Babe [8/10]

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BABE 0.8

JUNGKOOK excuse himself. He can't look at the two couple in front of them. He can't take seeing Taehyung feeding Jimin. Seeing Taehyung looking on Jimin with full of love and admiration kill him mentally.

That look that suppose to be for him until now. That look he brush away in his life. He thought its clingy but no.

Its not.

He open the faucet shakily, getting some running water to rinse his face from this wildest dream. "No. Its just a dream. Taehyung is not here. He still a weirdo. Like before." He thought to himself and look through the mirror.

Later on, Jimin entered the comfort room with an innocent face. He is humming black pink song and shock when Jungkook is right next to him, looking in a mirror too.

"Jungkook-ah? Are you okay?" Jungkook shockingly flinch and nodded. "I've followed you since i thought you're not feeling well." Jimin added.

Jungkook fighting on his sanity if he will ask a few question to Jimin or not. But, its now or never right?

Jimin who seem concern still looking on him. "Jimin, how old are you?" Jimin smiled merrily saying that he is twenty one. Same with Taehyung.

"I'm nineteen." Jungkook said.

"I know Jungkook-ah. Taehyung already said that you are two years younger than him." Jungkook gape his mouth slightly. So, Taehyung already shared about him?

"So, you know that i am-"

"Yes, you're his ex. All from the his past was already shared with Tae to me. We are open to anything so i wouldn't mind." Jimin stated smiling. Jungkook feel a sudden irritation. He feel that Jimin mocking him secretly. But, no.

"Do you not even think that Taehyung come back here so that we can be together again?" Jungkook aforementioned rosing his eye brow. He think Jimin will cry about it.

"Uh, no. I am the one who insist to go here. I want to see where Daddy studied before we get married." Jungkook feel a stung of pain struck on his heart deeply.

Married? Big word.

"Really?" Jungkook stated. "Are you going to believe that. He love me so much Jimin. He is head over heels with me."

Jimin smiled weakly. He feel sorry for Jungkook but no. He won't giving his Daddy back. "I'm sorry Jungkook but that was before. Daddy and i relationship is already steady to tear apart. He bought me house because he is scared that someone might get me away from him but i will never do that even if i am not living on his side. I love Daddy so much. Daddy loves me too and i will stick with that." Jimin concernly look for Jungkook who is crying now messily.

"You have your own boyfriend now. And i believe that. You should be happy now." Jungkook shook his head.

"No, Taehyung still love me Jimin. I will prove you that. I know you only use his money that's why you and him are in relationship now." Jungkook spat. "And maybe because he is handsome that's why."

Jimin shook his head sitting in the cold tiles. "Suit your self, but I already saw Taehyung when he was weirdo, and when he was a nerd full of bruises. So there is no other way that your interrogation was right."

"How about money? You only use him for mone-"

"Jungkook our company is the same so no. We are both filthy rich. Taehyung just insist to Baby me. Stop being delusional, wake up." Jungkook once again gape his mouth unbelievably. "Jungkook he doesn't love you anymore."


"Taehyung doesn't care about you anymore." Jungkook push Jimin hard that cause him to slump his face to the floor. Created a big bruise on his lips.

"Baby are you done? Youre handkerchief is with me?" Someone knock outside. Jungkook shakily step back seeing Taehyung coming inside.

He saw Jimin crying. "Baby!" Taehyung bend his knee cupping Jimin face. "Baby. Oh god. Are you okay, shit. Did you do this?!" Taehyung glaring on him.

The Taehyung who love him before is mad to him; to him right now? With other male.

"Jungkook you didn't change. You still love to hurt innocent people." Taehyung keep on stroking Jimin gray locks and kissing the bruise near his lips.

"Baby are you okay?" Jungkook cried. Sobbing in front of the two. Unlike before. He is not the one Taehyung who cared about.

"Daddy i'm okay. Jungkook doesn't mean to do that."

"I told you stop talking with him." The blonde spat brushing off the dusting  Jimin pants. "Lets go."

They left

They left Jungkook.

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