She's a Dognapper

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"I'm so glad to be back," Y/n sighed, flopping onto Tom and Harrison's couch.

Y/n was going to stay the rest of the summer in England, with Harrison and Tom, since she had nothing else to do.

"We're glad your back," Tom grinned, sitting down next to her.

"I mean we didn't really ask you to be here," Harrison shrugged, sitting on the other side of Y/n and Tom, Tom shot Harrison a look, "Okay I didn't beg you to be here, Thomas did."

"Haz I did not," Tom said, "I asked her twice, since she didn't hear me the first time."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I was talking to Laura, and you mumbled 'doyouwanttogobacktoenglandwithme?', of course I couldn't hear you," she sighed.

"Hey, it's nerve racking to ask you to fly back to England with me," Tom protested, his face quickly dropped once he realized what he said.

"Am I that intimidating to talk to?" Y/n teased, seeing Tom's face, "I knew I was somewhat intimidating, but not this much-"

"No, no, no," Tom said quickly, "I just didn't know if you were going to say no, so I was nervous."

Y/n kissed his cheek, causing his face to heat up, "Well, I said yes," she said, "So I think your nervousness was cute."

"Are Kylee and I like this?" Harrison asked, looking at the couple in disgust, "I'm pretty sure we aren't."

"When was the last time you saw her?" Y/n asked.

"Last week," Harrison replied, a small dreamy smile on his face, "We were in Georgia, remember?"

"I know, I was there," Y/n replied, rolling her eyes, "But you never told me you went to go see Kylee."

"Because I wanted to spend one on one time with my girlfriend," Harrison said, standing up going to the kitchen.

Y/n sighed and laid her head on Tom's shoulder.

Tom was playing with Y/n's hair, when she suddenly exclaimed, "Tessa!"

Tessa ran over and jumped onto the couch laying on Y/n, "I've decided I'm kidnapping your dog when I leave to go back home," Y/n told Tom, petting Tessa.

"Er, Y/n, I would like to keep my dog," Tom said, smiling, "But you are always welcome to fly out to see me, and Tessa too I guess."

"That's so expensive," Y/n said, frowning, "I'm not made of money, Tom."

"Maybe I'll have to fix that," Tom's smirked.

"Oh yeah?" Y/n asked, "How?"

Tom pressed a kiss on her head, "You'll just have to see."

"Harrison! Tom is keeping things from me!" Y/n yelled.

Harrison poked his head into the living room, "I can't help you with that," he said, quickly adding, "Sorry."

"Maybe I'll have to get Paddy to help me," Y/n said, frowning, "He's your favorite sibling, right?"

"I'm not telling," Tom said, "You'll have to ask him tonight."

Y/n quickly sat up, "What?" she asked, "Is he coming over to hang out with us?"

"No," Tom chuckled, "My mum asked if we could join them for dinner tonight."

"Oh," Y/n said, "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I forgot," Tom said awkwardly, "I'm sorry Darling, but you don't need to be nervous, it's not your first time meeting my family."

"I know," Y/n sighed, laying her head on Tom's shoulder again, "What time?"

"Six," Tom replied.

"Thomas, it's five thirty," Y/n said, "We should be getting ready, like right now."

Tom put an arm around Y/n, sighing, "I know, but I don't want to move."

Y/n rolled her eyes, removing Tom's arm. She stood up, walking over to her luggage, grabbing her makeup bag.

"Well, I would like to look slightly nicer than I do now," she said, "So, you can sit there and do nothing, or get ready, and look decent, tell Harrison the same thing."

Tom frowned and got up, walking to the kitchen.

Y/n did her makeup in a remarkable fifteen minutes, and walked back out to only get wrapped into a hug.

"Thomas, we need to leave," Y/n said, the sound muffled from Tom's chest, "You're also ruining my makeup.

Tom let go and interlaced their fingers. Y/n looked at him, he cleaned himself up, and was wearing a striped shirt, which he looked amazing in.

"You look good," Y/n said, kissing his cheek.

"You look stunning," Tom said, attempting to kiss her cheek but somehow missing, and kissed her on the lips. Y/n smiled and kissed him back, thinking that's what he was going for.

