Babe [6/10]

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BABE 0.6

YOONGI walked slowly,  stepping inside of his respective room. Every girls squealed and giggles as soon as they saw the great Min Yoongi . The black haired male just smirks and wink to every girls he see and sat himself in the last row, sitting next to his best friend SeokjinーThe three year won as the pretty boy of their University.

"How was the vacation?" Yoongi dryly shrugged leaning his back to get comfortable, since his back kind of aching.

"Paris is so boring." He merely whispers rolling his eyes in irritation. "Good thing, my boyfriend is with me."

"Paris is amazing you moron." Seokjin spats then raised his eyebrow, try to mocked him. "And what? Boyfriend? Who?"

Yoongi sighed. "Hyung, i love Jungkook." The latter absentmindedly stated spreading his arms and yawn.

"Well i am not fully aware of that since you still fuck other people and leave your innocent boyfriend always." With that, the so called Jungkook entered the room with a smiled sitting next to Yoongi.

Jungkook is still famous, as the school cutie pie. All people admire him because of his cuteness and fluffiness. "Baby."

"Hello, Hyung." Jungkook said hugging the arms of his Boyfriend tight like a Koala. "Where have you been last night?"

Seokjin shook his head and fish his phone from his uniform pocket, not minding the two. Especially Yoongi who must be an expert when it comes in lying.

"I-I'm with mom last night. Since she miss his one and only son." Yoongi awkwardly smiled. Massaging Jungkook thigh. "Did you miss me, huh?"

"Yes, very much." Jungkook admit roaming his hand dangerously in Yoongi's bulge forming.

"You're in danger." Yoongi smirked.

"I love danger." Jungkook speaks made Seokjin jokingly throw up.

"Ya! Ya!? Stop with you two. Okay? Its make me cringe."

"Were cringe-worthy though." Jungkook pouted sulking.

"Sure, whatever floats your boats." Seokjin response with a teasing tone.

"Student! Keep quiet, We have transferred student, come on in?" Yoongi frown rolling his eyes and kiss Jungkook neck.

Everyone gasp when they saw a tall handsome man. His body proportion is not joke. "Hi, I'm Kim Namjoon. I hate people without jam." Seokjin blush in crimson, he feel his heart beating than his normal pace.

"Is it love at first sight?" Seokjin dreamily mumbled biting his plump lips.

Jungkook on the other hand chuckles hard and shook his head. Seokjin is cute for a hyung.

"Look like you've finally found a boyfriend hyung!" Jungkook happily said, he is so happy for his hyung. Knowing that the latter just reveal himself as a gay and this is the first time that he admit that he like a guy. A certain guy standing up in front of them.

"Ne." Seokjin said. Waiting for Namjoon to seat next to him since the Teacher told him to do so. He is fidgeting his cold hand and fix his bangs.

"Hi." Seokjin greeted waving his hand shyly still tucking for his sticking bangs.

"Hi bro." Namjoon said smiling with his dimples.

Seokjin surely mentally fainted and squealing like a fangirl.

Jungkook and Yoongi chuckles hearing the word bro.

After that one more student enter. "Annyeong~" The student who enter was so squishy and cute. He does have a pale skin and nice thigh. His gray hair sway perfectly and his eye smile made everyone fall.

"Waaa he is so cute!" Their president exclaim. Hanging his mouth in the process.

"Oh gosh i'm in love!" His other classmate said clasping their hand dreamily like an idiot. Jungkook doesn't say anything, just focus on eyeing Jimin.

"He is cuter than Jungkook." Jungkook who heard that feel upset. Look like cat got his tongue. This is the first time their classmate compare him from the other.

"I'm Jimin! Park Jimin! Lets be friends!" He cheekily announce. He look like a human cutie walking in front of them. Everyone wanted to pinch his cheeks and hugged him.

Yoongi lick his lips absentmindedly scanning Jimin thigh. Choke me with that thigh. Yoongi thought.

Someone raised a hand wanted to ask Jimin a question. "Jimin! Do you have boyfriend?"

Jimin blushed in pink tint. "Ne, there he is, My Daddy." Everyone gasp, who would announce that they have a daddy kink? In front of everyone.

Everyone anticipate the man he called. The room filled with gasped and lustful gazes on the door with a stunning man looking blankly. "Daddy! Palli! Introduce yourself!" Jimin sit next to Namjoon and Namjoon patted Jimin head.

That made Jungkook gasps in shock.

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