay. Let's go. Hoseokie hyung. Do you-" Taehyung cut by Hoseok.

"No. tae, just enjoy, as long as your happy, i am happy.. So, have fun with Kookie?"

Taehyung smiled and hold Jungkook hand. But Jungkook pretended that his hand are deeply hurt and have a cut,  So Taehyung contended with looking on his Boyfriend walking ahead from him.

"Kookie." Taehyung called. Both of them are heading to Taehyung car.

"Hm?" Jungkook dryly hummed. Dreaming with his new future shoes and phone.

"I Love you." Jungkook wanted to puke. "Like very much."

"I know Tae. I know."

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