"Are you two ready to- oh," Harrison walked over to get them, Y/n and Tom jumped away from each other, both red from embarrassment.

"You two can carry on," Harrison said awkwardly, "I don't think your mum would mind if we're late."

"No," Y/n squeaked, then clearing her voice, "No, we can go."

"Yeah," Tom coughed, "Let's go."

The car ride to the Holland's was long, silent, and awkward.

"I didn't know you two were capable to do something like that," Harrison said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?" Y/n coughed.

Harrison raised an eyebrow, "What do I mean?" he asked, "You two get flustered when the other person kisses you on the cheek, and I mean, you two just don't seem the type to make out."

"Thanks, mate," Tom said sarcastically.

"You're welcome," Harrison smiled, pulling into the Holland's driveway, "Well we're here, you two better behave yourselves."

Y/n and Tom froze, going pink, "Uh, okay?" Y/n said, awkwardly getting out of the car.

They walked up to the door, Tom knocked.

"Tom!" Tom's mom, Nikki opened the door, she immediately hugged Tom, "It's so good to see you!"

She turned and said hello to Harrison, hugging him as well.

"Y/n! It's been too long," she said, hugging the girl, "How are you?"

"I'm doing amazing," Y/n said, "How are you?"

"I'm doing fantastic," Nikki said, then bringing her voice to a whisper, "Has Tom proposed yet?"

Y/n shook her head, "No, not yet," she said, "But it'll happen at some point."

"Oh good," she grinned, "I can't wait to have little Holland's running around the house again."

Y/n and Tom's eyes widened, "Woah mum, don't think too far ahead yet," Tom said.

"I know, I know," Nikki said, "Come in, dinner is almost ready."

"I don't think I'm ready to have little Holland's running around," Y/n whispered to Tom as they sat down.

"I don't think I am either," Tom whispered back.

"Y/n!" Y/n looked, Paddy rushed over to her, and hugged her.

"What's up Paddster?" Y/n asked.

"I'm doing spectacular," Paddy grinned.

Tom folded his arms, and frowned, making Y/n laugh.

"Paddy, you can't be my favorite if you try and steal my girlfriend," Tom huffed.

Paddy smirked, "Watch me," he said.

He got on one knee, pulling out a ring pop, "Y/n, whatever your middle name is, L/n," he said, stifling a laugh, as Tom glared at him, "Will you marry me?"

"I would love to," Y/n smirked.

Nikki poked her head in, "Tom proposed?" she asked, not trying to hide her excitement.

Paddy opened the ring pop and slipped it on Y/n's finger.

"No I didn't, mum," Tom grumbled.

Y/n stifled her laughter, "You didn't let me finish," she said, "so would love to, but unfortunately, I think I love Princess Tom here more."

That's when Paddy and Y/n broke out into laughter, Nikki looking disappointed, and Tom looking extremely confused.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked, walking into the dinning room.

"Yeah," Harry said, "You're making a ruckus."

"Patrick proposed to Y/n as a joke to piss me off," Tom said, "Which as you can see, he succeed at."

"It- it was hilarious," Y/n laughed, "You should've seen the look on Tom's face."

"Nice one, Paddy," Harry said, clapping a hand on his shoulder.

Harrison put his phone down, "Guess I'll have to post that now," he smirked, "Imagine the articles, 'Tom Holland Absolutely Pissed After Little Brother Proposed to Girlfriend,' it would be hilarious."

"Shut up," Tom grumbled, "Also don't post that, if you do, I'll have to post some embarrassing things about you, mate."

Y/n kissed his cheek, "Lighten up," she said, "It was a joke, I only love you."

"I know," Tom said, interlacing their fingers.

"Eww," Harry, Sam, and Paddy said simultaneously.

"Boys stop it," Nikki said, "Let your brother be happy."

Tom sent Nikki a great full look, "Yes, thank you mum," Tom thanked.

"I hope you do know that I now expect you to propose soon," Nikki said, walking back to the kitchen.


do you have a tan?
or are you always this hot?

see ya later bee bro's

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