Chapter 5 Coffee for Two?

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Chapter 5

The two days up in Westchester finishing the video were grueling.  We ran every shot, every scene over and over from every angle you could imagine.  16 hour days and by late Wednesday night I was barely friendly, I was ready to bite the head off the make-up girl who kept touching up my face, even the boy who kept us all hydrated was afraid to get too close to me.

When we finished at a little after 10 that evening, I grabbed a ride back to the city with the camera crew, not only did I not want to stay over another night, I had a date…no coffee…just coffee, with Elliott the next morning and it was the only thing I was looking forward to all week.  I was also one step closer to my three months off, so those final words, "that's a wrap," were like music to my ears.

I finally fell into my own bed in my own apartment at just after 1:00 in the morning and set my alarm for 9:00.  That would give me enough time to get ready and meet Elliott by 11.

When my alarm blared what felt like minutes after my head hit the pillow, I slammed down the snooze button, I figured I could hit it once or twice before I got up.  When I realized that it had been a long time since I last heard the snooze I opened one eye and looked at the clock.  Shit!  It was 10:45.  I don't know if I had hit the alarm too many times in my sleep or if I had somehow turned it off or broken it, but I shot off the bed like a jet propelled rocket.  I'd showered before I went to bed so I could save time there.  It was just coffee and Elliott didn't seem to care about looks so after throwing on some jeans and a T-shirt I grabbed a beanie to put over my bed head, brushed my teeth, grabbed my wallet and raced out the door.  Stupidly I hadn't gotten his phone number so I couldn't even text him that I was running late.  It would take about twenty minutes to walk there and it was already five minutes to 11 so I looked for a taxi, but after several minutes I realized by the time I found one, I could have walked there so I picked up my pace and headed in the direction of Kaley's hoping Elliott was the type to run late also.

When I walked in the door I looked at my watch.  It was 17 minutes after 11.  Shit!  I looked around and spotted Elliott in the back talking to three guys who looked like fellow artists.  One of them had his arm over the back of Elliott's chair and it looked like he was telling him a funny story as the two of them laughed conspiratorially.  I didn't have any right to be annoyed, I was late, but I couldn't help the feeling from flowing through me.  Elliott took a sip of coffee and I realized I'd blown that too, at least he wasn't eating a scone.  I steeled my emotions and put on a calm face before walking back to his table.

"Hey Elliott, sorry I'm late," I said just as their conversation stopped and they looked up. "I didn't get back from the set until after one last night and I think I may have smashed my alarm in my sleep this morning."  One of Elliott's friends looked me up and down, raised his eyebrows and licked his lips.  I suddenly felt more objectified than any photo-shoot had ever made me feel.

"Elliott, where have you been keeping this fine specimen," he whined, "you've been holding out!  No fair!"

Elliott sighed and rolled his eyes, "Stop it Sy, don't make him feel uncomfortable…and I told you guys you had to leave when he got here, so scoot!"  He then turned to me and flashed his killer smile, "Hello David."  The other guy, the one with his arm over the back of Elliott's chair narrowed his eyes just slightly, assessing me. 

"Wait!" Sy screeched, "You're David James! The beanie threw me off a bit, but I'd know those eyes anywhere!"

"Sy!" Elliott growled, "just go!" 

"You're not even going to introduce us?"

"Fine.  David the annoying one is Sy, and the others are Jacob and Seth."  Jacob raised a hand as his name was said and Seth just raised an eyebrow.

Jacob smiled good naturedly, "Nice to meet you David."  Seth remained quiet and unable to spare even a glance, while Sy continued giving me what I'm sure he thought was a seductive look.

"Come on guys," Jacob said, "let's not intrude, we promised to go help Paul build the set for his one act play."  Sy huffed as they stood up and Seth squeezed Elliott's shoulder before they headed out the door.

"I'm really sorry I was late, I flew out the door as soon as I woke up which is why I look like crap," I chuckled.  Just then a waitress walked over.

 "Can I get you something Sir," she asked, and then turned to Elliott who must be a regular, "Elliott?" 

