Babe [2/10]

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BABE 0.2

JUNGKOOK is walking like a professional model, his hair glow smoothly under the sunlight, the way his eyes scrunched and glistening everytime he smiled.

He received a lot of praises when he walk using his new pair of timberland. "Nice shoes Kookie! How much is that?"

Jungkook shylyーi mean fakely said. "It's $599." Everyone gasped and feel so envy.

"You're lucky Taehyung is filthy rich." Hoseok said rolling his eyes, Jungkook didn't noticed his presence first but scoffed.

Jungkook then clenched his fist and smiled faked "Hyung, Taehyung insisted this. So, i can't reject his offer." He cutely stated showing his bunny smiled to everyone.

Everyone cooed on his cute smiling face.

"Yeah right." Hoseok said. "By the way Taehyung is coming." Jungkook flinched and saw Taehyung galloping like an idiot.

"Lets go guys the weirdo is coming. We might contaminated his disease." The one who asked Jungkook said before leaving Jungkook and Hoseok. "See you around Jungkook-ssi, Hoseok-ssi."

"Yeh." Jungkook said rolling his eyes again. "Tae, you said you're not coming from school because you're not feeling well?" Taehyung nodded. Look like he is going to faint of how he looks, but still managed to smile.

He is so pale. "But, i cannot afford not to see you. Babe."

"Stop calling me Babe, Tae." Jungkook gritted his teeth. "I told you that right? That so corny!"

Taehyung wipe his cold sweat and bob his head slowly. "Babeー"

"Fuck it! Are you stupid?!." Jungkook spat glaring to Taehyung who only pouted.

"I'm sorry Kookie.. Oh! You wore the shoes already?" Taehyung is more way too happy to see that Jungkook is wearing he bought for his Boyfriend.

"Why? Planning on getting it back?" Jungkook spat leaving Taehyung in a hallway.

"Its not like that Kookie." Taehyung run after him. Run after him again like a lost puppy. "I didn't meant like that.."

"Tae stop running after him. You look like a dog." Hoseok said with a hint of humor. But, Taehyung frowned.

"Hyung.. Does Kookie hate me?" Hoseok stop from walking looking at Taehyung pale colored face. "Am i that ugly."

Hoseok hold his shoulder. "No. You're unique Tae. You're handsome!" Taehyung smiled showing his rectangular smile and hug Hoseok.

"Thank you hyung. You're my one and only friend here. Thank you so much." Hoseok smiled and hold Taehyung shoulder.

"Don't mind it. Lets go before we get late. You know that scary teacher." Taehyung chuckles and run.


"Taehyung. Are you okay?" Hoseok asked when he saw Taehyung lips chapped and pale. "Do you want to go to the clinic?" The brunet shook his head still smiling.

"I'm okay hyung. I just want to be with Kookie." Taehyung honestly said. Jungkook who heard that wanna throw up.

"I told you to stay at home. You, silly." Taehyung took Jungkook hand and massage it. Jungkook scoffed getting back his hand.

"What if you're contagious." Hoseok scoffed too. "Tae go home."

"I don't want to, if you want stay there with me." Taehyung plead.

"No, i can't my family have a party later." Jungkook aforementioned.

"So, you're going to a party than taking care of your sick boyfriend." Hoseok said. "Is that what you're trying to imply, huh Jeon?!" He added.

"Its not like that! It just that important! You know how my parent scolded me when i didn't attend the last party." Jungkook shouted that made Hoseok roll his eyes.

"Don't fight Babe, Hoseokie hyung, Its fine..Promise! Its fine i can take care of myself." Taehyung explained smiling so weakly.

"If you can take care of your self, why bother attending this class you, moron." Jungkook whispered and Taehyung heard it clearly. But, shrugged it off. Again, He think his boyfriend did not meant anything.

"CLASS QUIET!" Everyone seat properly when the Teacher enter the room.

Jungkook is really pissed because of how Hoseok keep on defending Taehyung side than him, his own best friend.

"This is our new Student. Introduce yourself." Jungkook eyes sparkles when he saw a handsome man. He is pale and look really cool, he look so rich too.

"I'm Min Yoongi. I like cute guys." Jungkook cheeks blush when Yoongi wink on him. "Can i seat next to that bunny guy?"

Taehyung frowned​, He felt weak physically and mentally, He can't fight. He can't fight for Jungkook.

Yoongi push Taehyung seating next to his Boyfriend. "Hi cutie." Yoongi said.

"H-Hi." Yoongi looks so rich and damn how his skin flawlessly glows. "I'm Jungkook."

Maybe Jungkook can throw Taehyung now?

"Are you aware that you have a boyfriend next to you. Who is sick. Right now. As in right now." Hoseok spat rolling his eyes.

"You have a boyfriend?" Yoongi asked looking on Taehyung. "Ohh. Are you that desperate bunny? This shit face is your boyfriend?"

Jungkook blushed hard tucking his bangs.

"Tae, are you okay?" Hoseok asked when he notice that his friend kinda look like he is going to faint.

Taehyung vision becoming blur. He feel the heat coming from his nose. "Tae. I am bringing you to infirmary and you cant stop me from that."

"No, b-but Kookie.."

"Tae, Jungkook is fucking busy with his sluttiness."
Taehyung want to say no but his body stiffed he fainted after that Hoseok carried him.

Jungkook doesn't care.

Jungkook cared for Yoongi.

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