Babe [Special]

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Due to readers demand. I decided to add BONUS chapter ;) instead of making 10 maybe i will post new short story about Jungkook and him.


Jimin feel so guilty coming into Taehyung life. He can't explain the pain feeling on his heart. He wiped the tears starting to brim on his eyes and bit his lips.

Jimin step his left foot to go out but a hand held him tight. "D-daddy." Jimin remove the hand and bow his head. "Is Jungkook okay there?"

Taehyung notice the sadness on his voice. "Yes, is there a problem Baby?"

Jimin didn't answer and bow his head. "Daddy, i feel so sad right now." Taehyung hugged him from behind, snaking hid two arms around Jimin thin waist. "I feel so sorry for Jungkook. It felt like, i steal you away from him." Taehyung tightly hugged him. Putting his chin on Jimin shoulder and kiss his neck and cheeks.

"Baby, don't say that. I love you so much. No one is stealing me away from you. I'm yours forever baby. Remember that." Jimin turn his frame facing Taehyung and envelope his arms around Taehyung neck.

The brunet kiss the tip of his nose lightly. Jimin closed his eyes to savour the moment. He then felt a warm lips attached on his. "Baby, i love you."

"I love you too Daddy."

Taehyung held Jimin small hands and pull him closer, look like they're walk-hugging each other. Taehyung is more way happy than before. Seeing Jimin, his little cute Baby smiling ear to ear next to him is fluttering his heart.

Jungkook made him happy before, but not like what he is experience now. All he can say is its too late, he can't love Jungkook the way he love him before because now. Jimin is his life. His world. His everything.

"Daddy." Jimin speaks.


"Is there any possibility that you and Jungkook will be together again?"

"Silly. Don't think about it. I love you, please stop stressing your self, that's not good for our Baby." Jimin gape his mouth and look on his Daddy Taehyung smiling.

"How did you?"

"I saw it, i know you're pregnant baby."

"You're not mad?"

"Why? If ever i will have two babies! The more the merrier right?"

Jimin can only blushed and nodded. "Thank you Daddy."

"No problem, Jiminie."

"And oh Daddy." Jimin nudged Taehyung who is busy playing with his small chubby hands. "How about Jungkook?"

Taehyung smiled weakly, he then hugged Jimin and give him a kiss on his temple. "Jungkook is a handsome boy, he somehow a good person. I think, he will find someone who will love him forever."

"Like me to you?"

"Like we are to each other." Jimin nodded and smiled cheekily.


Jungkook on the other hand cry on the floor, he can't accept that Taehyung leaved him like that. He always know that Taehyung will choose him over Jimin.

But, then he is wrong. Taehyung love for Jungkook is eternal and never end. Jungkook quietly sob wiping the tears keep on spilling on his eyes.

"Stupid tears! Stupid Jungkook! Stupid decision!" He muttered and punch his bag. "No one will love me! No one will understand me! No one could ever accept me!"

While Jungkook keep on murdering his bag. He didn't notice a pair of foot walking on his direction.

The man walking look lost and pouting looking for something. He didn't notice also the boy punching his bag on the ground because his mind is occupied with something.

"Ouch!" Jungkook shouted glaring on the stupid person who stepped on his hand. The guy keep on bowing a pouted. "Look where you are- Taehyung?" Jungkook gape his mouth. The guy in front of him really resembles with Taehyung.

"Huh? I-I'm not Tae- hyung? I'm sorry for stepping on your pretty hands." Jungkook blush and cover his face.

"Stop it! If you are not Taehyung whats your name then?" Jungkook stood up checking his pants if there is dirt.

"I'm Jack and i'm looking for my room." The Jack guy is wearing a sweatpants, big sweater and beanie.

He really look like a nerd because of his big glasses.

"O-ohh, i'm Jungkook." Jungkook said still looking on Jack head to toe.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook." Jack smiled shaking their hands together tightly. Jungkook look on their clasp hand.

"The pleasure is mine." Jungkook said smiling.


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