"A black coffee, two maple scones…and if you could refresh Elliott's coffee that would be great.  Uh, did you want anything else Elliott?"

"No that's fine."

"Sure thing!"  She flashed the two of us a nice smile and went back to get our order.

"I promise, I'm not usually late…"

"No worries David," Elliott interrupted.  "Blake walked over with me to get some coffee he's back at my studio waiting for a delivery, and then those bums came in and talked my ears off, you got here just in time," he grinned.

“Are they artists also?”

“Yes, well Jacob is a painter, Seth is a conceptual artist and Sy…Sy is…I guess he refers to himself as a performance artist."

"Oh?  I guess I don't know much about art, I don't know what a conceptual artist or performance artist is."

Elliott chuckled as he looked down into his coffee, "Don't worry, I don't quite get it either, I've always been more the type that if I can touch it and feel it, I understand it."  

“Are they talented?”

“Jacob and Seth are both doing really well, building a good following, Sy is still finding himself," he added.

The waitress returned with our order and set everything down on the table.  She refilled Elliott's coffee, "I brought over cream for Elliott's," she said as she poured a small amount into his cup.  "Do you take cream as well?"

"No thanks, I just take it black."  I watched as she added one sugar to his as well before stirring it.  I'd be sure to leave her a large tip for the personal service.

"There you go Elliott, enjoy!" she said as she finished up.

"Thanks Laura.  Oh, Laura, this is my friend David," he said before she left.

"Nice to meet you David.  You guys let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

"Will do, thank you Laura," I replied before she went to help another customer.

We both took a sip of our coffee and I sighed and the much needed caffeine.  We were both quiet for a few moments.

“So, Elliott, the piece you're working on right now, it's pretty big, looks too big for the elevator, how will you get it out when it’s finished?”

“There’s a freight elevator that goes directly from the street level to my floor.  It's in the back of my studio, you probably wouldn't notice it unless you go back there."

“Is everything you do so large?”

“I’ve done some smaller pieces too, they seem to sell better to be honest.  I have a show next month at the gallery downstairs , it will be a mix of large and smaller work.”

“Will the piece you're working on now be there?”

“Oh, no.  I’m not nearly finished and then it will have to sit in a temperature and humidity controlled room in the back of my studio for at least 6-8 months to set.  It’s a different type of clay than pottery and just from the size, you can’t bake it in a kiln so it cures and then after that I’ll put a glaze on it, let it dry for another 4 to 6 weeks before it’s considered finished.”

“Wow, that’s quite the project then.”

“Yeah, a baby is made and born faster than some of my pieces,” he chuckled.

“So the show downstairs, that’s a pretty big deal isn’t it, Clearing is one of the most reputable galleries in New York!”

“Yeah, it’s going to be my biggest show yet…I’m a little nervous…you know, how my work will be received by the larger art community.  Up until now I’ve been skirting around on the fringe, but I’ve had a couple of decent commissions and some people are starting to notice my work.  Then Kristian, the curator at Clearing approached me a while back and he thinks it will be a successful show, so, I guess I trust him, he knows what he's doing."

I smiled and let out a small chuckle.  “Nervous?  I can’t imagine you nervous.  You’re so laid back…”

“I barely have a pulse...” he finished.  “Yeah, I’ve heard that a lot, but that’s just what people see on the outside, on the inside I get nervous and insecure about my work just like everyone else, maybe more.”  Elliott paused and seemed to be thinking something over.  His brow furrowed and I was about to ask him if something was wrong when he spoke up, his voice faltering and unsure, "So…um David…will you…I mean, would you like to come…I mean, as my guest…to the opening…the opening of my show…ummm…it’s no big deal, but it’s by invitation only…and…”

“Yes!”  He looked up startled, “Yes, I really want to go.  I would be honoured," I told him excitedly.

Elliott smiled and his tense shoulders relaxed.  I sat there, slightly shocked at his show of nerves.  It wasn’t a side of him I expected, but it was endearing, and like kindred spirits I knew just what he had been feeling.  But then something crossed my mind.  Someone.  Emma…wouldn’t she be his date…wait…date?  Was this a date or was he just wanting me to come because I was a celebrity.  Was this a way to stack the cards for the success of his show?  No.  I really didn’t think Elliott was like that.

