Babe [9/10]

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BABE 0.9

SEOKJIN heading off to Jungkook place, because the latter didn't make it to come in School, so as a nicest friend he can be, he will pay him a visit. Well, he still concern for his friend and his best friend.

While ago, before he went to Jungkook. He actually came from Jimin house that Taehyung bought together with Namjoon. Taehyung ask them if they can look for his Baby since he is going back to Daegu for a meeting.

Seokjin knock thrice waiting for Jungkook. After a few minute. Jungkook open the door with a messy hair and nasty outfit. Seokjin roll his eyes pushing Jungkook inside to scold him from doing this to himself.

"Did you and Yoongi fight? Seriously." Seokjin said slumping in a clean spot of couch. "Jungkook-ah, you know that Yoongi is just like that. He didn't meant to fuck with other male other than you."

"W-what?" Jungkook asked unbelievably. "What do you mean by that?"

Seokjin nervously smiled and mentally punch himself because of his stupidity. "So, that is not the reason?" He said awkwardly.

"You mean Yoongi hyung cheating with me. For three years? He cheated without me knowing it?!" Seokjin hugged Jungkook who pulling his hair harshly. "He cheated!"

"Jungkook-ah, i'm sorry i thought that's the reason." Jungkook shrug. "So, what is the real reason why are you doing this drama."

Jungkook pointed the photo on his desk. Its him and a man with glasses and brunet hair. "Who is that?" He asked. "Wait he look like Taehyung-"

"Yes. He is the one I've hurt." Seokjin gasped. "I know he is just using Jimin to hurt me and ask me again to be his boyfriend again."

"Huh, what do you mean." Seokjin rosing his brow. He think Jungkook going crazy for creating a lame accusations.

"He doesn't love Jimin. I feel it." Seokjin shook his head. He saw how affectionate Taehyung is to his Boyfriend. And there is no other way round that Taehyung is just using the little cutie Jimin for Jungkook. "He loves me hyung."

"You have a boyfriend Kook." Seokjin frowning. "You should be contented with him."

"No hyung. I feel it in my heart, I know that he still cared for me and I will confront him if i finally have a spare time, And you will know that he loves me so much."

"If you say so." Seokjin said leaving the house. He didn't shared the moment they went to Jimin because Jungkook will surely get sad. Seokjin sighed shooking his head before walking again leaving the abode.

"Daddy." Jimin called looking to Taehyung who is watching a TV. "Do you love Jungkook."

"Yes baby but before, Now? Not a little. Why?" Jimin shook his head laying down to his pink bed. "Is my Baby jealous?" Taehyung tease kissing his cute hands.

"N-no." Jimin shyly stated frowning. "I love you Daddy."

Taehyung chuckles and hug Jimin tight. "I am so in love with you Baby." He then kissed Jimin lips. "Lets sleep?"

"But i am still not washing up." Jimin aforementioned.

Taehyung carried Jimin hastily causing the other to yelp in surprise. "Daddy!" Jimin shouted pouting.

"I will be the one who wash you up! But, i will brush your cute teeth first." Jimin nodded sitting on his high chair. "Are you ready Baby?"

"Yeap Daddy~" Jimin open his mouth waiting for his tooth brush. Then, Taehyung kiss his lips. "Daddy. Where is my toothbrush."

"My tongue is your toothbrush this night. You promise Daddy~" Jimin blush but nodded after putting his arms around Taehyung neck. "I love you Jimin." He sincerely stated.

"I love you more Tae."

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