(Chapter 6) Halloween...?

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Thank you all sooooo much for all of the nice comments on the last chapter

you have no idea how much help they were, thanks to all of you guys I believe I can make many more friends and be happier!

To all of the people who said they wanted to be my friend I would love to be friends with you ^^

I would also love to get to know all of you guys more! So if you ever want to talk or get to know me some more just message me it would make me really happy to talk with any of you ^u^

So without further ado, adoo, adu whateva ON TO THE STORY!!


~Reader POV~


Everything has been the same....kind of....

I have been seeing more 'people' and most of them are reaallyy creepy.

Whats even worse is that some of them try to talk to me....is it bad I sometimes talk back?

Anyway....I'm in class right now and there is this 'guy' that is just standing beside of me, staring....its really bothering me and I want to yell at him but I can't! Stupid public places!

The bell finally rings and I walk out and started to go towards the host club once I get there I it seems that they already have lots of clients....greeeeaaat

"(Y/N)-CHAAAAAAAN!!" I hear Honey yell right before he glomps me

"H-hey Honey....How are ya..?"

"Great! And even better now that you're here!" I hear 'aww-ing' in the background and immediately blush

"Uhhh....y-yeah thats good" I said back I turned my head to hide my blush but then I saw 'him' again....'ugh...its that same stupid thing that was staring at me in class!' I mentally screamed

"(Y/N)-chan is something wrong? Why are you just staring at the wall?" Honey asked

"W-what!? O-oh, um nothing! just thinking about....about what I will eat for dinner tonight! yeah..."

"Oh really? Well if you want you can come over to my house for dinner! I heard that we were gonna have this really fancy stuff!" Honey smiled wide while I once again blush

'CAN I JUST STOP BLUSHING FOR ONCE!?'"Oh it's ok Honey you don't-"

"But I want you to come over (Y/N)-chaaaan" Honey half whined half begged

"O-oh then o-ok I guess I'll come over to your house for dinner" I smiled with my blush darkening

"SOOOO CUUUTE!" Some random girls squealed 'JUST SHADDUP WILL YA!? STUPID FANGIRLS!' Oh how much I wanted to throw those girls out a window! I kept glaring at the same girls until the staring guy moved in front of my view of the squealing pigs

and once again he just stands there! and stares at me! I'm losing it!! I can feel my anger bubbling towards its limit.

just as I was about to scream at the thing Haruhi came over

"Hey, (Y/N)" she said

"Oh hi Haruhi"

"Hey! You know whats coming up?" 'Oh no! why did she have to bring this up!? She hasn't said it yet but I know whats coming!'


"Why Halloween of course!" Tamaki suddenly appeared 'Oh yes my favorite and least favorite holiday! I love it cause its the one day I can be creepy! It celebrates creepy things! I love creepy things! and least favorite because it celebrates creepy things! I'm terrified of creepy things! I won't be able to even stand in the dark alone for weeks!'

"Oh really? I didn't know" I said with a hint of sarcasm

"Oh you silly goose!" Tamaki said 'I swear sometimes I really think he's gay' "I detect some sarcasm in you! But really you must come to the host club on Halloween! You should of seen last Halloween, me and some of the host club teamed up with Umehito to-" he then realized Haruhi slightly glaring at him

"to what?" She said

"O-oh nothing really just have some fun and scare unlucky people, hehe..he" Tamaki then bolted towards the other side of the room with Haruhi following close behind

"Hehe" Honey laughed 'Oh yeah he is still holding onto me' INSERT BLUSH

"U-um Honey w-what happened last year..?"

"Oh we scared Haru-chan and the twins! It was really funny! Haha" He laughed some more

"Oh, hey, next time you wanna scare someone call me I will be happy to help" I said with an evil glint in my eye

"Ok! Hey come on (Y/N)-chan lets go eat some cake!" Honey said pulling me towards a table with freshly baked cake on it

"O-ok" I said mentally drooling at the sugar block



I hope you guys liked this one I worked really hard on it ^^

HOPEFULLY I will be writing a little bit more now :3

Once again thank you all so much for being so supportive! I LOVE YOU ALL!!


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