“Are you bringing Emma?” I suddenly asked.

“What do you mean?”

“Your date from the other night, at the movies.”  Elliott looked at me with a confused look and then burst out laughing.  My eyebrows furrowed as I watched him try to get control of his himself.

“Emma?  I’m sure she’ll be there too, but David, Emma’s my little sister!”

“Oh…”  Okay, now I felt dumb.

He continued laughing and I’m sure, the way my skin was heating up, that my face was beet red.

“I’m sorry David, it’s just really funny…because all she could talk about after we left was how handsome and sexy you were,” now his face turned pensive and his voice dropped slightly, “and how pretty your date was and how she wished she were her.”

“Jenny’s my stylist, we’re just good friends,” I explained. 

“So…you and Jenny aren’t…”

“Elliott, I’m gay, I kind of thought you realized that.  I’m not publicly out, my agent and my publicist pretty much forbid it right now, but…well that’s the truth of the matter.”  I looked down and started playing with my napkin, suddenly feeling very exposed and vulnerable.  I barely knew Elliott and I just told him one of my deepest secrets.  Only a handful of people knew the truth, and the words were out of my mouth before I even had the chance to think about it.  I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.  “I…I’m embarrassed that I keep it a secret,” I whispered honestly, “I’m embarrassed that I’m in a profession where it even matters…I mean, more than half the models I work with are gay, we’re all walking around pretending to be something we’re not…and every time I have to hide it, I feel like a small part of me…an important part of me, gets pushed back further and further and this fake David, this David I don’t really even like, gets stronger.”

Before I even had the strength to open my eyes and see the look of disgust he was probably giving me, I felt his large warm hands over mine.  He gave them a reassuring squeeze.  “It’s okay David.  I understand.  You can be yourself with me.  I like you David…I like the David that I see…I’m pretty sure it’s the David that not everyone gets to, so thank you.”

My eyes popped open, looking at his hands covering mine, I felt stronger when he touched me, and accepted for myself.  “Thank you.”  They were the only words I could manage to get out at that moment.

“Can I get you guys anything else?  More coffee?  Another scone?  Kaley just finished frosting a fresh batch of cupcakes Elliott, double vanilla, your favourite!” 

The waitress startled the both of us, but Elliott took his time slowly sliding his hands off mine.  I was grateful; if he had pulled them off quickly I would have felt like he was embarrassed.

“I’m a bit of a regular here,” Elliott laughed.

“He gets a cupcake nearly every day,” the waitress, Laura I read on her nametag, added.

“I’m fine,” I said with a smile, “how about you Elliott? More coffee? Cupcake?”

He grinned shyly, “no more coffee, but I’ll get one of the double vanilla’s to go.”

“Make that two please Laura,” a voice sounded behind me.  I turned around and recognized Elliott’s brother Blake.  Laura’s face lit up and she flashed Blake a sweet smile.

“I’ll go pay the bill,” I announced, standing up and I followed Laura to the front of the shop.  She packaged up two cupcakes while I waited.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t like one too?” she asked.

“No thanks, but I’ll come back and try one another time.” I promised.

Just as I finished up with Laura, giving her a large tip, Blake and Elliott walked up behind me.  I went to hand the cupcakes to Elliott, but Blake reached out and took them himself.

“Thanks David,” Elliott said, “next time it’s my treat.”

“I’d like that…umm…are you doing anything this weekend?  I was thinking of going to the Cavern, a buddy of mine is playing Saturday night.”

“He can’t,” Blake interrupted. “It’s my mother’s birthday; we’re taking the train out Saturday morning to spend the weekend with her.”

“My family lives out east on Long Island,” Elliott explained, "Well, my Mom and my Sister now."

“Sure, actually, you invited me to your show next month, I was wondering, would you like to come to mine?  I have a show next week…Wednesday night.  I mean, it's probably not your thing, but it’s a fundraiser and there will be an amazing dinner after… my agent really wants you to go too.  She wants to talk to  you about some ideas she has…she thinks you have great bone structure.”

