Babe [3/10]

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BABE 0.3

"WHERE is your Boyfriend cutie." Yoongi asked Jungkook who is playing on his phone. "Do you love him?"

Jungkook shrugged blushing. "No."

"Why bothering dating with him. If you can have me. Do you like that? Hm?" Yoongi roamed his hand into Jungkook legs massaging it in slow pace. Jungkook moaned silently.

"Don't tell me you're still a virgin?" Jungkook nodded. "Why? Didn't you have a boyfriend who can fuck you hard?"

"He can't. He is boring as fuck." Jungkook admit. "He is more innocent than a baby. He can't fuck." Yoongi smirk pulling Jungkook outside their room.

"Want me to fuck you?" Jungkook think first. He doesn't love Tae. But, he still have respect on himself. He still have dignity. But, the thoughts of Yoongi fucking him is too good to imagine. "Baby, decide now. Or i will take you right here, right now." That made Jungkook dick twitch in excitement.

"O-okay. If you really insist." Yoongi pull Jungkook inside the male comfort room.

He push the vacant comfort room and close the bowl. He sit and put Jungkook on his lap, like Jungkook straddle him, He kiss Jungkook hungrily, he use his tongue to lick Jungkook lower lip for his entrance, Jungkook open his mouth welcoming Yoongi hot tongue to explore his wet cavern.

Their tongue keep on fighting for dominance until Yoongi suck his tongue powerfully. Jungkook lost his own sanity when Yoongi palm his cock under the thin fabric.

Jungkook started to roam now his hand in Yoongi's back for a heat. The two lost their own world.

Until Jungkook sacrifice his own whole body to Yoongi.

Hoseok on the other hand going to comfort room his stomach growling and he want to release a shit. "Fuck." He whimpered opening slowly the comfort room since he doesn't want to create a chaos because of how stink he poop.

"Uhhh, yes. Daddy." He widened his eyes when he heard Jungkook. Jungkook voice moaning. But, Taehyung didn't attend school today? He is sick right. "Yes Daddy hit that. Please. Ahh ahh ahh ahh!"

"You bunny keep quiet and moan for me." Thats Yoongi voice. That change Hoseok stomach churning and dash outside calling Taehyung on his phone.

"Hello?" He called shakily waiting for the brunet to speak.

"H-hyung. Uh, how is Kookie?" Hoseok wanted to punch his friend boyfriend and strangle him because of his flirtness. "Are you okay? Hyung...Hello?"

"Taehyung-ah." Taehyung hum in response.

"What is it hyung. Are you okay?"

"Taehyung. Listen to me. You know how much i cared for you right." Taehyung nodded on the other line. He know that something happen. He don't know if he want to listen or end the call for his own sake.

Or he need to wake him up from all the lies keep on his mind. "Yeah hyung. I know. What is it."

Hoseok sighed heavily. His eyes was teary now. He is concern for Taehyung. Concern for his friend. "I saw.."

"Yes hyung. I am listenining." Taehyung added.

"I saw and heard Jungkook and Yoongi. Now in the CR. Fucking." Taehyung phone slipped on his hand. He shakily took the new iphone he bought and hear Hoseok keep on saying are you still there?

"Yeah hyung. Ive heard." Hoseok remain silent. "Its okay hyung. Jungkook doesn't mean to do that. He love me hyung."

"Taehyung." Hoseok only speaks.

"Bye hyung. I am resting now. My head still aching. Thank you for bringing me home last last day."

"Hope for your fastest recovery, Tae." Taehyung hum before he drop the call.

Hoseok go to their room. Waiting for Jungkook and Yoongi. After a while, Jungkook went inside with messy hair and red lips. Neck full of hickey and the way he walk scream i got laid. Next to him is Yoongi, Yoongi who is hair also messy and button open.

"Hyung." Jungkook said like nothing happen. "How are you."

"Fine. Why are you late?" Jungkook face went pale and said he missed the last bus. "Mind visiting your boyfriend?"

"Hyung, yoongi hyung will tutoring me later on english." Hoseok only nod not looking on Jungkook who lies continuously.

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