Chapter 4 Fours A Crowd

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"Hey David, isn't that the sculptor from Marcie's building?"  I looked up as Jenny was pointing to the aisle way of the movie theatre.  There were a bunch of people craned my neck trying to see behind the group that had stopped to take their seats.  As they made their way to some seats I saw the couple Jenny had been pointing out. 

"How do you know him?" I asked, I was pretty sure Jenny hadn't come out to the hallway today. 

"I saw him once talking to Kristian in the gallery, and Kristian told me they were planning a show next month or something." 

Elliott was walking towards us with a blond haired girl, they were arm in arm and looked quite cozy.  They were both looking ahead, presumably to find seats.  I kept my eyes on him as his face scanned in my direction.  I was pretty sure he could easily see me, but he looked right through me as if I wasn't there.  We had spent over an hour in an elevator together and then of course my visit up to his studio and he acted like I was just somebody in the crowd. 

They sat down a few rows ahead of us and Elliott draped his arm over the girl's shoulder while she snuggled up right next to him and began whispering in his ear.  They both laughed and it looked like they were having a great time.  As ridiculous as it was, I couldn't help but be annoyed. 

I don't know why I was so interested in him noticing me.  Normally I hated being noticed when I was out with friends, strange people coming up to me asking to take a picture with me, asking for an autograph.  Janice had lectured me a number of times about taking a deep breath, putting on a pleasant place and exercising as much patience as humanly possible.  She told me I didn't want to get a reputation for being stuck up or 'difficult'.  It came down to being an introvert, I found it draining to keep up the celebrity front.  I never asked for it, I never wanted it.  I just wanted to make a living like everyone else and this was apparently what I was good at.   

I tried to watch the movie, but  instead found my eyes glued to the couple a few rows ahead.  Elliott's arm still around her while his head was head bent down close to the girl while she continued whispering in his ear through the whole movie.  Shit, why didn't they just get a room! 

I sighed as I realized that my assumptions about the sexy sculptor were wrong.  Were there really any signs, or was it wishful thinking that I thought he was gay?   

"He could be bi, you know," Jenny whispered in my ear, apparently reading my mind.  "Or she could just be a close friend." 

I furrowed my brows and gave Jenny a scornful look.  I hated when she did that. 

"This is a really good movie David, if you paid attention to it rather than the sexy blond sculptor, you'd realize how amazing it is." 

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom," I grumbled as I stood up and quickly exited the theatre.  The lobby was pretty empty as I found my way to the rest room.  After I used the facilities, washed my hands and threw some cold water on my face I made my way back out to the lobby.  I stood and looked at some of the posters for coming attractions. 

"Hey…are you David James?" two teenage girls squealed behind me.   

I took a deep breath, steeled my emotions and put on my requisite 'charming' look.  "Hello ladies!" 

"Oh my god!!! Can we take a picture with you, please??!!" 

"Sure thing."  They immediately ran to either side of me grabbing my arms, one of them holding her cellphone out in front of her.   She snapped several photos before I finally had to stop them. 

"Sorry girls, I really need to get back to my date now."   

"Who is she? Is she beautiful? Is she a supermodel?"  I simply laughed and walk away.  As I opened the door to the theatre I realized the show was ending, the credits started scrolling down the screen and the lights were turned on.  I looked up and Jenny was still sitting in her seat talking to someone a few seats back.  Walking against the crowd I made my way back to the mostly empty seats.  Elliott and his date were still In their seats, Elliott was looking down with a very thoughtful look and I noticed a tear falling down his cheek.  I looked at the girl who was busy texting on her phone. 

I don't know why, but I stopped next to them.  Elliott didn't look up and I had another flash of annoyance, as he could obviously see me in his peripheral vision.  Instead, the girl looked up, "Oh my god…you're David James!" 

Elliott looked up quickly wiping the tear from his face.  "Hello Elliott," I said and then smiled at the girl.   

"David," he replied, surprised. 

"Elli, you know David James?"  the girl interrupted excitedly. 

"Um, Emma, this is David, David, Emma."  The girl looked up at me all starry eyed and I felt some slight satisfaction at her reaction. 

"Oh my god!  You're even better looking in real life," she gushed.  Instead of looking annoyed Elliott chuckled.  "I'm sorry," she apologized.  "Um, what did you think of the movie, wasn't it amazing?!" 

"Oh!  Uh, yes, it was really great." 

"What an amazing man, his sense of humor and courage almost supersedes his brilliance in my eyes," she continued in almost a dreamy way, "it made me kind of sad that they didn't stay together at the end, but I guess in a way, it was a testament to his real love for her and wanting her happiness above all, knowing that their friend could do that.  What do you think?" 

I saw so little of the movie and wasn't even in the room for the last parts, "Ahhh…"  I was interrupted with Elliott's laughter.  Emma gave him a playful punch in the shoulder and quietly shushed him.   

"David, there you are, where did you disappear to?" Jenny called out as she walked up.  "Are you going to introduce me?" She asked coyly.  Emma and Elliott's heads immediately turned toward the sound of her voice. 

"Jenny this is Emma and Elliott, Elliott is the sculptor in Marcie's building," I explained what she already knew.  Emma's eyes widened as she looked at my stylist.  It happened a lot, Jenny was very beautiful…if you liked that sort of look, I thought grinning to myself.  We were great friends and it never hurt my image to be seen out with a beautiful woman and she enjoyed the perks of people thinking we were together as well. 

"Wow!  You're so beautiful," Emma said in awe.  I could already tell that she was a bit younger than the rest of us, maybe 17 or 18 at the most.  I guess Elliott liked them young.  "Are you David's girlfriend?" 

Jenny and I laughed conspiratorially, but neither of us answered one way or the other.  "Emma, we should be going," Elliott spoke up before the pause became uncomfortable. 

"Okay Elli," the young girl conceded.  The two of them stood up and Emma linked her fingers through Elliott's hand.  One of the same large hands that I watched in awe work the clay the other day in his studio.  The same hand I would love to have caressing my body the same way.   

"I'll see you later then," I said to him for the second time today.  "Thursday." 

"Yeah."  He looked away uncomfortably as he replied and soon tugged Emma down the aisle. 

When they were out of earshot I turned toward Jenny and she had a very speculative look on her face.  "Hmm...there's something very interesting about him," she pondered. 


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