Babe [10/10]

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BABE 1.0

JUNGKOOK angrily punch Yoongi jaw as soon he saw the latter kissing with another man inside the comfort room. Yoongi slouch on a floor and gritted his teeth.

He stand up, gaining his energy and spit a little. "What the fuck? Why did you punch me you slut?" Jungkook scoff. "Why? Are you shock that I've called you that? Is that your other name right?"

Jungkook clench his fist punching his boyfriend again collapse outside the comfort room. Everyone gasped seeing the two fighting in front of many people; the famous unbeatable couple fighting, for real?

"You cheated on me yet you have the guts to talk back?" Jungkook shouted crying. "You're unbelievable Yoongi!"

"You know what? Lets break up. Stop ranting nonsense." Yoongi left him in front of many people. Not looking back, not checking if he is alright or not.

Seokjin, Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung saw what happen but they didn't want to interfere anything from the two. Seokjin wanted to punch his best friend too but Jungkook already do that.

Jimin eyes teary now. "Daddy lets comfort him." Jimin clutch Taehyung shirt and the blonde nodded for the sake of his loving boyfriend. They walk a little so that they can ask Jungkook if he is fine or not.

"Of course i am not good. Idiot!" He spat angrily glaring to Jimin specifically. "Leave me alone!"

"But-" Jimin keep in insisting but Jungkook doesn't want to. "Okay. Daddy lets go?"

Jungkook ear twitch hearing that Taehyung is also there. "Leave me with Tae." He spat again. Jimin nodded pulling his two hyung.

Taehyung who seem confuse cock his brow looking on his boyfriend leaving. "Tae." Jungkook called. Taehyung hummed and waited. "Tae, i love you. I love you, i love you Babe." Taehyung blankly listen not moving around. "I love you when you left me, until now. I love you still. Please, come back to me." Jungkook plead holding Taehyung hands.

"I know you still love me Babe. Like before. You love me and you only using Jimin for me to get jealous." Jungkook cried. "I feel it, Tae."

Taehyung sighed heavily removing Jungkook hand. "Jungkook, i loved you. Okay? And thats all. Now? No. I love Jimin now. I love him that i can't live without him. He is my light when you left me in darkness. Jungkook you hurt me."

Jungkook keep on uttering the word sorry but Taehyung didn't accept it. "Done is done. We can't just bring back the old times because you want it. Jungkook. I don't love you."

Jungkook mind went blank. "N-no."

"I don't love you the way i love Jimin so leave me alone." Jungkook hugged him behind his back, crying and sobbing hardly that almost lose his breathe.

"Babe please. I will do everything. Everything you want me to do. Please babe." Jungkook pleaded again but Taehyung remove his hand and look on him blankly.

"Babe?" He unbelievably said. "its too late." Thats the last sentence he said before turning his back. Before he turn again his back to Jungkook.

Jungkook left again. With a broken heart. With a broken soul.

His head full of what ifs. What if he love Taehyung early? What if he give the latter importance? What if he still by my side?

But thats it. That will remain in a what if. And Jungkook? Left by himself.


STARTED: NOV-06-16 (11am PST)
ENDED: NOV-06-16 (3:25pm PST)

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