Babe [7/10]

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BABE 0.7

EVERYONE was mesmerize when they saw a gorgeous man. He is tall, stunning tan complex, perfect jawline, pointed nose and thick eyebrow. "Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you."

"Gosh! He is so handsome as fuck!"

"Yoongi look like there is someone who want to steal your throne." Seokjin tease the latter.

"There is no way who can took that from me." He spat. "Right Jungkook?" He added looking at his shock boyfriend.

Jungkook who hanging his mouth looking on Taehyung startled. "-yeah."

Seokjin on the other hand talking to the newbies. "Hi, I'm Seokjin."

"Hello hyung! I'm Jimin! You can call me Chimchim or Jim-"

"Baby, quiet huh?" Taehyung smiled nuzzling his nose to Jimin cheeks. "Daddy doesn't want his Baby go noisy."

Seokjin blush seeing the sparks in Taehyung eyes, the way he look at Jimin.

Jungkook feel jealous. Yoongi didnt do anything like that to him. He feel that, Yoongi kind of ashamed on him.

"Yes Daddy. Nice meeting you Seokjin hyung. This is my Boyfriend Taehyung." Taehyung smiled bow a little.

"Hi, hyung." Seokjin nodded.

"By the way this is Jungkook and Yoongi. The kingka of this School."

"Really? Wa! Taehyung is our Kingka too before we transferred here."

"Its obvious by his looks." Taehyung smiled politely. "Anyway. Want to eat with us. Later?"



The six of them gathered in a big table, own by the Kingka, who is Yoongi. Jungkook secretly looking on the couple in front of them. His Seokjin Hyung busy talking to Namjoon guy.

"Yoongi hyung, what do you want to eat?" Jungkook asked showing his aegyo. Yoongi smiled but frown afterwards.

"We ate everyday, Until now you still didn't know what i want to eat?" Yoongi tsk and fish his phone. Checking if there is a notification.

Jimin frown pulling his Daddy shirt. Feeling sorry for Jungkook who might feel rejection. "Daddy?"

"Yes Baby?" Taehyung asked removing the sticky hair that covering Jimin eyes. "Anything wrong?"

"What do you want to eat?" Jungkook hear that stare on them. Waiting for the latter to burst in madness like Yoongi did.

Seokjin and Namjoon look too, anticipating for some action.

"Anything my Baby wants. I will eat it." Jimin nodded.

"How about, Chicken? Rice? Cake?" Jimin asked pouting his plump lips.

"Anything, Baby. If you like that then go." Taehyung stated. "Wait i'll take our food and order." He added in a minute. Taehyung kissed Jimin lips even if there is a lot of people looking. He doesn't feel ashamed unlike Yoongi.

"Wow! Taehyung really love you." Seokjin said.

"Aniyo~ hyung." He blush.

"Taehyung loves Jimin so much. He even bought a big house for Jimin, and buy everything he wants. Taehyung doesn't want anyone to hurt Jimin even bitten by mosquito!" Namjoon shared.

"Oh, seems like you know them well?" Jungkook stated.

"Of course. Tae is my cousin. And i know how much Taehyung take care of Jimin."

"Is that so? Waaa! I'm jealous. Anyway? Why didn't you order?" Jungkook.

"Ahh no worries. Taehyung will do that for me." In a minute Taehyung came with a tray and a man on his back with food.

He ordered, six piece of burger, six coke in can, one big plate of pizza, one big plate of pasta, two rolls of chocolate cake.

"Daddy its too much." Jimin shyly stated.

"All the food they serve are your favorite so. Why not order them all? Oh right. Seokjin hyung do you eat like these?"

"Tae, yes. Thank you." Seokjin said.

"How about you Kookie?" Jungkook choke on his spit.


Jimin chuckles. "My Daddy said if you eat like that."

"Ah yeah." Jungkook blush.

"How about you Yoongi hyung?"

Yoongi saw Jungkook and roll his eyes. "I'm not hungry. By the way. I have to go. Something came up." He bid a goodbye not minding to look for his boyfriend.

Everyone started to eat, Jimin on the other hand playing on his phone. But, Taehyung feeding him.

"You two is a relationship goals." Seokjin dreamily said.

"Don't be amaze. Its nothing compared to their house. Taehyung brushing Jimin teeth and cuddle with him all day long." Namjoon.

Jungkook frown, felt like crying, he is jealous as fuck. Seeing Taehyung cuddling other people; boyfriend hurt him like a hit by a truck.

"Taehyung good thing you are not shy with your relationship?" Seokjin eating cake.

Jungkook secretly listen. "Uh no. I dont care with other people. Ive only think about my Baby."

"How about you Jungkook? Is Yoongi hyung is like Taetae too?" Jungkook choke "is there a problem?"

"None at all." Taehyung look at him with concern look.

Not with love; but with friendly concern look.

And that hit him.

Tae doesn't love him anymore.

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