Who Is He?

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A month later, Y/n was on set again.

Marvel had asked her to fly out to film a scene for Avengers: Infinity War, for a small cameo.

The scene, based on what Y/n knew, (Marvel didn't trust Tom to not spoil the movie, so they didn't tell Y/n anything as well), it was, Tom, Jacob, her, and other "students" on a bus. Jacob was going to say something and they were all going to moving to the other side of the bus.

Y/n was especially excited to be on set that day, since Stan Lee was going to be there to film his own iconic cameo.

"I'm going to meet Stan Lee today," Y/n whispered to herself, she was sure she was going to die on the spot when she saw Stan.

"Darling," Tom said, rubbing her back, "Calm down a bit, I know this is big for you, but you're not going to die when you see him."

Y/n looked Tom in the eye, trying her hardest to not get lost in his eyes, "Well I am," she said, "He's my hero, always has and will be."

"Am I not your hero?" Tom teased.

"Nope," Y/n said, popping the 'p', "You're just Princess Tom."

"Y/n, I'm Tom, just Tom," he said.

"Just Tom Holland, ah yes, you definitely aren't famous and have thousands of fans fawning over you," Y/n said.

"Well, you're Y/n L/n," Tom said triumphantly, "You're the most attractive actress I've seen, and I bet you have more fans fawning over you right now than you think."

Y/n rolled her eyes, "I am definitely not the most attractive actress you have seen," she said, laughing a bit, "And I do know I have at least one fan who is obsessed with me. He's told me he loves me, multiple times."

"Who is it?" Tom asked, tensing up, "What's his name."

"You actually know him," Y/n smirked, "But I guess you'll have to guess who he is."

"Y/n, who is it?" Tom asked, in a rough voice, "I need to tell the bloke to leave my girlfriend alone."

Y/n was close to start laughing, but held it in, "You know him very well," she frowned, "I don't think you'll want to beat him up."

"Was it Haz?" Tom asked, he started to walk over to his trailer where Harrison was peacefully sitting on his phone, having no clue what was going on between Tom and Y/n, "And to think he's was my best mate."

"Woah," Y/n said putting in arm in front of Tom stopping him, "It's not Harrison, Harrison's one of my best friends, plus he's dating Kylee."

"Right," Tom said, furrowing his eyebrows, "Then who's the bloke?"

Y/n rolled her eyes, smiling, "It's you, you big idiot," she said, kissing his cheek.

"Oh," Tom said, frowning, "Why didn't you tell me in the first place."

"Because it was hilarious to watch," Y/n laughed.

Tom sighed and walked away.

"Tom," she said, Tom kept walking, "Tom- Thomas I know you can hear me!"

Tom kept walking back to his trailer, Y/n now following him close behind.

"You nerd, just talk to me," Y/n said, "Thomas Stanley Holland, we both know you can hear me!"

Tom walked opened the door to this trailer, closing it behind me.

"Ugh, Tom, let me in!" Y/n pleaded, "You can't do this to me Thomas! Just because I call you Princess Tom doesn't mean you can shun me like you're royalty."

"Got trouble with the kid?" Y/n turned around, instantly turning red from embarrassment, Robert Downey Junior was standing there, and seemed to have heard Y/n.

"Uh, yes?" Y/n said uncertainly, "You didn't happen to hear all of that, right?"

"Oh I heard most of it," Robert said, "Did he lock you out?"

Y/n shook her head, "No, but he'll feel worse if he thinks I'm locked out," she shrugged.

"Huh, maybe you should just walk in," Robert suggested, "Might make it so less of the cast hears you."

"Right," Y/n said, opening the door.

She was instantly met by a kiss, she tensed up, until she saw it was just Tom, then she relaxed a bit.

"Shunning you like I'm royalty, eh?" Tom asked, when he pulled away, "I didn't know you could stoop so low, Prince Y/n."

"You did not just I-" Y/n said, "Well played, Thomas," she said narrowing her eyes, "I guess I'll go meet my hero without you then."

Tom quickly took her hand, "Nope, I'm coming with you, you might say something embarrassing."

"Fine," Y/n said, with a small smile, "Have fun sitting here, Harrison."

Harrison looked up from his phone, "I will," he said.

Y/n and Tom walked over to where RDJ was, holding hands, "Hey Robert," Tom smiled.

"I see you two made up," Robert said, eyeing their hands, "There's someone I want you two to meet."

Robert extended and arm out, to where, Stan Lee was standing, Y/n almost fell over, but Tom kept her steady.

"Sorry 'bout that," he apologized, "She's a little star struck at the moment, Stan is her idol."

"It's an honor to meet you," Y/n said, still completely shocked that she was standing in Stan Lee's presence, "I've looked up to you my whole life."

"It's great to meet you as well," Stan smiled, "From what I've heard you're a great actress, I should be the one who looks up to you."

"Oh no," Y/n said her eyes wide, "I could never be anything big compared to you, I've never even had any big roles in, well, anything."

"You can start out with cameos," Stan laughed, "That's what I'm famous for."

Y/n gave a grateful smile, "Well, thank you for molding my childhood, I have no clue what I would've been doing if it wasn't for you and everyone at Marvel."

"That includes you too," Tom mumbled, "You're part of Marvel as well."

"Shut up Thomas," Y/n hissed, "I know, but that doesn't matter right now."

"Tom and Y/n they're going to shoot your scene," a stage manager said walking up to them, "So I would advise you go and get on the bus."

Y/n and Tom nodded, saying goodbye to Robert and Stan, walking up to the bus they were filming on.

"What's up, Jacob?" Y/n asked, doing her and Jacob's handshake with him.

"Good, I heard you yell at Tom," Jacob smirked, "What was that about."

"Nothing," Y/n and Tom said at the same time.

"Sure," Jacob said narrowing his eyes, "I'll ask you later."

"Okay, Y/n," Anthony Russo said, holding a megaphone, "You'll be sitting in the seat behind Tom. Tom you'll be sitting there-" he pointed to the seat next to him, "Jacob, you'll sit in the seat in front of him."

The three of them nodded, sitting in their assigned seats, as he went and seated everyone else.

"Three... Two... One... Action!"

They had someone blow air into Tom's ear, to get his arm hair to stand up. Tom looked out onto the green screen, seeing whatever they were going to put there. Y/n was sitting on her seat in her phone, acting like a teenager.

Tom tapped Jacob, causing Jacob to turn around, "Ned, hey. I need you to cause a distraction."

Jacob turned around, looking out of the window also seeing the object, "Holy shit! We're all gonna die! There's a spaceship!"

Y/n, Jacob along with everyone else (besides Tom) ran to the other side of the bus panicking looking out at the green screen.

"Cut!" Joe Russo shouted, "Let's try this again!"


life without you is like a broken pencil.

see ya later bee bro's

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