“A fashion show?”

“Yeah, Dolce, featuring my new line.”  

“The underwear line?” He asked with a smirk.

I flushed, once again getting tongue tied by this man and it didn’t help that his brother was standing right next to him giving me a look like I had two heads.  I just nodded, “The catwalk is only part of it really, they usually have some good live music, I don’t know who will be there this year, but last year Beyoncé sang and Jason Mraz…and there’s some kind of auction at the end, but we don’t have to stay for that.”

"Great bone structure, really?"  He asked as he started feeling his face.  "I don't know…what does one wear to one of these things.  I'm sure you don't want me going like this…I don't think I have quite the 'David-friendly wardrobe,'  I doubt I could get away with jeans and a Henley."  Blake snorted and Elliott glared at him.

“Jenny could easily take care of that.  You’d be surprised at how many designers send her samples to put on her clients.  I mean, if you want to come.  She’s really good, can take one look at you and know your jacket size and all she has to do is make a phone call if she doesn’t have something in her inventory.” 

“Ummm…” Elliott started to look nervous and uncertain, "I…"

“Never mind, it’s probably not your thing...”

“No, I just…I've never been to anything like this before...I guess if you really want me to…”  

“Elliott.” Blake was looking at him sternly, Elliott wasn’t exaggerating when he said he was protective, but I just didn’t understand why.  Had he been hurt in a relationship before?  Did Blake just not like me?

“Blake if you’d like to come too I can get a second ticket.  But he’ll be seated right next to my friend Jenny.  She won’t let anything happen to him while I’m doing the show.”  I looked back at Elliott.  “I have to go early to get ready, but the catwalk is first on the schedule and then I’ll join you at the table after.  Actually, Emma might like it too, why don’t I get three tickets and the three of you can be my guests?”

“You’ve met Emma?” Blake asked.

“Yes, we saw David when we were at our movie night,” Elliott explained.  “I take Em to the movies once a week; she takes the train in after school on Mondays and spends the night since she has no classes on Tuesdays and she goes back Tuesday afternoon," he explained, "But, you don’t have to get the extra tickets...”

“No, I want to.  I always get several, a table’s worth, I’ve just never had anyone to invite before, all my friends from University are still in the Midwest, so I just give them all to Jenny, but she’d enjoy seeing Emma again and I’m sure she’ll love introducing Blake to some of her other clients.”  Blake was not nearly as good looking as Elliott, but the girls Jenny worked with would surely fall all over him.  "The three of you can meet Jenny at my apartment, she’ll be there for me anyway, I have to cut out early to show and the four of you can meet me there.”

“Jenny seems really nice, but that’s a lot to ask.”

“Believe me, she hates models, she’d much rather show up with you guys.  I promise.  I’ll talk to her and if there’s any change in plans, I’ll let you know.  I’ll drop off the tickets and my address this afternoon, I have to go meet with Marcie anyway and I'll be with Jenny all day tomorrow at the pre-show fitting.”

“A fitting for underwear?” Blake scoffed.

“You’d be amazed,” I laughed.  “When you’re standing up there in front of that many people in your underwear, it has to fit perfectly.  And it’s not just underwear, other undergarments, sleepwear, bathrobes, swimwear.”

“Fascinating," he said blandly.

“Blake, shut it,” Elliott scolded.

Just then my phone beeped and I looked down to see Marcie’s name.   “Elliott, I need to take this, it’s my agent...”

“That’s okay; I have to get to work anyway.”

I took the call and asked Marcie to hold for a moment. “Okay, I’ll stop up later and drop off the tickets and my address.”  I scooted outside and took the call, not even noticing Elliott and Blake walking away. 

Marcie was letting me know she was stuck in the in a taxi and was running about 20 minutes late, but that she had a bunch of paperwork waiting for me at the office that Mara could go through with me before she got there.  After I thanked her for the opportunity for one on one time with her assistant I told her about Elliott and his siblings coming to the show.

"Really?  That's interesting David.  Maybe I can convince him to have some test photos done."

"Just don't pressure him Marce."

"I won't, but  you make sure you're careful with your image.  'Discretion is the better part of valor,' David."

"I get it Marcie, but there's gotta come a point where I get to have a life too.  I like Elliott, I don't know if he likes me anything more than a friend, but he's not like anyone I've ever met before.  I'd really like to get to know him better."

I hung up and made my way slowly to the office, stopping in at an independent bookstore I'd discovered recently after Marcie relocated here.  After killing about 20 minutes there and finding a few books to pick up I finally crossed the street just as Marcie got dropped off.

"You're just getting here now," she laughed.

"I got sidetracked." 

"Don't think I can't read you like a book David James, those blue eyes and that smile don't work on me.  I'm immune!"

I laughed as I followed her into the building.  "Do we dare try the elevator?" I asked.

"It's fine now, I've used it all week."

Marcie and I went through the new contracts, I changed a few terms and then signed away the next 3 years of my life.  Marcie was very pleased though about it all, it was the highest dollar contract she'd ever seen for a male model and was going to lead to a lot of new opportunities.  I would soon have my own cologne, and Dolce would be expanding my line to casual wear, which I'd have input and final approval on.  Lots of magazine spreads and location shoots in some pretty amazing places;  Portugal, the Italian coast, Rome, Malta, Greece.  Exciting, but a lot of travelling and lonely nights in hotels.  I made sure Marcie knew that I needed at least a week off every  month and I needed some of the shoots to be local so I could go home at night.  She assured me she would do her best. 

I called Jenny before I left and ran my plans for the show past her.  Thankfully she was on board, I just had to get Elliott and Blake's waist, inseam and jacket sizes as well as Emma's dress size.  She would take care of the rest.  She said she had some really cute dresses that just came in and she was sure many of them would fit Elliott's little sister.

Mara brought in the 3 tickets and after writing down my address and the code to the front door of my building I got on the elevator up to the top floor.  I found Elliott hard at work, the top half of his body inside the large sculpture.

"Elliott, I'll leave the tickets and my address on Blake's desk.  She said she'd need you guys at my place by 6:00pm to have enough time to get ready and then the four of you can head over to the venue together.  I have to be there by 5:00 so I won't see you until I'm walking down the stage."

"Okay, that should work," Elliott replied rolling out from under the massive sculpture.  His hands and face were covered in what looked like mud and I chuckled at the sight.

"She wanted me to get your sizes, what size pants do you wear?"


"Yeah, you know, waist, inseam?"

"I have no clue," he coughed as he wiped his face off on a rag.

"You don't know?  How do you shop for your clothes?"

"Eh…I usually make my little brother do that for me, he's my assistant after all, he has to assist with something."

"Is he around I'll ask him, I need his too."

"Nah, he had a class to go to.  Why don't you just look?"


"Yeah, isn't there a tag in the back with the size?" He rolled over onto his stomach as he rubbed the towel over his hair trying to get the mud out of it.  "Come on over, I won't bite you…just look, I gotta finish this part of my sculpture before my clay dries out and my hands are a mess."

I walked over and leaned down.  I fumbled with the back of his jeans and turned the back over, my hand brushing over the smooth creamy skin of his lower back as I looked for the tag.

"Well, these are at least 2 sizes too big, I'll get you something that actually fits."

"Just don't make me look like a dork.  When I piss Blake off, he gets me back my making me look like a dork." 

"I'll make sure you don't look like a dork Elliott."

"Good to know."

"Well, I'll get out of  your way so you can finish, I'll leave Jenny's number on Blake's desk.  Can one of you call her, she'll need Emma's size too."

"Yep, I'll have Blake call her."

"Great.  I guess I'll see you next week then.  Have a good weekend out on the island.  Tell Emma I said hello."

 "I will, she'll be over the moon about going to a real fashion show."

"I'll leave my number too, in case you need anything."

"Thanks David,  and thanks again for the coffee earlier."

"I enjoyed it, I hope we can do it again soon."

 "Sure thing!"

 I was halfway home before I realized it.  Shit! I forgot to get his phone number again.  

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